News from Africa

Bro. Jouma Sadique
We are grateful for the Bibles you have sent to us and are very happy to have received them. I also received the DVD about preaching the gospel but we do not have a laptop so that we can use it, so will have to find someone to play it for us.
We read in Luke 10:25-35 of the parable of the Good Samaritan. Who is the good Samaritan? We will see at the end of the lesson that it was Jesus. The man, a Jew, that was coming from Jerusalem to Jericho, encountered robbers who: left him with no clothes left him there to die left him bleeding.
The first person to come across this injured man was a priest who did not help him, the next person, a Levite also passed by on the other side. The third person who came along was "a certain Samaritan", who was moved with compassion and bound up his wounds, set him on his own beast, took him to an inn and paid for him to be looked after.
Remember that first person was a priest from the house of Levi and the second person was a Levite, but not a priest. They were representatives of the Law of Moses and they passed by and did nothing. They were poor leaders and carers of the sheep. The third person was from Samaria and the Jews had no dealings with the Samaritans, treated them as enemies and would not even fetch them water from a spring.
The man that fell among thieves is a picture of sinners, he "went down" to Jericho (place of a curse). The Redeemer - a certain Samaritan despised, was his neighbour and represents Christ, whose blood was shed on the cross for our sins, (he paid the inn keeper) and if we accept and obey him, his remedy for us oil and wine: wine to cleanse conviction: oil to cure conversion. We are to follow that good shepherd of the sheep because he gives life (eternal life) to us through baptism, John 10:11- 15, and faithfully obeying his commands.
Bro. Boniface Juma

Bro. Boniface Juma
I have received a book "Wrested Scriptures" and have begun reading it. It is very interesting and I am getting more inspired by the works you always send to me.
I am 23 years old and I know I am at a stage when most youths go astray, especially in my country. We know very well that the Bible is very important in human life it speaks to people physically, mentally, morally and spiritually. The Bible speaks to the heart. It deals with the experiences of humanity like birth, marriage, love, parenthood and even death.
The Bible heals the deepest wound in human nature, it offers forgiveness of sin through our Lord Jesus Christ, promised in the Bible. The Bible is universal, it does not discriminate, whether we are sick or lonely, it speaks to us and all who are aged, orphans, widows, rich, poor, humble or even great, all of them. The Bible has a lesson to offer to them. Let us all believe in the Bible. (John 20:31).
The Bible strengthens us in weakness, cheers us in despondence, comforts us in sorrow, guides us in uncertainty and soothes us when weary. It shows us how to live courageously and to die without fear because our Lord Jesus Christ will come back and there will be the resurrection that will make those who lived according to His will to continue living in His Kingdom. (Psalm 90:17).
--Bro. Nasongo Haron
We wish to write to thank you profoundly for the good work you are doing to spread the Word of God. The Gospel News magazine has undergone several transformations as time has gone on and we pray that God will always uplift our brothers and sisters all over the world to work hard for the magazine to continue. The CD is really interesting, as we have watched it on a friend's machine. Many were puzzled at the teachings of "The Real Devil" CD so we had to explain it to them clearly. May the Lord who watches from above bless you as we wait for Our Master's return.
--Bro. David and Sis. Jacklyn Wanjala.
Kindly accept my good wishes to your family and ecclesia plus the entire brotherhood in Christ. Our country is at a cross-road. Kindly remember us in your prayers. May our good God, full of mercy, remember the work of the Truth, helping others to come to the Kingdom.
Our gospel magazine has reached its expectation it is vivid indeed. We assure you that we will continue giving any necessary support for the Gospel News. Bible Basics is a book worthy of its salt in terms of the gospel of the day. Please send me some of them in the English version. As you always express our real life in this part of the country, remain being so kind to us as you have been doing.
Peter stressed that, regardless of their circumstances, believers have been given a hope that cannot be taken away and they have the resources to continue living holy lives. "WHAT IMPACT CAN WE LEARN FROM THIS?"
Peter wrote to Christians about their need for hope and holiness. Christians are pilgrims of faith on the earth as it is now but their hope is to be in the Kingdom on this earth in the future. Peter's readers were being persecuted but they needed to have hope and assurance of their inheritance. Peter urges them to rejoice even in times of trouble. Note that Peter was a mere fisherman's son and that was where Jesus first found him.
--Bro. Jacob Okoth
I thank you for the books, pamphlets and all materials from CAT. Keep on doing the sterling work and in the will of God you will be rewarded soon in Christ's presence. It is a sacrifice for you and others and without you we should not have reached where we are now. You supply us with material and ours is to proclaim the Truth in "Christendom Astray".
The pioneers opinion stated that in the last days of human affairs (just before the coming of Christ), America would co-operate with Britain in her efforts against the world in arms. The friendly feeling that now prevails between the two countries and the rumours of political alliance between them, certainly looks as if this prognostication will to be fulfilled. Such an alliance would secure Britain's food supply in the direst emergency. It is wonderful how many of Bro. Thomas's political anticipations, based upon the indications of prophecy, have been realised. America would certainly, as you observe, make a fine strong lion, to roar in support of the young lions who will presently raise a chorus of growls against the northern bear when she comes down to assail the old mother. God bless all the overseers and the watchmen on this matter.
--Bro. Martin W.Barasa

