News from Africa
I want to tell you that our ecclesia and my family are keeping well by the grace of God, and to inform you that I am travelling to Kikwiti to visit a group of friends who are studying the Bible, and will spend four days with them.
Bro Kim's
By the grace of God, I have now got a personal P.o.Box. The address is: P.o. Box 582, La-Accra, Ghana. Since April last year we have had five baptisms in Subri, one brother and four young sisters. two of the sisters are daughters of Bro. Amo and two are daughters of Bro. Sakyi.
I have now arranged to stay for two months in Accra and two months in Subri. With much training, Bro. Duncan okai Kotei, my son, has taken over the Sunday and Youth Section. I help him whenever I am in Subri. These five baptisms are his first products.
For three years now, Ghana and Ivory Coast have been having a Joint Bible School. our last School was from 12th 15th october 2012. our usual place of meeting is Shama. The Bible School was successful and well attended and the theme was "Holding on to our Faith".
Apart from our daily morning devotions, six addresses were delivered. two brethren from Ivory Coast gave their addresses in French, two from the U.K. and two from Ghana. (I gave the 4th address, "Faith and Works".) our main interpreter was Bro. maximus mensah (a Ghanaian resident in Ivory Coast). We had two outings in the evening. The public preaching was given by Bro. Yosef Somua Anim of Accra ecclesia.
The 6th address, which was also a farewell message was, "The good fight of faith" and was given by Bro. Stephen Sykes. In his usual mood, he gave a
heart-touching address; a food for thought indeed.
--Bro. Francis Kotei Odiko
Thank you very much for the support of reading glasses for the elder brothers, which fixed up four brethren with the reading glasses. The Gospel news has united us as a household and when we read articles from different brothers and sisters around the world it really encourages us in our walk towards the Kingdom.
--Bro. David and Sister Jacklyne Wanjala
I am very grateful for the book "The Real Devil", by Bro Duncan. This is an in-depth exploration of pagan myths developed and enshrined in mainstream Christian religion I shall never miss to reading the daily page by page until I have finished it. I am working on plans to set up an ecclesia in Katito, God Willing, this year and we remain praying for that.
For now, we have been warned by meteorologists of impending el-nino rains.
Let us pray that this new Year will bring the master back to the earth to salvage the mix ups in the present world.
--Bro. Lawrence Kowiti
Thanks a lot for your empowering letter and the bulletins motivating us on the signs of the times. We need 10 copies of revision studies, the copy you sent me is helping me very much.
--Bro. Martin W. Barasa

Widows and their children at a Bible Study. Alas, many widows live in mighty difficult circumstances and need our prayers and help. --MH

On the right in white shirt with tie is Bro. Thomas Radido, (Mombasa Ecclesia) next Sis Emelda Barasa, with 2 children. In back row in glasses is Bro. Edward Kunikina. Last in blue shirt, myself, Bro. Martin Wafula Barasa. Venue Mombasa Ecclesia Bible Study.
--Bro. Martin Wafula Barasa
The Lord has been so faithful to me. I have experienced His care and sustenance since I lost my job six months ago. I still hold on to His promises in the Bible. I believe that when He closes one door He opens another and God does not lie because He is not a man to lie. Whatever He says He will surely do. I am very happy and appreciate so much the publications you sent me and the Bible. This is the most important asset for a Christian, that is the Word of God. my brother has been diagnosed with kidney failure. It is now a year down the line and we are trusting God for his healing and if possible a kidney transplant. Please always mention us in your prayers.
--Bro. Jared Manera Kidiga
I am very interested in the books you are sending me, they are really building and strengthening my faith; also the lessons you had sent to me previously are helpful to my life and also to my friends that I am discussing these things with.
The following are a few thoughts on prayer:-
In prayer we depend on God for solutions to our problems. God's power is always good. the Christians communicate with God. Prayer focuses on God and He it is who is praised when solutions to problems are found. Faith in God helps the Christian to pray.
Let us remember each other in prayer because God is omnipresent (He is everywhere present) and also God is good all the time.
--Bro. Nasongo Simiyu
I am fine and waiting eagerly for the return of our master, the Lord Jesus. I am enquiring whether you still have a stock of the rulers and the copper bracelets made by our brethren in Zambia, which you sent to us some years ago. We did put them to good use and would like to have more of them if they are still in available.
