Carelinks | USA
This has been a busy time for our work in the USA. We're delighted to report the baptism of a young married couple, GWEN and GERARDO in Florida.
They were baptized by Bro Josh & Sis Heidi. Josh & Heidi came to the Carelinks Missionary Training program in Latvia a couple of years ago, subsequently got married, and are now a great help in following up contacts. Gwen and Gerardo have been studying the Truth in detail for a long time. Gerardo works night
shifts and so the baptism was performed at dawn one Sunday in the Gulf of Mexico near Tampa - a beautiful start to new lives in Christ.
Here are a few clips from earlier correspondence which indicate just how deeply they studied the True Gospel before baptism:
I already read the Bible Basics and the books Real Devil, Real Christ. I've been studying the Christadelphians doctrines the last 4 years. I read Elpis Israel by John Thomas. And other books from Robert Roberts... My wife and I want to have contact with someone to help us to be baptized. Please help us... My wife requests to be you and your wife's friend on facebook. We been praying a lot for God to provide someone to help us... I encourage Gwen to be patient and trust that God is in control of our lives. I have been looking for the truth with all my heart. Four years ago I found the writings of dr. John Thomas and Robert Roberts. I read everything I could on the Christadelphians... Thank you again and talk to you soon. The God of Israel bless you... I just want to say my wife and I are very excited and happy about our meeting with Josh and Heidi, and to be baptized....