Bro. Martin Barasa (left) with a friend on the right, Isaya Wanjala, after Bible Study in his home with others
Warmest greetings of love and peace we share together in Christ. Thanks for the noble work CAT are doing in God's vineyard. It is clear that it's endeavour is seen worldwide and we prayerfully ask God to give you good health, long life and pour out abundant blessings for this important work of salvation to continue while Jesus remains away. We are so thrilled for the parcel we have just received and we find your letter very informative.
Our sons Jim and Oscar are both in class 6 and one would like to become an engineer and the other a doctor. Millicent is in class 3 and would like to become a preacher when she grows up. Jim is 13, Oscar is 11 and Millicent is 8 years. We are just peasant farmers but hope that God will bless us with abundant resources to educate them so that these dreams may come true.
The NEV Bible has been given to one of our contacts and he is very interested in knowing things
concerning God's Kingdom and His Son, Jesus Christ. We pray for him to remain steadfast in the last days. We have so many bad things taking place everywhere. Please keep on sending more spiritual literature.
--Bro. Manasseh and Sis. Doricus Wamamili
Thanks very much for your endeavour in supplying the spiritual literature to God's people worldwide. We are now members in Christadelphian fellowship and we are happy and wish to join together in faith and studying God's Word, especially in these hectic periods. A few days ago we came across your good NEV Bible version sent to Bro. Manasseh and Sis. Doricus. It is a great help in our daily studies of God's Word and has also proved to be a good version for students who have joined the secondary school this year. We use it at home and at the same time our sons like it in studying Christian religious education in school.
--Bro. Jacob and Sis. Phoebe Buyela
Kindly send my name and address to the publishers of Gospel Publicity League of Australia. I have been writing to them but still do not receive the pamphlets. My new box number is P.O.Box 14879 though the other one still operates.
I have enclosed the translation of the book "What's the Gospel?" in Luo language. The Luos are the second largest tribe in Kenya after the Kikuyus. Many would like to know the Truth but are not good at understanding and reading English or Swahili and as labourers in the Lord's vineyard it is our responsibility to accomplish the missionary obligations etc.
Laptops have been promised for all pupils of std.1, those beginning primary education. I was impressed that our ecclesias, especially in Africa, are baptising members every now and then; in Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Ghana and Nigeria, just to mention a few.
Bro. Joshua Kisuya of Kenya is doing all he can to have brethren and sisters in Ethiopia as we are living in the last days. I am also glad that Bro. Agyeman of Ghana is still in the Truth waiting for the Lord Jesus. Bro.
Innocent Baruom of Kiberia Ecclesia, Nairobi, who is originally from D.R.Congo, is also tirelessly labouring in the vineyard, visiting and baptising people, especially in refugee camps, which is a commendable work.
Kenya is fine despite the Al Shabab threats and attacks. Please help us to pray. When will you visit Kenya? I always wish that one day we meet if Christ is still away, but we know that he is about to come as the events taking place now on earth show clearly that it is near. Do you have Bible Basics in Kiswahili, Luo, Luhyia or Kikuyu as some contacts would like these, or Bibles in those languages. The purpose of the gospel was to unite man again with God. The gospel is glad tidings, which means good news, but what is the good news?
--Bro. Samuel Wanga

