News from the Americas
Mocha Fraternal
The mocha Fraternal Gathering continued from 30th June unto 2nd July with the exciting study of `Jonathan - the man who should have been king!' by Brother mark Ghent
How many of us are aware of the vast disparity in age between David and Jonathan. Doesn't this speak to us of the importance of not skipping those daily Bible Readings when we are faced with lots of names and genealogies!
news from tobago | |
Bible School
Though not held in Guyana, but because of the usual tremendous numerical support by the Guyanese contingent, it is important to mention the staging of the Bible School in tobago at the new John Dial Community Centre, followed immediately by our 12th triennial Caribbean Youth Camp at the Roxborough High School

At the Bible School, Bro ted Hodge of Canada (pictured below) did a great job of demonstrating how the Word of God is meant to develop our faith, which in turn must produce the love of God in our actions!
Bro David Andrews dealt with the theme `mysteries of the Kingdom' and tried to show the true purpose of the parables of Jesus.

Bible School, John Dial Community Centre, Tobago - 2012
Youth Camp - Tobago
The Youth Camp that followed was (as always) a challenging experience for both participants and organizers.
Bro ted Hodge led us on the perennially exciting discussion of evolution versus Creation, successfully demonstrating why we can confidently dismiss mr. Darwin's failed & outdated theories in deference to the Bible's solid witness to creation by Almighty God! equally thrilling were presentations by Bro nathan Badger on `Jacob's Struggles' - with just about everyone around him including his God!...and the bitter but endearing lessons we learnt in the end. each of these gatherings recorded attendances of about 160! Sincere thanks to our Brethren in tobago who tried so hard to make our stay a comfortable one.

Youth Camp, Roxborough, Tobago - 2012
This past year has been one of hope, tension, excitement, stress and disappointment.
In September 2011 our minister of Justice announced that some prison inmates would be pardoned. A list was put together and I was one of those chosen. Reports were prepared on our prison history, and it was said that we would be home for Christmas. no-one was pardoned.
In February 2012 the minister of Justice announced that as part of our country's 50th Anniversary of Independence celebrations this year, 50 `worthy,' long incarcerated inmates would be pardoned. Some changes were made to the previous list, but again I was selected.
In June, "recommendation for pardon" documents were completed for those expected to be pardoned. I was left out. I was disappointed, and somewhat depressed for a few days, but I bounced back quickly, thanks to God. my brethren and sisters in the truth then petitioned our country's President, asking him to pardon me. That petition is still pending.
August 31st was Independence Day, but up to now only one inmate has been pardoned: he was aged 84 years, and died from cancer shortly after he was pardoned.
In September the minister of Justice was fired for an unrelated wrongdoing.
I thank God for keeping me strong throughout all of this, and I feel confident that He will make the petition from the Brethren successful. Please pray for me.
I have `retired' from teaching,(in the prison) because I had expected to be, and still expect to be pardoned in the not-too- distant future, God willing. However, I still manage the school's stores and related duties, which keep me busy for most of the day.
You are in my prayers every day; I wish you all the best, and God bless.
--Bro. George Constantine
More prayers are needed for George