Kakuma Ecclesia (Kenya)
Members of the Kakuma Ecclesia held a Bible School from 23-24 December, at Kakuma Ecclesial Hall in the refugee camp. We invited friends in the Truth and some people from churches of various denominations to come and listen to the living God’s word of eternal life.
While we were making arrangements, a sudden ugly clash broke out at Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya between refugees from the Sudan tribes of Nuer and Dinka, spreading to other refugees from Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The troubles lasted three weeks and many sought refuge in schools and police stations, leaving their belongings behind which were plundered. Other refugees from Burundi and D R Congo were scattered in towns away from Kakuma in order to save their lives. The fighting caused at least 14 deaths and many injuries from machetes.
We thank our heavenly Father for his powerful protective hand that there were no Christadelphian casualties, and that a sister from our meeting took care of some of our members and their families at her home during the difficult time.
Seeing that the situation had improved and it was safe in Kakuma 2 camp where our Ecclesial Hall is situated, and refugees had been told by the authorities to return to their houses in the camp, members of the ecclesia took the opportunity to contribute food from their own food rations received from the WFP (even though it was reduced by 50% because of lack of funds). We received the following food: maize flour 4 kg, beans 5 kg, wheat flour 80 kg, sugar 7 kg, small fish 4 kg, cooking oil 8 litres. They were used for meals during the Bible School around the theme “Behold Our King”:
1) Jesus Christ the prophesied, promised Saviour of mankind, and King of the future world (Bro Isidore Mwibeleca)
2) The Future: God's glorious kingdom on earth (Bro Byaombe Lumona)
3) The last enemy to be destroyed (Bro John K Lwamba)
Thirteen members and 8 interested friends attended together with 30 children, all sharing teaching, fellowship and hymns of praise to strengthen our faith as the day of our Lord approaches.
Our sincere thanks go to the CBM and CBM Kenya for prayers and support, CAT and the Refugee Support Project, Carelinks for NEV Bibles in English and New Testaments in Kiswahili and booklets, Bro Mike Harris (Evesham UK) for prayer, and writing materials we used for Bible study at the Bible School, Bro Rob Fling (S Australia), Bro David Emmerson (NZ) and Sis Deb Flint (Agape in Action) for prayer.
The Kakuma Ecclesia