Bro. Samuel Wanga teaching the young Yvonne the Word of God,

Bro. Samuel Wanga stressing a point from the Bible for some youths and Sunday School children.
COMMENT: Sorry the languages you mention are now out of stock and it does not alas look as if we will have the resources to reprint them soon.
"Command and teach these things. Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. Until I come devote yourself to public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. Don't neglect your gift, which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you." 1 Timothy 4:11-14
"To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder, a witness of Christ's sufferings and one who also will share in the glory to be revealed. Be shepherds of God's flock.
That is, under your care serving as overseers, not because you must, but because you are willing as God wants you to be. Not greedy for money, but eager to serve, not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being an example to the flock. And when Christ, the chief shepherd appears you will receive the crown of glory that ill never fade away."
1 Peter 5:1-4 --Sis Dorine Mboya, Ndhiwa
Thank you very much for the Bibles and Gospel News. Here we are fine in the Lord. God has kept us going well despite the hardship of life. My two children in secondary school are actually my concern as it is hard to raise their school fees. It is our prayer for some well- wishers and good Samaritans to come out to support them.
I am thankful that the book of James is clear when describing true religion or true faith, "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble and to keep himself unspotted from the world." (ch.1:27). That is refreshing. True religion genuine faith- is an expression of how we relate to God. One evidence of our new identity in Christ is the way we care for one another reaching to the most frail and vulnerable among us, to those in most need of help.
True religion is not a garment to be taken on and off. It is a lofty challenge about how we live before a holy God and others, it is to know the love that Christ imparts and to show his love to burdened hearts.
You don't advertise your religion or true faith by wearing a label you do it by living a Christian life.
--Bro. Jacktone Ukiru

Bro. Jacktone doing his personal Bible study in his garden.
I was pleased to receive the Gospel News for your Bible study disc. The purpose of the Gospel News is to fully preach the true gospel and to encourage brethren and sisters to grow spiritually and maintain a high standard of doctrine and practice to the end that they may attain the Kingdom.
I started reading the magazine in 1999, 14 years ago and am one of the brethren who has benefitted from the service of this magazine. I was baptised on 21 August 1976 by Bro. David Rowley from England, so have been in the Truth for 37 years. We are warned by Paul to preach the true gospel of Christ, Gal. 1:6-10. Also Jesus gave the great commission to preach the gospel to the whole creation. We have three steps to salvation, belief, baptism and obedience.
Jesus of Nazareth was King of the Jews. Matt.27:37, Mark 15:26, Luke 23:38, John 19:19. Today the world we live in needs Jesus to take over as a world President because unfaithful corrupt leader, instead of peace and love, turn the world into a place of torment and suffering with no peace of heart. Only the coming of Christ will bring peace on earth.
Many people forget that the kingdom of Israel, was the Kingdom of God on earth. It was destroyed and Jesus of Nazareth is coming to be the King, not only of the Jews but of the whole earth for 1000 years and then hand the power to the Heavenly Father, 1 Cor. 16:24, Rev. 20:4, Rev. 5:10.
After the resurrection Jesus was asked in Acts 1:6, "Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?" The reply, v.7 "It is not for you to know the times and the seasons which the Father has fixed by his own authority."
Finally, my dear brothers and sisters, the God of Israel wants us to repent, seek him daily, glorify Him and listen to his voice and obey the true gospel because He has fixed a day that he will send His Son, Jesus of Nazareth to reign on earth. Acts 17:31, "He hath appointed a day, in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead."
I have tried to make use of the opportunity to follow the Bible Companion and accept that I have weakness/strength. I was able through contact with you from 1999 to 2013, about 14 years, improved my spiritual growth in the Truth. You have made me go an extra mile in the Truth through the Gospel News by accepting my articles in the magazine. I do accept that I am weak/strong in the Truth so plese give me the best you can.
--Bro. John Owalo Onani.
Here in Kenya we are praising God's grace for keeping us in peace. In 2007 we had an election.
Many people demised and some were injured due to post-election violence. This year we held our election on 4th March. It is written in the book of Timothy that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." We must be thankful for God's peace in Kenya. Even now there are difficulties in finding food and we are suffering a lot. I don't lose hope because Jesus will come back soon to take control.
--Bro. Kim Rolif Ochuodho
I received the parcel you sent me with a Bible and a very interesting book called "Women in the Church", thank you very much. The book is a very inspiring debate and I have learned a lot from it. Also the European Bible is very educational and the notes underneath or below are very useful to me. In fact, the notes assist me in preaching when I am doing mission work. I have also received 2 DVDs, "The Real Devil" and one for basic studies. I have watched the one for Bible studies which I have found very helpful in my life as the lessons are deep and detailed and have reinforced my Biblical knowledge. I am planning to watch the DVD "The Real Devil" on Sunday at my friend's house as he will be at home at the weekend and he has a DVD player. I plan to buy my own machine soon, if the Lord wills.
I would like to inform you that I have written to "Agape in Action" in Canada for University sponsorship for my son Raymond Kyato Munygo who did form 4 last year. He has been called to Mount Kenya University. Since I am a low paid worker I hope I will get a positive response from them.
Who is Jesus? Jesus is the one who will save us from our sins.
Christ: The anointed. There were three official roles for which people were anointed by God:-
That of a King That of a prophet That of a priest.
Jesus Christ filled all these roles. We have to believe in Jesus the King, the Prophet and the Priest who taught us about redemption and salvation, thus we come to call him the Lord Jesus Christ. He also taught us that we are washed from our sins through his shed blood and our baptism into him. He did all these works for us sinners. If we follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ our destiny is eternal life.
--Bro. Benjamin Mwatu