--Bro. Raphael Joni Aimo
First and foremost I give thanks to the Almighty who has granted me this chance to send you greetings. The Lord is still on my side while waiting for the second coming of Jesus. Generally I am always praying for the brethren throughout the world to stand firm in the faith just as quoted in Psalm 11:3, "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" Some have gone outside our faith due to a situation being encountered, economically, spiritually, physically and emotionally. However, my prayer is to the Saviour to give you ability to keep on attending to brethren throughout the world as you always do.
--Bro. Mike G.O. Juma

Bro. Mike and Sis. Everlyne on their wedding day.
1 Cor.16:13,14, "Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong." "Let all that you do be done in love." CAt's love to the truth, to our fellow brothers and sisters has been reflected in serving us individually. may the God of Israel bless you all. Please get me more biblical teaching about the Bible Sabbath. I have many friends and relatives who are Adventist and they base their teaching on keeping the Sabbath.
God's Son, Jesus of nazareth, humbled himself, faced death on the cross and was raised back to life again. Through love you have provided me with spiritual food and I must remain watchful, stand firm in the faith, endure and remain steadfast in the truth. Philippians 2:1-11.
--Bro John Owalo Onani
Bro. martin Barasa and myself are working together in preaching the gospel in mASABA and have preached to forty people in their Church by permission of their church leaders. Can you assist in any way? We need more literature. Remember to send us more Bibles as all these friends do not have any.
--Bro. Emmanuel Mulimo

Leaders of the Church in which we preached.
I appreciate the Gospel news magazine which enables the Word of God to be spread worldwide and for me to see many brothers and sisters wherever they may be. Please God, bless this task.
The photo is of Changamile ecclesia which consists of thirty baptized members.
1. We deny that Jesus existed before he was born, but accept that he was in God's plan before his birth.
2. We refuse to believe in a supernatural being called `Satan' but accept that Satan refers to an adversary or to sin that resides in man.
3. We refuse to believe that heaven is the land for the righteous to possess but accept that God's Kingdom will be on earth soon.
We would be glad of any Sunday School materials you could send us and also copies of the book, `The Real Devil'.

Changamile Ecclesia (Mangochi),
Brothers and sisters, indeed fear saves. We should also have fear. Do you remember that in eden a snake came and spoiled the relationship between God and the first pair? After that, enmity began between mankind and a snake. Thus, everyone upon seeing a snake fears and begins trembling. The snake causes dangerous tensions because it can easily spoil the body of mankind. even at a funeral a snake can disturb the whole proceedings. The snake stands for sin; when temptation comes we should have fear, and destroy it.
Please, once tempted, just remember it is a snake kill it in order not to sin.
--Bro. Charles Assani
Things have not been so good here. There has been a strong wind occurring for some days resulting in some houses (including mine), being destroyed. Although the malawi Government, through the Red Cross, supported us with food and tents for temporary shelter, we normally survive from cassava and with the wind many gardens have been spoilt. In the Book of Books there is a verse which strengthens me, "Do not bother what we shall eat or drink for tomorrow."
I am very pleased with the items that brethren and sisters contribute in the Gospel news magazine for they are educative, entertaining and encouraging. Be strong in the truth to achieve good goals at the final whistle. many thoughts arise when one comes to a road junction for the first time. When approaching a junction, one has to choose the right way (think of the narrow and wide way). many people choose the wide way resulting in the false choice. The Bible states that Jesus clearly declared himself in John 14:6 to be the right way. If we put on Jesus we are on the right way. no confusion arises within us. on many roads there are road signs, these warn drivers what is ahead. The signs warn the drivers about distance to the place, humps, steep slopes, sharp bends, potholes, bridges, zebra crossings, etc. So without signs drivers cannot reach the destination, safely. For us to reach our destination safely we have to be in Christ. That is why God so loved the world that we might live through him (Christ) and not perish, but have eternal life. 1 John 4:9, John 3:16.
--Bro. Joel Singini
I give thanks to the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light, who hath delivered us from the power of darkness and hath translated us into the Kingdom of his dear Son.
