What Is The Atashinda Education Fund?
Atashinda is a Swahili word meaning `he/she will succeed, he/she will overcome'. This education fund has been created to support sponsored children and their siblings pursue a high school education or a trade. Atashinda is a central part of the Christadelphian, Agape in Action's mission to improve life, provide opportunity and instil hope amongst the neediest of our family around the world. These young people are eager to learn and be in a position where they can support not only themselves, but also others in need around them. Agape in Action is committed to seeing these children complete their education. Without a high school education or trade, these children will find it extremely difficult to support themselves. Their options will be limited and they may very well find themselves in the same tragic situation from which they were rescued.
There are over 200 young people currently benefitting from this program. There are, of course, very many times more that would love to benefit from this scheme, but that's not possible at the moment for everyone. It is not possible to cope with all the very deserving cases of need to be helped by this scheme at the present time, but you can get further details from them of the great work they are doing `and how they may be able to help you.

It is claimed that 97% of the world's population have heard about Coca-Cola, 72% have seen a can of Coca-cola and 51% have tasted it. It has only been around for 130 years.
These statistics really shook me from a simple one man situation Coca-Cola has become universally known. The Christadelphians have been going for over 160 years and to our shame in many cases we are not even known in the area we live in and even fewer know of our existence worldwide. One of the later days signs Jesus told us was "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come" (Matt 24:14). We need to urgently spread the Gospel into all the world which is just part of our reasonable service.