Bro. Benjamin Munyao Mwatu and others at Bible Fraternal meeting at Kababu Ecclesia. We were queuing up for breakfast in the morning. N.B. Children were made to sit on grass to be served tea.
This is to assure you that I am still doing very well indeed currently, by the mercy of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
I hereby inform and notify you that I previously received a DVD which contained the movie title `The Real Devil.' I am very grateful for this DVD which was given to me by you free of charge, and I hope and believe that it will be useful to me and also to the people who used to visit me to share the Word of God with me.
Concerning the terrible and horrible things that are taking place or happening in my country done by people who have been `created' in the image of God really I am afraid, but not so very much because the Book of books, the Holy Bible which we have from God, has stated long ago that in the last days people will be selfish, insulting, boastful and merciless.
So what I myself should do, is I must keep away from such people and not mix or associate with them because they are irreligious and hate to do good things that please God our Creator. For example, here, a man killed his by hacking her to death. So you can just see how ungodly the people of my beloved country are. These things show and indicate that the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to rule this entire world is just around the corner, as has been prophesied in the Bible.
Kindly send me some more `Bible Basics,' which is currently available on-line or by mail, which will help me in my preaching activities to give others a true appreciation of the future He has in store for this chaotic world, for all those who trust in and obey Him.
--Bro. Tsepo Bernard Lintsa
With me here in Malawi at Bangula and around Nsanje District, we are well, but not so much because of a great problem we faced this year of flood. It started raining from December 2012 up to March 2013 without stopping, so that many houses fell down even in our gardens the crops we had planted were taken away by water.
Although it is like that we don't forget what the book of Psalms spoken by David says in Psalm 16:8: `I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.' And the apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 4:19: `And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.' I used to recall these verses because it strengthens me to know the true God.
Brother Austin Nyirenda visited us on the Easter Convention here at Bangula Church Centre, and many of our number came on this occasion. Bro. Austin stayed two days and we benefited from more new teachings. The first lesson he taught was about `Knowing God.' The second lesson taught was `The Spirit of God.' The third one was `The Promises of
God.' These three subjects he taught were a great blessing to all of us believers, and we would like him to come again to continue with more lessons. But he said that he came from far away. Indeed, from Salima to Nsanje District he crosses five Districts.
He brought five Chichewa Bibles and one carton of 20 books of Chichewa entitled Mfundo, Zoonadi, Zeni Zeni Za, Bukhu, Lopatuwk. Alas, many were complaining that these Chichewa Bibles and books were too few to be shared amongst us all.
We have many people who have just received Christ as their personal Saviour very recently, but need to be baptised.
--Bro. John Phiri
Thanks a lot for the great job you are doing around the world. Let God through His mercy provide you everything to make it possible for the Gospel to reach every corner of the world.
I am making preparations for the Malawi School Certificate of Education (M.S.C.E.). I ask for your prayers that I may pass, in all subjects I need to pass Bible knowledge with a credit. As `God gives to those who knock', please assist me in prayers that it may be done. The books we are studying from the Bible are Acts of the Apostles, Luke and the book of Isaiah.
--Sis. Bertha Khonje
I have been preaching to 25 Muslims for sometime here and am pleased to report that another Ecclesia has been established and some Muslims have also been baptised and we have built a grass shelter. I and my wife Cathy did some further preaching in the area and some open air preaching in which I used the Chichewa Bible Basics, which many of them like and find easy to understand. There are many Muslims in this area as it was once a centre of the slave trade, they do not believe in the Trinity which is a problem we have to overcome with orthodox Christians.
--Bro Leonard Changa
When Christ commissioned his disciples to the serious work of evangelizing, spreading the gospel of the Kingdom, he told them, `Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves; be you therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves.' (Matt.10:16) He also promised, `Lo, I am with you always.' (Matt.28:20).
It is apparent that the wolf-like and hawk-like society around us is not a friend to grace. We are in enemy territory and can expect rejection and hatred from the sinful world around us. The power of sin seeks to overwhelm us, but John writes, `He that is in you is greater than he who is in the world.' (1John 4:4) By the grace of God we can be lamb- like and dove-like. Although the brother or sister is defenceless standing alone, he is well defended as God protects and preserves him. (Matt.10:17-31).
--Bro Henderson Sosola
I should go again to Bangula in Nsanje District, as soon as possible, Set backs are that, travelling and postage costs are so exhorbitant and prohibitive due to devaluation and floatation of our local currency. However, this will not stop me from travelling, because I know these are the last days, And the Gospel of the Kingdom, needs to be spread everywhere before the end of this world.[Math 24 v 19].
--Bro Austin Nyirenda
It is always on my mind to write, but one thing or other takes my mind away from doing that.
Aba Ecclesia is progressing well in their propagation of the Truth. For some years now we have been conducting a 30-minute Radio broadcasting programme of the Truth every Saturday. It is financially a co-sponsored programme with C.B.M. The Evangelical group on the other side is taking the Truth around the former Eastern Region, with some baptisms that have taken place, and among them was a local district chief. Arrangement is already going on with the baptised chief on how to start an ecclesia in his area, in Ohafia Local Government Area of Abia State.
Bro. Duncan's work is bringing good results. Therefore I have been asked to appeal to you to help us with more copies (as many as you can send) of the English Edition of Bible Basics. They are meeting many people with this, and it is yielding positive results. Even my reserved copy has been used. It is always a good agreement and testimony that unites us.