With a warm heart I send much thanks to you for your kindness to me, both spiritual and physical and I thank God so much, who through His infinite mercy, helped me to know the truth and made me free after many years of following and teaching the wrong things. The things which were gain to me, I counted loss for Christ, yes, I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and do count them but dung that I may win Christ (eternal life). Therefore beloved kindly receive my warm greeting for helping everyone in my household. may His mercies always abide.
our house to house preaching (sharing of leaflets and the Radio programmes of Aba ecclesia) is yielding fruit and many people are now asking where we fellowship and some of them are now more interested to know the truth. This has led me to look for a rental place and I have found an uncompleted building which needs roofing and flooring, so I am appealing for help to make the place fit for use and your prayers for God to perfect His work here are much needed. Finally beloved, the world is moving to a thrilling end of the game, Bible prophecy and signs are being fulfilled right before us. There is suffering in nigeria, the government is falling, killings everywhere, people work for no reward of their labour, there is sickness and many are dying. In fact, I am seeing the Day of the Lord fast approaching. The church people now give glory to men, not God. The magicians in Pharoah's house are now in the christian churches, deceiving and being deceived. I am hearing the Lord saying again, "Whatsoever you do, hold it fast, for the night is coming when no one will be able to work." In fact we need always to be alert and watchful. (Luke 12:35-40).
--Bro. Uka Egwu
You have made a significant contribution to my understanding and I am most grateful to you for your tangible support. only the Lord can repay your labour and expense of love. I appreciate this from my heart and I am looking forward to remaining in regular correspondence with you.
Kindly keep praying for all our brothers and sisters here who might be victims of bomb explosion and violence by the Boko Haram sect. These are really dangerous times in nigeria.
--Bro Timothy Temilola
I received your surprise parcel and letter in the early hour of 7.15 a.m. with joy. It is like someone dreaming they are receiving a gift, but because for Christ's sake it happens. may our Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ bless you for such love. Also thank you for the new testament Bible and the "Wrested Scriptures", which are very useful to us. I was baptized in 1990 by Bro. Stephen Sykes and the late Brother H. Jenkins.
I am thankful to my God that during my period of isolation I was able to convert two people to Christ, who are fellowshipping with us now. Lots of people study with me in my home and I will introduce them to you for correspondence courses. my wife greets you. She has also been baptized. God willing I shall soon have my Post office Box no. I need you to send me the Christadelphians and some Sunday School materials and some other important literature which can help me answer some questions. our ecclesia is progressing in mbaise.
--Bro. Adolphe Effiong
I received "Bible Basics" and some pamphlets and was truly happy to hear from you. I have shared the books with our baptized members who are at home doing the memorial service together on Sundays, Bible study on Wednesdays and Saturday's lecture. I need to have another copy of "Wrested Scriptures", "The Real Devil" and "The Real Christ" as the ones you sent to me have been taken over the brothers and sisters of mbaise for their reading. In mbaise ecclesia, there are four newly baptized who need Bibles.
--Bro. Blessing Nwigwe
I am so pleased to get your letter full of encouragement in the Word of God and the Kingdom. I am sorry to inform you that I have already shifted to Dar es Salaam city and I am no longer in Unene so the above address is the latest one you may use. my brother, I am truly interested in receiving Gospel news so please send me more. I assure you that I am still an ambassador of our Lord Jesus Christ under an umbrella of the Christadelphian Church.
--Bro.Daimon Saimon Mbona
If the God whom we love is willing, I am planning to visit the central part of tanzania soon. my plan is to go and start Bible Classes in the Dodoma region as there are more than fifteen who wish to take Bible Study lessons in Kiswahili with preaching activities as well, as they are really interested. I have already got some Kiswahili Bible lessons from U.K. Please could you send me two copies of the whole Bible and the new testament as you sent me, but which I had to hand over to my daughter who lives a long way from me. one copy is for me and the other is for my wife as it is sometimes difficult to share together. Also I need a Kiswahili Bible Basics for the same purpose and 10 or more copies of the Bible Companion, and copies of the neV Bible.
--Bro. Ayubu Sazi Kilumbi
We are going well in our country, apart from the havoc of moslems trying to destroy our churches which you may have heard of, but with our Holy Father we always hope to win, although they wish to abolish our real faith all over the globe.
