view as web pdf The Truth Versus Apostacy

A believer must believe "the things concerning the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ," and be baptised into the name of Jesus Christ; and henceforth perfect our faith by works as Abraham did (Rom4:2). We will then be a lamp well- oiled and trimmed, and fit to shine forth as a glorious light at the marriage of the Lamb.

We must forsake the pulpits, and devote the time usually spent in pondering over their expositions, to the Berean scrutiny of the scriptures for ourselves. These alone are able to make us wise unto salvation through the faith which is in Christ Jesus. When people abandon the truth and believe lies, God hides correct understanding from themin response to their not really wanting it. Thus He can even delude people to believe lies (2 Thess.2:11;1:8; 2:8).

Bro. Friday Enyiogu (Ikwueke, Oboro.)

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