--Bro. James E. Ogbah
Thank you brother for the enclosed CD on the devil...its really very interesting. I wish to continue receiving a regular copy of the Gospel News, and may our good LORD continue to bless you richly in all your efforts.
--Sis. Lydia Ojike Endurance
Our All Nigeria CYC took place at Lagos-State Ecclesia. It started on 28.4.13. and ended on 1.5.13. Only my family in Enugu Ecclesia attended three of us myself, my wife and my daughter. Things went smoothly: we were about two hundred people from different Ecclesias. With the grace of God, ten people were baptised, which was the highest number baptised since we started the gathering. The names of those baptised were Bro. David Alaribe, Bro. Christopher Offor, Bro. Chukwu Eke, Sis. Uluoma Francis, Sis. Grace Goddey, Sis. Chizoba Alloy, Bro. Monday Samuel Chimaobi, Bro. Chika Earnest, Sis. Lois Lebechi and Bro. Dickson Obioha.
--Bro. Goddy Nwosu
I received some copies of helpful Christadelphian Expositor, and the passages' teachings on tithing and other important issues which I had asked for, and they are very helpful.
Please will you endeavour to help us by sending us some New Testament Bibles, say three? because of the new people studying, and they will soon be baptised. These new converts need Bibles.
Brother, is there any way you are able to assist me to have, in effect, a mini library of books on all sorts of subjects in order to help our studies of Scripture? People in this part of the country who had never come across Christadelphian teachings are very eager to have some literature to study. God willing, a lot of them are coming to a realization of the Truth, and we feel the need to do something to help them.
--Bro. Adolphe Effiong
Thank you so much for all your real fatherly concern and huge support of my faith and medical studies. I can never forget your help in alleviating my burdens with all your prayers and support, with helpful Bible-based resources and encouraging emails. Your significant support is ever in my heart: your spiritual counsel and advice is greatly appreciated.
I am still in Ibadan trying to sort out my internship placement and official registration with the Nigerian Medical Association and the Nigerian Medical and Dental Council and other essential university and library clearance fees. Kindly continue to pray for me and do not forget my interest in further helpful Christadelphian literature, e.g. the Gospel News, Carelinks messages and other available Bible teaching resources.
Happenings in Egypt, Syria and much of the Middle East have some implications on recorded prophetic words of the Holy Scriptures about the time of the end which we are in already and the return of the Lord draws near.
--Bro Timothy Temilola
Thank you for the books, Bibles, Bible Basics and study leaflets, Introducing Bible Basics books, The Real Christ, James and other studies. I am going to start to read them tomorrow, then on Wednesday I will send some to our Ecclesia for library reading and storing.
Our preaching will continue after we return from our CYC gathering, by next month. For the small leaflets you advise me to reproduce myself, adding my name and address on `Basic Bible Truths,' which is on both sides of an A4 piece of paper I will try to produce these.
We have been moving our preaching area all around since April till this time, but we don't have materials to give to others. Please, I need more Bibles, Old and New Testaments, to give to my brethren and sisters who don't have them.
--Bro. Blessing Nwigwe
Thank you very much for your hope-raising letter to me which I received recently.
It is my belief that as our expectation for Jesus' return increases rapidly because of the unlimited signs of the times, the office of the Christadelphian Advancement Trust is being inundated with requests for material about salvation from the time of trouble encompassing the world.
I will be 83 on 30th September and I am becoming weaker and weaker every day.
--Bro. Johnson Uwasomba
It might interest you to know that the only way to salvation is when we are working together for good in this life. If only we would trust God, we would live to see it so. All things are ours if we are Christ's. All things serve us.
Even those things which are most difficult and trying, are really moving our best interest forward! If we knew as much about them as God knows, we would go down on our bended knees and thank Him with streaming eyes for the most difficult of circumstances. Even if some of these may cut us to the bone, if we believe that the infinite love of God is working in them, and through them, we may sing like Paul and Silas in the prison (Acts 16), even though our feet are fast in the stocks! Let us grow the habit of looking at the bright side of things. If there are dangers looming in our way, don't complain that it is all cast over with danger. We really must be sure that God has a purpose in all our sorrows.
--Bro. F. E. Enyiogu.
The news of the successful treatment of your cancer kept me very happy. I am full of thanks to God Almighty for helping you to recover from such a deadly disease that is tormenting humanity.
I lack words with which to express my heart's feeling about the books you have sent to me the Bible Basics and this very beautiful one I received yesterday The Real Christ are pointers to full understanding of God and His Son Jesus Christ.
The introduction to The Real Christ X-rays the position of the modern world. It is more- so nagging in Africa, where extreme neglect and insensibility to the plight of the majority poor has left everyone exasperated. However, for the Brethren in Christ it is a sure warning that the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is at hand. My reading through the direction of "Brethren in Christ" has opened my inner eye to strive to look towards Christ.
The Personality of God, which you included in the opening chapter of The Real Christ, for me emphasises the importance of understanding the personality of God.
Bible reading, following the Bible Reading Planner is very rewarding spiritually. I request that I be remembered in your daily prayers, to give me the Divine wisdom to understand and ACT as required by God. I thank God for His divine guidance towards the Word.
Thanks for feeding my mind with appropriate books that refresh my mind with spiritual water.
--Bro. Iheanacho Ihejirika
I apologize for the delay to inform and congratulate you on the Gospel News, the DVD on the devil and another about Bible Studies. To tell the truth, your materials are very stirring and uplifting. To my surprise, the head teacher of our school promised to project the DVD on the devil for students and teachers. I believe this will hopefully have an impact on the viewers' lives. May God continue to increase your knowledge.
--Bro Omar Ndamutsa

