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I appreciate the gift you sent to me plus a CD and Middle East updates, with a handsome volume, "Women in Jesus' Life". This book is very important to me and other brethren in Kenya, in fact your help to us is very great. I also thank you for the revision studies which I have distributed to brothers and sisters in my area for them to use as a weapon to Christendom astray. You have really uplifted our skills of preaching, please keep it up. Thanks for the addresses of "Meal a Day" and

"Agape in Acton", I am soon going to write to them. We have manyf widows who are leaders in various groups.

--Bro. Martin Barasa


Greetings from your beloved brothers and sisters. We hereby announce the death of our elderly sister Norah Mafula, who was 106 years old last December. We also report the following that were born spiritually also on 30th December 2012 as follows: Lilian Mutabati, Joan Simiyu, Christopher Simiyu, Herbert Sitati. Brenda Mansitra. Juliet Mutbasi, John Kthenba and Carolyne Wamaluma; may the Lord keep them on the way to His Kingdom. They were baptised on that day.

We in Kenya are looking forward to the election on 4th March 2013 and praying that we may have peace so that we may not have that violence that we had at the last election when some people were dispersed.

I will not forget to thank you for the CD you sent me, The Real Devil, I received. May God be with you as we wait for our Lord to come.

--Bro. Boniface Juma

Ndugu Wa Christo Ecclesia in Bungoma


We are always thankful for the steady supply of Bible literature you send to us. I think that "The Real Devil" is the hardest subject we find in our study. It is very topical and so it will be helping us

greatly during our Bible discussion, especially with people in the neighbourhood. As a result many will learn the truth and so flock to our faith.

We have come to learn that the postal costs are increasing tremendously, which means you have to combine two magazines into one to cut down the expense.

The European Version Bibles you sent to us have really made preaching very clear and easy owing to the commentary. On the other hand it would have been much better if some references were put on each page. I had a visitor home to discuss about the Kingdom of God in the future and after going through my Bible he demanded that I should sell it to him, but I said I would request a copy from you. He keeps calling me on the phone asking me if I have received it, but I say not yet. Please send a copy to me for him.

--Bro. Manasseh and Sis. Dorcas Wamamili

Bro. Manasseh Wamamili working on steel for bread winning.

Raphine, Bro and Sis. Wamamili's fourth baby girl.


I have been completely down with a malaria outbreak. My prayer is now that I will be able (God Willing) to put up a poultry project plus fish farming. We are on the verge of election fever once again and seriously need your prayers as this issue of Hague Matteu is still haunting Kenya personalities.

--Bro. Jacob Okotti


Thank you very much for remembering me by sending me the Bible Course which I have enjoyed very much by discovering a great deal about God's Word and I hope you will send me more and also a Bible which I do not have. I had believed that we would be rewarded in heaven but now I discover this was wrong and not Biblical.

--Sis. Beth Naliaka


After going through the Gospel News I have a few comments. I did appreciate the coloured photos to show the activities of brothers and sisters witnessing the Truth. We also support Gospel News in their efforts to reach the brothers and sisters in the world.

I have spent the last two years studying the word "heart". Sin comes from within the heart of man, the word "heart" involves the mind, our thought. Whenever I come to read from my daily Bible Companion I mark the word "heart". The "heart" of man actually reveals the mind of human nature, the thoughts. Prov.18:21. Beware of poison thoughts, they can kill you. From our thoughts (heart) come good vs. evil, hate vs. love, success vs. failure, win vs. lose.

The God of the Bible is holy, immortal and invisible. The King Eternal is one, our Heavenly Father, Creator of heaven and earth, the God of love, mercy, full of grace and abundant love without measure. The reason why we do not work or live in harmony with God is very clearly shown from the beginning of our first parents. God expects respect and wants us to fear, obey and listen to Him and keep His commandments, for this is the purpose for creating us in His image. The moment our mind, thought, heart, thinks of pleasing ourselves that relationship is broken and the punishment of death comes in. Jesus Christ of Nazareth won the victory over sin and death by doing the will of God. He died and after three days was raised back to life and given immortality.

The book of Genesis ch. 4 reveals how the sons of Adam, Cain and Abel were tested in their relationship with God. Cain was rejected because of evil thoughts in his mind, he murdered his brother Abel who had the righteous mind of God. Heb.11:4, 1 John 3:11,12. Beware of poisonous thoughts. Let us put God's mind in our hearts.

We must go back to God with all our mind and heart if we want to get our life back, Job 11:13. Job experienced human sufferings but was commanded to prepare his heart to God. We also must learn this lesson from our Lord Jesus of Nazareth who did the Will of God, died on the cross, suffered and finally won the victory over sin and death.