Would you please send me the book that deals with "moslems". We are almost surrounded by their believers who tend to destroy our Holy Book. It is time now to know their beliefs in depth to be able to hold a positive argument against them. Please do not hesitate to send then to me, so that we can gainsay their arguments. Warm greetings to all Christ's followers heartily awaiting the second coming of our Lord.
Please kindly help us by sending these soon. Warm greetings to all Christ's followers who keenly wait for the second coming of our messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.
--Bro. Lambert K. Tambwe
Thank you very much for your kindness in sending us many books, which are giving us consolation.
With the events in the world today we can certainly look to the soon return of the Lord
Jesus Christ when we will all be together in the glorious kingdom of our Heavenly Father.
We always receive the C.I.L. papers from the UK. we congratulated Bro. David Welch of teignmouth, UK on his exhortation of 11th nov. 2012, this has touched many of us. Please give him that message as well and if it is possible, we would be happy to hear from him again.
--Bro. Daniel Sabuni
I write to acknowledge receipt of four neV Bibles with commentary and other literature. It is now three weeks since I had the parcel; however we were very busy studying the commentaries and so forgot even to say thank you!
These commentaries are really vital, they have made us enter into a deeper dimension of understanding God's word. I know that now I can teach and exhort my class with boldness because of being sure about what the Bible teaches as a custodian of the truth. The Bible is now self-explanatory according to our belief. many people have come to admire these Bibles.
Brother, since I had my stroke, my eyesight is poor, and doctors have advised me to have reading glasses. Can you please help?
--Bro. James Mwangoma
We have managed to baptize four people in our ecclesia so we have now increased in number. I pray that during my holiday I will be preaching to people for baptism, using the material which you have given me and that of my tutor (Bro Colin Jannaway).
--Bro. Wangoni Rogers
I went to my home district and on the return to
Kampala we had a car accident. By God's grace nobody died but had serious injuries and we are all o.k. although I still get pain in my right shoulder joint. I want to thank you and the members of the trust for the good work you are doing. may God continue to bless you as we wait for the return of our Lord and master on earth as a true Ruler. I also want to thank you sincerely for Bible Basics and neV Bible. Please kindly avail me of a small pocket Bible.
--Bro. O. Ogenga
There are four of our pupils, two brothers and two sisters that need Bibles.
--Bro. Peter Ouma

Bro. Peter Ouma
I would like to inform you that it has been a long time since I wrote as I was seriously sick from September 2011 to 2012. I was taken to nairobi, Kenyatta Hospital for treatment and now seem to be recovering.
After receiving the Bibles I distributed them to
all preaching centers. I currently have eleven preaching contacts plus Butiru ecclesia itself, which has born all these centers. to each place I gave 1 Bible and 2 new testament Bibles.
According to the growth of God's work here I shall request you to continue adding me more Bibles so that members from these centers can have the chance of getting Bibles. Thank you for the Bible Companion booklets you sent to me and to brothers and sisters. These booklets are really needed by people as they help them in revising the Bible without repetition.
I would also like to remind you about the request I made to you concerning my new testament Bible in my own language to be printed in many copies for my people who really need to read the Word of God in their own language. I have an old new testament in Lugisu language which I need more copies of.
I have started a nursery and Primary School in the ecclesial building so that children can be taught the truth and grow up with it.
--Bro. Boyeyi Boniface Masalala
I take this opportunity to ask you if you can send me five Bible Basics in english and seven of the French for preaching purposes. I have played the CD on the devil to my fellow teachers at school, which has enabled me to discuss this with them.
--Bro. Robert Mpundu Miwele

On the left Bro. Robert Miwele standing with fellow school teachers.

Sis. Esther Mbewe and her granddaughter
I hope this finds all well with you. Thank
you for the Bible new european Version. We are so excited to read the Gospel news and I do wish to continue to receive it.
--Bro. Ackim Sikabuli

From right to left Bre. Titus Nakayola, Joft Siakannga, student Shalon Mudenda, Sis. Ronicah Sikabuli, two students, Mr. Obey Mudenda and Mr. S. Ruvie Sibulyobulyo and me, Ackim Sikabuli.
Back left to right Sis. Annety Sikabuli, Saviour Sikabuli, Bro. Livess Sikabuli and student Mumba Sikabuli at DAFAN on Sunday morning.