Bro. Patrick Samba and his wife Emerance
I have received the French Bible Basics, which the two Nyarugusu ecclesias have enjoyed. At the moment neither of us are in very good health. We were at hospital this morning with my boy Gomez, age two and a half and I am expecting to have a serious operation. However ill-health doesn't stop me in the work of declaring the gospel, Jesus didn't stop in this loving work until the moment he died and neither should I.
The government of Tanzania is now ready to shut down the Camp. Think about some of our brothers and sisters. For security reasons they cannot return to our homeland. We have 46 members, meaning 26 members of Nyarugusu 1 and 20 members of Nyarugusu 2 Ecclesia. The only real and permanent solution is the return of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
--Bro. Daniel Sabuni
Many years have passed since one pastor said, "The most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do when it ought to be done, whether you want to do it or not." Using this as a true evaluation, it would seem reasonable then that educated people would be religious. Unfortunately the contrary is true. There are exceptions to every rule but it seems that the more highly educated have less time for God than the humble folk.
This proves Paul's point when he said, "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God, because the foolishness of God is wiser than men and the weakness of God is stronger than men." 1 Cor. 1:25-27. With the increase of knowledge that is prevalent today we can be so absorbed in our own wisdom and our own petty problems that we completely fail to do what ought to be done when it ought to be done. Some educated people have applied this to business and have risen to great heights. How much more important it is for us to apply it to serving God. In the final analysis the only education worth having is in God's Law and the only worthwhile wisdom is Godly wisdom.
--Sis. Tumaini Komanga