John Owalo Onani on 21 August 1975 decided to believe the Gospel to save his life from the corruption of the mind and body. Please make your decision whom to serve, the God of Israel or Baal, whether you have the mind of Adam or Cain or the mind of Jesus of Nazareth or Abel. Jeremiah 21:8, Deut 30:15-19, Joshua 24:15, 1 Kings 18:21. Remember the three steps to salvation ­ Belief, Baptism, Obedience. Unless we accept the Truth with all our heart we shall perish ­ no hope of life beyond the grave.

--Bro. John Owalo Onani


We need some more Bibles, 12 full copies please, as we have many youths in our ecclesia without Bibles.

--Bro. Martin Chemiati


Please brother, it is a humble request that if you can get some more copies of the NEV Bible kindly please send them to us as there are 12 brothers and sisters who are in need of one and also thirteen friends who are currently in the class for baptism for this year.

--Bro. Boniface Juma


I am learning much from the pamphlets concerning Israel and its surrounding countries. Let me say that you did a very important act in enclosing the DVD of "The Real Devil" and I am sorry to inform you that a brother took it and he just told me to ask you for one. He had watched it somewhere at one of our brothers who is far from me and said that it was very interesting with good teachings.

Bible Basics are much needed. At Mwanga Ecclesia we have many good English readers who can understand the book. I had asked you for a few Swahili Bible Basics if you have a stock of them. There is also "Wrested Scriptures" the one on hard passages from the Bible.

--Bro. Edward N. Kunikina


Recently we managed to change our postal address to 138-50211 Naitiri. This is personal and very close. In case of sending anything, this is the right box and it won't take long for me to reach it. I have started a small? and it is doing quite well. I have started with ten hours and after another two months I hope and expect to join the higher Institution.

--Bro. Nasongo Haron

Bro. Nasongo Haron

The work you are doing is very interesting and it helped me convert some people you saw on the previous photo I sent. Those are my converts and they understand the Word of God very well because we can't be good without God's Word. So, brothers, first and foremost could you please help me with a New European Version of the Bible.

--Bro. Kevin Simiyu


Thank you for your tireless efforts. Up to now the Australian government has not given me a visa that I applied for in 2006, despite still communicating with them. Instead they are only offering a tourist or visit visa that cannot allow me to work and live there. I have spoken to certain Christadelphians in Sydney and Brisbane and they agreed to accommodate me while I look for employment. Our outgoing President is an economist, but for the last ten years he has been in office the economy has not grown by as big a margin as expected and unemployment still remains a big challenge.

We have seen the number of baptised brethren and sisters going up annually. We thank God for that for we are living in the last days and Jesus can come at any time, because the Holy Bible says that even the angels in heaven know not the hour. You remember how you and I translated the book "What is the Gospel?" into Luhya language? Now the copies are out of stock and I am sending you the last copy for a reprint. Some brethren and sisters in Western Kenya have not received them. I am also now translating it into Luo and later into Kikuyu, Kiswahili etc. God Willing.

--Bro. Samuel Wanga Watako

Bro Samuel Wanga with his Bible.


Please kindly consider supporting us with at least six copies of the NEV Bible since we want to place at least three copies in a nearby Secondary School with 450 students, twenty teachers and several support staff. We have had Bible discussions with them and more so with the so called Christian Union members. Thank you for sending me the address of the one to direct my enquiry whenever I want Bible leaflets and pamphlets for distribution to friends.

--Bro. Raphael Joni Aimo


I was very pleased to receive the articles that you sent to me, I got the booklet on the Bible and magazines, also the CD on the Devil. It has created a point of discussion because a friend of mine who has a gadget played it or me, and then we had a good discussion about it.

Furthermore I will not go without informing you that the Lord has opened for me ways to join a college, just as you quoted that our Lord has all the resources. My ecclesia at Okumbo managed to raise some money for my fees and I added some, which has enabled me to finish my first Semester, so for the second, the third and the last I call for prayers from brothers and sisters throughout the world, and I do request you to call my name while praying.

--Bro. Mark G.O. Juma


I received Gospel News and the movie on the real devil. I am very thankful for them and I wish to continue receiving such. What is needed perhaps is to get most of our goals set and achieved despite confrontation from forces all around us. Paul said, "For what I want to do I do not, but what I hate I do." This is defeat but we should keep praying. God has given us guidance in the Bible to enrich us daily, 1 Tim.5:3-15. Paul gives us good reminders of our daily duty so we should not ignore them.

--Bro. Linus Onyango


The wages of sin is death. Regardless of what it is, every sin has to be judged before God and the judgement for all sins bring death. In order to atone for all sins the people of Israel had to offer a sheep without blemish before God. Therefore God prepared the lamb to deliver all people from their sins.

--Bro. Benjamin Mwatu


It is with great pleasure that I write to say that I received the DVD of "The Real Devil". This has aroused my curiosity over who the Devil is and strengthened my faith in Jesus Christ.

I wish to request you for assistance for our Sunday School members who are in dire need of various Sunday School learning materials and charts.

--Sis. Beatrice Naliaka

Sis. Beatrice leading a sisters' Bible study session at Turbo.

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