Men at The Gate ~ 2014 Report
Every opportunity in these closing times of Gentile times has merit to strengthen our faith.
This year ‘Men at The Gate’ was held in Durban at the Ecclesial Hall and Bro Anthony Oosthuizen was the presenter dealing with the theme of “Responsibilities of the Man of God in the Family.” The outline of the presentation was well planned and illustrated in book form for everyone who attended to take home.
Bro Anthony dealt with the main topic under three sub titles:
1. The importance of our Private Worship
2. The real purpose of daily readings
3. Marriage; a gift from God for Life
These were all timely reminders to brethren. It was emphasised how private worship of prayer and meditation is important for the continuity of the body of Christ. This was supported by many scriptural examples.
Under the topic of the purpose of daily readings, we were reminded of how important this is. We live in an age where, according to statistics, fewer and fewer daily readings are done in the brotherhood. We have to be imitators of God, just as Jesus was, and this is only possible by daily reminders from the Word. It was emphasized that the Truth is a “Bible Culture” and not a “European Culture”.
The third part dealt with marriage. It was a timely reminder to be made aware of the basic principles of marriage, because they are currently under threat.
We broke up into discussion groups at the end of the meeting and a report back was given.
May it be that the coming of Christ will soon put an end to the rulership of man in this time of perplexity.
Bro Lothar Kassier (Pinetown, South Africa)