Sis Tumani Konanga
Thank you for sending 8 Bible Basics in French, which were gladly shared by the members of the ecclesia and friends interested in the Truth.
--Bro. Isidore Mwibeleca
Brethren and sisters thank CAT for sending them Swahili Bible Basics. May God bless CAT; your work is not only appreciated by them but by all brothers and sisters in different countries.
I thank God more that I am still alive in spite of living in adverse circumstances of this world. Last month unknown people attempted to arrest me during the night, but fortunately I managed to run away. That same night two people were murdered and their family taken by police.
Thank you very much for helping us with English Bibles, but unfortunately they were less than we need. We would ask you to send us some Bible Basics in Swahili, at least 16 or 20, because many brethren and sisters speak Swahili. James 2:14-18.
--Bro. Iyendja Amsini

Bro. Iyendja Amsini
We would like to inform you that the books you sent were not available due to new and high postage rates for receiving parcels. Could you please arrange for us to receive a sound parcel when a missionary visits our country again otherwise we will continue failing to face the rising postage costs. These books encourage us so much and help us to understand the Bible. We cry out for them and do appreciate your daily work which deserves a rich reward.
--Bro. Mukandama Jerome Simalenge

Showing our brethren and Sisters having received their food allowance.
I want to thank you because of the things you have done for us, e.g. sending Bibles and Gospel News, and encouraging us to be faithful and to believe in the Son of God. In my ecclesia most people like to have a Bemba Bible only five members like English Bibles. We like preaching the Word of God by using the Bible but my brethren and sisters here need more Bemba Bibles.
--Bro. Mutale Choko
"The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phillipians 4:5-7.
"The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." James 5:16.
"Be faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12.
--Bro. Lotson Kayuni
I thank God for CAT's tireless efforts in remembering me by feeding me with Gospel News, which revives my spirit. I sometimes think of copying the editorial on the front page of every Gospel News, but again there it would need much stationery. The editorial comments that you make really build me up, including the current one you wrote about FRAGILE. Before I could read the last magazine I found that my son had taken it to his house without asking for it, and his wife was reading it and my son was just smiling over it. I thank God because he likes our Bible literature very much. I would like to request 10 Bibles and 12 x 40 lesson books and a DVD disc, which you said was a higher quality version, and please continue to send me the Gospel News.
--Bro. Philip Chilambwe