We have gladly received the literature and Gospel news and would just love to have more Bible Basics. At the moment we have battery problems with the tV and so Cannot use the CV, but trust we can soon. We had a good Fraternal with an attendance of 79 plus 12 students.
--Bro Kanembe
The Real Devil is a book which teaches me the truth about God and satan. It is very interesting and encouraging and I can now explain it to my fellow brethren more deeply than ever before.
Thank you for the parcels sent to me containing nice books and leaflets, which are very interesting to me and all the members of the ecclesia. If you still have Bibles in stock please send us six more as Bible study is growing every week but there are few Bibles in comparison with the number of people. Please send more leaflets and Bible story books.
--Bro. Ostine Chisosa and family
Thank you for the beautiful designed Gospel news and especially for the CD on the Real Devil and lots of other publications. We could do with other CDs concerning the Word of God. If possible I would also like some French Bible
Basics for some French speaking contacts
--Bro Joshua Mushili
As regards Bibles, each member of the ecclesia has received a Bible, eight of them in all. Some members have not attended for a long time and they were not given copies. I gave a Bible Basics to a student. I heard his complaint when he stressed that it had taken a long time to be examined for baptism and therefore the need for his own copy of Bible Basics.
--Bro. Vincent M. Mwense
So many thanks for the latest edition of the G.n magazine as well as the enclosed DVD on the Real Devil. I truly appreciate. I know it will greatly help to explain more - I played it in the evening same day I received it and my siblings and friends were watching - just said, "'Surely the `Real Devil' is within us". Thereafter questions were asked, I tried to explain more with references. may God continue guiding you through his works, and please keep sending me Gospel news in hard copy as I have no assured access to internet for now.
--Bro Silas K. Chishimba.
I hope and trust that this letter finds you in good health and thank you for everything you have done for me and my fellow brothers and sisters in the mission. It has given me more courage, such that I could study deeper into the Bible. I am working so hard to get an advanced certificate in I.C.t. (Information and Communication technology).
--Bro. Stephen Siamabi
I am happy to report that at last I have found some work to do. Thank you very much for your
prayers and spiritual support. Life otherwise is hard in Africa and the world over if one is not working and has to take responsibility for looking after a family the way I do to my two sisters. At times the Lord is gracious that He does not leave us alone but does His best that through our suffering, He at least provides us with food, clothes and shelter. These we must be content with in life and be like the apostle Paul who learned the secret of being content in each and every situation, whether in need or in abundance, he goes on to say "I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me." (Phil.4:12-13).
I have sent some material for consideration for publication in Gospel news. I am deeply impressed by your remarks that you like all my articles. This in turn gives me much courage and zeal to send more. I shall continue sending them when I can.
The signs of Christ's return are seem everywhere. We are all aware of the troubles in Syria and how the present government brutalize and kill its own citizens. It has been said that Syria could at any time bring the middle east into terrible disaster. The middle east will be the base or the starting point of the last world war. We must not be afraid because all these things are written in the Bible and given for our learning. may God bless you daily.
In mazabuka recently I was very pleased to witness the baptism of Bro. George Creighton Samboko by Bro. Kelly in Kafue. Sometimes it is a slow process to bring Almighty God into the hearts of people but it is very rewarding for the Church as a whole when a new person begins to see the light. It is like when we stand in a garden in springtime searching bushes and trees to see if this year may be rich in berries and fruit. often the bushes and trees are full of blossoms in springtime, promising a plentiful harvest and then comes one night of frost and destroys most of it. So it is with our preaching, we talk to many people but we must do our best by looking after them and supporting them. to use the garden as an example again: we do not just plant the plants for food and leave them to their own devices, we look after them, to make sure they get enough nourishment, see that the soil is aired so that they get oxygen, we make sure that all weeds are removed, to make sure they get the goodness that the soil provides. to me personally a weed in the garden among the good plants is like sin in my life, it must be pulled up and destroyed, that is what we can do about weeds, but with the frost we cannot do anything.
I have good news to report, our journey to Kafue was a success and Kelly was able to baptise Creighton Samboko my contact whose tutor is Sister mirriam Denbak
I don't know why I have to affix a stamp this time on your pre-paid envelope as you can see. I have been posting them all along without stamps but I have now been asked to put stamps on each time I write. They said that the rules have changed and that pre-paid stamps are only accepted within the U.K. I do not understand this and it is a problem to us as many brothers and sisters cannot afford a stamp.
