It was a wonderful surprise receiving the NEV Bible with commentary. I had already received my Feb. Gospel News and was so excited by the news contained in it.
I wished to comment on Duncan's Editorial. Page 2 where he says: `How exactly was it that the Lord Jesus was of our nature and yet somehow never sinned?' It is so remarkable that this very question was on my mind for a few months, and so much that I was asking it of almost every person who would listen to me. My question was, `What was the secret of Jesus' success?' If he was "in all points tempted as we are", yet without sin, then he must have of necessity faced the temptations with a steel will. So what was his weak point? I agree, not alcohol or any such. But rather the `misuse' of the Holy Spirit bestowed upon him at his baptism? He now had the power to satisfy the lust of the flesh, eyes, and pride of life turn stone into bread, call upon angels to save him, also to `come down from the cross,' when taunted. Why did he not use the power?
At 12 he would have asked the question: `What mean ye by this service?' he would have witnessed the careful examination of the slain animal at Passover without spot or blemish `I must be about my Father's business.' Would it not be sinking in: Psa.40:6-8, and that he was to be the sacrifice acceptable? `I am thy servant my ear hast thou dogged' Jesus' love for His Father could have kept him straight, until at age 30 he was given the Power in full measure and immediately came temptation from baptism to wilderness. `You have the power, use it!' But the Word was more powerful than the bread `It is written' love for God and for us won. Jesus knew that one teeny-weeny sin would have disqualified him from being that `lamb' without spot and blemish. So `I delight to do thy will, my God.... Your law is within my heart' saved the day and us. We do thank you, Lord Jesus, sincerely from our hearts.
--Sis. Lorraine Mitchell