Bro. Philip studying his Bible.
Greetings to you in the wonderful and healing Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.. Thank you so very much for the support you have rendered me since we knew each other, and it is strengthening me more and more whenever I receive your lovely and inspiring letters and spiritual materials, which enable me to attain increased knowledge each moment when I read it.
Finally I am wishing you the best and the continual support for those all over the world in changing many lives which have no hope, through CAT's support and guidance.
--Bro. Stephen Siamabi
Recently the Zambia the government increased the price of fuel and this will mean the fees of transport will increase as well, for example a price of short distance for a taxe has been increased from K10 to K15, a local bus to and from our meeting place has been hiked from K2 To K3,this will mean we will have to cut the cost and go on foot to save money, nothing in this world is perfect. Our government are saying they will look into that but am seeing nothing happening to control the situation, this is a reason why we dont vote or take part in politics because as far we are concerned politics means faith in men, men promise us a better life but later fail to do what they promise the people, we can not have much faith in man but only in God whom we can trust.
--Bro Gideon Hankomone,
Thank you for the two Bibles you sent me and the Gospel News with the DVD entitled "Bible Studies". I would tell you that you have done a very good work in my area, because we have improved in the way we are studying the Bible. Please send me 6 more Bibles if possible because we live a distance from one another in a rural area, so we need each student or brother or sister to have a copy in his house. In addition to the Bibles please send me as many books as you can.
--Bro. Cephas Kalungah
We were visited by our linkman from U.K., Bro. David Smith, on 22nd April 2013, accompanied by a local Brother. from Bulawayo, Bro. Archbold Mhule. Bro. David taught and explained very well about God's Kingdom of the past, and present when Jesus will return. He articulated these to the people who were present at our meetingplace. We still have an encouraging number of interested visitors to our ecclesia.
Bro. David asked me about that trickster, Elvis Dumba, who deceived us, pretending to be a member of CBM around Banket area. We discussed the issue at length. We pray that God will keep you strong until that day, so we can be united in love in the Kingdom to come.
--Bro. David Banda Yelulani
Brother, things are hard and difficult: I am no longer digging chrome as this job is not paying well and is unhealthy.
I have just moved myself into another unhealthy and dangerous job I am sinking a well for underground water. My brother, we use explosives and drilling, sometimes manual, and sometimes mechanical. Within the group no- one is trained; so this is another dangerous job I am doing. We can go down to a depth of 45 meters into the earth using a rope, depending on conditions. What makes me happy is that God provides me with a sense of caution in my life; I thank Him for the things He does for me.
--Bro. Dzingai Sumburera
I was so pleased to receive the CD on `The Real Devil,' it is so interesting to listen to. I will be pleased to receive more. The Gospel News also helps, reading of other people's views of the Bible message.
Keep on loving one another as Christian brothers and sisters. Hebrews 13:1 `Let brotherly love continue.' If we love one another, God will be pleased. Hebrews 13:5 warns all believers not to love money, but be satisfied with what we have. This is so interesting because these days people are putting most of their efforts into searching for wealth, rather than to search the Word of God the Bible.
`Do not let all kinds of strange teachings lead you from the right way. It is good to receive inner strength from God's grace, not obeying rules about foods; those who obey these rules have not been helped by them.' Heb. 13:9 So by loving money too much leads to destruction. Hebrews 13:14 says, `For there is no permanent city for us here on earth; we are looking for the city which is to come.' So brothers and sisters, we should put our trust in the city which is coming, not in the cities of the present world. The world we are now in is under the power of money and wealth.
--Bro. Israel Mutunduwe
I have enclosed two photos of our students and Sunday School children; some of them were not with us when the photos were taken three students, Josphat Dube, Themba Khumalo and Annlysis Mathe altogether six students and six Sunday School children. Three brothers are in South Africa, I am now alone.
I pray God that He may give me power for preaching the Word of God in our district (Lupane Matebel and North Province) to build up Mathabisa Ecclesia.
--Bro. David Nywenya

Back row: Vivid Nywenya, Margneth Gama, Msolina Khumalo; Seated: Bro. David Nywenya

Sunday School: Front row: Simelinkosi Ncube, Brander Phiri, Mthandazo Mathe, Ayand Mathe, Rebecca Moyo and Nomthandzo Mathe.
Thank you a lot for every effort of love you have given me. I am very sorry in my last letter it seemed it was untrue about my first CD of `The Real Devil' being faulty. After posting that letter, I found out the real problem. I do not own a TV or DVD machine, not even a radio, so I felt very foolish. People who I asked to test my CD are not used to MP3s and were just expecting to watch it as a video, and thought it faulty: others could not use their DVD's buttons properly and stupidly I did not watch with them. After a few days in my worries, my son-in-law came and took me to his home near my house; he wanted me to spend a day with him and his wife. There we talked of other things, and then came to the CD problems and both my son-in-law and daughter questioned me. `Dad, is the CD `The Real Devil' really not working?' `I am not sure of it, as I only watched it for a few minutes , and don't know what it contains,' I said. So they suggested we tried it again. My son-in-law pressed the buttons in order and the readings started happily I had nothing to say for 15 minutes, then my daughter said, `There you are, Dad, so what did you think about it?' I said to her, `Then why did you let me post the letter before we kept on checking our mistakes?' Their answer was for us to just apologise in a good manner, as we had temptations. Afterwards in just a few days the three discs arrived two Bible studies and one `The Real Devil,' and how ashamed we all felt. We are very sorry about this.
Now my friends are all Anglican Christians, but they are very interested to listen to Bible study together, taking notes every time they have spare time to listen to the CD. My son-in-law comes to collect me and we sometimes spend 3 to 5 hours listening together and exchanging questions on whatever is being studied.
--Bro. Maxwell Mlakah

Bro. Mlakah with his nieces Rutendo and Tanatswa Kasiya
Assisted by an international consultative group of experienced brethren. It should be noted that the views expressed in Gospel News do not necessarily reflect the views of the compilers or consultative group.