--Bro. Gideon Hankomone
The postage is a problem because
the sellers of stamps get a small commission on the value of the stamps sold, which is, in effect, their wages. With our pre-paid envelopes, which are legal and cover the world, they do not get any handling charge. Whilst they are wrong in not accepting our envelopes, I am reluctant to report them as any enquiry could result in friction between you and the posting agent. --MH
We endeavor to talk to people about the truth and `promote' our doctrine. In order to `advertise' ourselves in our area, I participated in a debate on `Death Penalty in Zambia', and addressed the Zambia episcopal Conference. my prepared speech was presented to the Committee on the Draft Constitution of Zambia and will be presented to the Provincial Sitting of the Committee before the second reading of the Draft Constitution. In all its presentations, my document was received with standing ovation and some people have requested for corresponding Bible verses for I presented it as a mere speech.
most of the evangelical churches gave assent to the `Death Penalty'. I was surprised to see and hear the Catholic Church veto it vehemently.
--Bro. Timothy L. Mwale
Thank you for the CD you sent me about the real devil. I would like you to send me two copies of the book "The Real Devil" as one of the head teachers at a High School is very much interested to read this book. He borrowed it from me and did not want to give it back.
--Bro. Green Mumbelunga
All the natural and spiritual family are doing relatively fine, except for the usual third world related problems mainly associated with poor environmental management here, otherwise we are soldiering on. Thank you very much for your letter in which you clearly outlined the necessary scriptural quotations regarding David's throne and the subsequent coming of his promised descendant, Jesus Christ, to sit on it.
Indeed, the Lord Jesus was not a King at his first coming but his Kingship will be when he returns to the earth to establish the Kingdom of God.
I am equally delighted to receive a CD tape on the devil, which is a very heated debate here compounded by the Pentecostal movements who preach a literal devil and satan, responsible for the world's problems.
--Bro. Denis Kombe
Thank you very much for the wonderful work we have seen CAt. doing in the Lord's vineyard here in our ecclesia. We enjoy reading the Gospel news magazine and other books you sent to many of us. We are still actively at work here and our memorial service is fairly well attended.
I am pleased to let you know that the parcel of Bibles and a few Introducing Bible Basics sent to me have arrived safely. once more I would like to thank you for your invaluable help by keeping on feeding the flock in these difficult days to deal with.
In a song of praise the Psalmist cries out, "one generation shall laud thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts. on the glorious splendor of thy majesty and on thy wondrous works, I will meditate." (Psalm 145:4- 5) The book of James tells us to count it joy whenever we face trials, knowing that it is for a short time, and the times we are in are the last days, just before the return of Christ, when he will restore order in this troubled world.
--Bro. David Banda Yelulani
When we read or hear God's Word, He expects us to put it into practice. Read ezra 9:1-15. After only a few months, a serious problem of a life-style inconsistent with God's words became apparent. People were convicted by such passages as exodus 34:11-16, Deut 7:1-4 which spoke of purifying the land and banning foreign marriages, ezra 9:1- 2, which inevitably led to the worship of pagan gods. ezra, realizing the grim situation took it straight to the Lord, not in any `holier than thou' attitude, but in deep sorrow for his people, ezra 9:3-6. God's holy name was at stake because of the contamination of His holy people. What do we need to do when we know we have sinned? ezra's prayer is honest and humble, ezra 9:8-15. Again we begin by acknowledging our own unworthiness. Facing and owning the sin and making no excuse can be the hardest part, yet we remember God's grace in the past. From our point of view in history we look to the mercy and grace of the cross and trust God for pardon and peace.
Thank God that the blood of Jesus , His Son, purifies us from every sin. 1 John 1:7-10.
--Bro. Fibion Ngozi
It has been a long time since I last wrote to you. I do hope you are well through the grace of God. As we look to the new year, we hope it will result in Jesus' return. We do appreciate the good works CAt are doing toward helping all people in the world
to know and understand the Word of God. may God bless you for your loving and caring heart.
