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Bro. Patrick Samba and his wife Emerance


I have received the French Bible Basics, which the two Nyarugusu ecclesias have enjoyed. At the moment neither of us are in very good health. We were at hospital this morning with my boy Gomez, age two and a half and I am expecting to have a serious operation. However ill-health doesn't stop me in the work of declaring the gospel, Jesus didn't stop in this loving work until the moment he died and neither should I.

The government of Tanzania is now ready to shut down the Camp. Think about some of our brothers and sisters. For security reasons they cannot return to our homeland. We have 46 members, meaning 26 members of Nyarugusu 1 and 20 members of Nyarugusu 2 Ecclesia. The only real and permanent solution is the return of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

--Bro. Daniel Sabuni


Many years have passed since one pastor said, "The most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do when it ought to be done, whether you want to do it or not." Using this as a true evaluation, it would seem reasonable then that educated people would be religious. Unfortunately the contrary is true. There are exceptions to every rule but it seems that the more highly educated have less time for God than the humble folk.

This proves Paul's point when he said, "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God, because the foolishness of God is wiser than men and the weakness of God is stronger than men." 1 Cor. 1:25-27. With the increase of knowledge that is prevalent today we can be so absorbed in our own wisdom and our own petty problems that we completely fail to do what ought to be done when it ought to be done. Some educated people have applied this to business and have risen to great heights. How much more important it is for us to apply it to serving God. In the final analysis the only education worth having is in God's Law and the only worthwhile wisdom is Godly wisdom.

--Sis. Tumaini Komanga

Sis Tumani Konanga


Thank you for sending 8 Bible Basics in French, which were gladly shared by the members of the ecclesia and friends interested in the Truth.

--Bro. Isidore Mwibeleca

Brethren and sisters thank CAT for sending them Swahili Bible Basics. May God bless CAT; your work is not only appreciated by them but by all brothers and sisters in different countries.

I thank God more that I am still alive in spite of living in adverse circumstances of this world. Last month unknown people attempted to arrest me during the night, but fortunately I managed to run away. That same night two people were murdered and their family taken by police.

Thank you very much for helping us with English Bibles, but unfortunately they were less than we need. We would ask you to send us some Bible Basics in Swahili, at least 16 or 20, because many brethren and sisters speak Swahili. James 2:14-18.

--Bro. Iyendja Amsini

Bro. Iyendja Amsini


We would like to inform you that the books you sent were not available due to new and high postage rates for receiving parcels. Could you please arrange for us to receive a sound parcel when a missionary visits our country again otherwise we will continue failing to face the rising postage costs. These books encourage us so much and help us to understand the Bible. We cry out for them and do appreciate your daily work which deserves a rich reward.

--Bro. Mukandama Jerome Simalenge


Showing our brethren and Sisters having received their food allowance.

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