Southern Russia
We're pleased to announce the baptism of VALERIJ in a town in southern Russia. Our brother has had a long search for the Truth, passing through various religions and denominations, first becoming convinced of the unity of God whilst in the army many years ago. Here's our new brother after baptism.
It was a pleasure to have sister Vika from Gelendzhik and brother Alexei and sister Vera from Min Vody travel some distance despite their major health problems, in order to break bread. Alexei was baptized nearly 20 years ago and has been a wonderful example of witness and genuine care for others. Sister Vika is really in a bad situation. A refugee from the fighting in Abkhazia, she has no documents and survives by making and selling pies. However, she can hardly walk. Indeed, she cannot walk, - she gets around on two crutches and has various spinal and other issues. She gets no state support at all. No pension, no free medical care, nothing. How she survives is amazing, - and she travelled a round trip of 500 km. just in order to be with us and visit another sister in hospital. Now, facing, old age, our sister has a very bleak perspective before her. Her close family members - siblings, parents and son - are all dead. Truly the hope of the Kingdom and knowledge of the present love of Christ is all she has, and therefore she is never short of a smile, despite being in much pain:
It was a wonderful thing to see our sisters and brother waiting for us on a bench with their bags, walking stick and crutches: Of such is the Kingdom. They are the salt of the earth.
We thank God for blessing our preaching over the years and leading us to His true people. Vika has a kind heart and used to give her potato pies free to a hungry looking young boy. He brought her a present one day to show his gratitude- a Bible Basics which his father had. This was the start of our contact with our sister and clearly it was of God. We provided her with major welfare and will try to continue to do what we can, although the Governments of Russia, Georgia and Abkhazia all don't want to give her any recognition of citizenship. So please pray for this lonely but joyful old sister.