The following are some helpful notes on the one to call upon in trouble based upon 2 Kings 20:1-6. v.1. "In those days Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death." our times of trouble determine where we stand and on whom we call. In times of hardship or happiness our cries must be to God. our family can deceive us, our friends, husbands or wives, but God will never let us down. v.2. Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord. He knew God had the answer about his illness. We do need to go to God and tell him our situation. Also we need to walk in the ways God favors so that when trouble or persecution come, God will answer our prayers. v.3. "Remember, o Lord, how I walked before you faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and have done good in your eyes." The way we present our cases before God makes our cries to be heard. Hezekiah walked truthfully and when the prophet Isaiah came with the news of death, he cried to God, and before the prophet left God had answered his prayers. now does God answer our prayers in all our situations? Let us all check our ways and let the Lord Jesus rule in our lives. In the wilderness we read concerning the bronze snake. numbers 21:8, "the Lord said to moses, make a snake and put it on a pole, anyone who is bitten can look at it and live." they looked at the snake on the pole to live, but not on their wounds. We need to look on the cross and call on our Heavenly Father, rather than look at man for deliverance. God is able to help us and overcome our situation. then when anyone was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake they lived. So let us look at our Lord and live. His arms are stretched open to receive us for comfort. So let us all go to the Comforter and know the one to call on in trouble. God is ready to receive us, brothers and sisters, so let us pray, walk and live in the truth of God.
--Bro. Farai Phiri
Thank you so much for your letter to me, which was so helpful about my health and work in the chrome mine. The idea of emigrating to Australia is sounding good to me. Help me brother, how can I emigrate there? my wife is a sister and we have a baby girl of 14 months. By now I am holding a certificate in safety and mining management regulation. Yes, chrome mining is very dangerous but the Zimbabwe mining Board has made regulations that we work with.
Also, here in Zimbabwe things are still hard for those who are not working. to get money to buy food and pay bills is hard. We thank God that He has helped us to have a better life. Prices are not going up as they have done in previous years. In your letter you said that it is like Sodom and Gomorrah. This is not only in the U.K., it is the world over. Christ is round the corner to come and dwell in mount Zion. Let us keep watching and keep our lamps burning with oil.
After months without being paid I was unable to attend the A.G.m. and since we live in a mining area communication is very poor which also affected my welfare items such as food and medication. one tone of chrome ore is paid $10.00 (£4.00). We are paid when the ore is carried out to Zimasco. This can take a long time, while the family is suffering from shortage of food and medication.
--Bro. Dzingai Sumburera
In Guruve we are fine, the rains have just started so we are now busy preparing our lands for planting. In your last letter which you sent me you mentioned growing cassava and you said that in countries like Kenya it is doing very well. I spread this news to my fellow brethren and sisters who became interested in growing this, but the problem we have is how to obtain the
plants in our rural area. We are ready to try the project if we could get all the required materials.
--Bro. Fanuel Mavodzeka
Information available
from SCC. No. 1 Verona Gardens, 70 Livingstone Avenue, Harare, Zimbabwe,
As an ecclesia we are very pleased to receive the Gospel news magazine through the copy you sent to our secretary Bro. Witness majecha. I used to receive a copy but it has since stopped. For the past year I have been receiving a copy intended for Bro. emmanuel mhondiwa who stopped coming to church in 2009, and all efforts to bring him back are proving fruitless; that copy, together with the one sent to Bro Witness we then share with brethren.
Thank you for the movie, the real devil, we will be sharing it, all of us have the gadgets to play the video. I ask you if have got CDs for hymns, especially those in the english black hymn book, we don't know most of the songs tunes. It is also unfortunate that none of us is able to interpret the notes for the songs.
--Bro Danmore Kaocha
There are things that are detestable, hateful and abominable to our God and our Father. The Scripture expresses God's displeasure with numerous actions and behaviors. God is interested in our attitude towards and understanding of Him being matched by our outward display of His values. Anything else is not wanted.
--Bro. Joseph Ndoromasi Chishumba
Thank you very much for the distant education you give me. Please don't get tired or bored with my thoughts or questions, as other churches do not believe these true teachings. We are African, without teachers, and all those that you teach are praising the good and true understanding of God's Word. I thank you very much for "Wrested Scriptures" which gives us the answers to many questions and is a great help to our brothers and sisters.
--Bro. Misheck Hondonza