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Our Bro. Isaiah Chimfuwembe Mumba of Mandona Ecclesia, Chinsali, fell asleep in the Lord on 26th March 2012 following a stroke and being rushed to Chinsali District Hospital for medication. He was baptised in 2000 by Bro. Paul Genders at Mandona Ecclelsia. He was laid to rest on 29th March having served his Master for 12 years and now awaits the call to the resurrection. Our sympathies are extended to his big family. "Blessed are those who wash their robes so that they may have the right to the tree of life and that they may enter the city by the gates."

I have been elected as a current treasurer so please do not use Bro. Mumba's name and address on the posted materials but use my name and address. You will get more information from the ecclesial secretary, Bro. Charles Kangwa. My love and lots of appreciation for the work CAT are doing in the Master's Name.

--Bro. Edwin Mfula

I hope this letter finds you well. Here the weather is very unfriendly at night and we have to burn charcoal to keep the rooms warm, but healthwise I am fine. I have had a lot of commitments with my family as it is our time of harvest and we labour the whole day and rest very little in the evening.

Thank you very much for the NEV Bible I received and the newly printed Bible Basics. Please do continue sending me more books about the Lord's coming. I shall be pleased to receive any book that leads me to salvation. I don't know if you have two more NEV Bibles for a brother and one student and if you still have some spectacles, lens + 3.50 and + 2.50 for our aged brothers who cannot read very well without them, we would be very grateful.

--Bro. Charles Kangwa

Thank you for Gospel News, where we can read articles from different brothers and sisters from Ecclesias all over the world.

The economic situation has caused an increase in food prices, which is causing a lot of pain to

common people in Zambia. We pray for Jesus' return to establish His everlasting Kingdom.

I have received Bible Basics and the Bibles in European Version, with commentaries. These books are helping my spiritual growth in Christ Jesus, and this is helping me to teach other fellow students.

--Bro. Edward Mutale Choro


The number in my isolation group is growing and we lack materials. Because I have a Bible Class at Katendwa now the only problem I have is that we need more Bibles. I thank you with genuine anticipation. May the Lord continue blessing His work and please pray for me.

--Bro. Goodson Kafuna


We have enjoyed a most uplifting fraternal, they sang many hymns before the opening prayer by Bro David Kaluba. The readings Deut 22 and Song of Solomon 2 by Bros Brian and Martin. Humanity centres on caring and helping one another. Marriage violations are common because people are promiscuous. Our morals are corrupted due to leniency of the law. A case of rape is that of one who attacks and murders his neighbour. Bros Greenwell and Austin presented `What's worship. Why and how do we worship?' and `Seven sayings of Christ on the cross' in the 15mins scriptural presentations. Love one another, as Jesus loved us by dying for our sins. Therefore, love and worship God willingly. Despite not being accepted by many, those who witnessed Jesus' death testified he is the Son of God. Overcome whatever temptations.

--Bro Lapulani Malata

At Kabwe ecclesia we are really thankful for the Gospel News which you have continued to send to us, knowing that you have a very big God- given task in doing so. It is also our hope that we shall constructively contribute to the magazine. Please continue putting in every effort for the continued production. The magazine is very encouraging as we get news from other parts of the world which gives us a sense of belonging.

Recently we learnt that you have sent a new version of Wrested Scriptures. It is our hope that this will help us in our Outreach in the wake of false doctrines being taught ceaselessly on radio and television, making many believe these false teachings which are not Bible based. Please do send us any other literature which might help us understand the Scriptures better. May Yahweh Elohim be always willing to make our work a success.

--Bro. Martin Mwape, Secretary and Bro. Sydney Kunda, Treasurer


I was delighted to have your letter and the enclosures. The times in which we live are so difficult to cope with without making a mistake.

The Bible assures us that ultimately all the world will know that He is the Lord (Ez.38:22- 23). That time could be very soon as we think of the wars, calamities and disasters all over the world which herald the return of Jesus.

--Bro. Wilfred Chibomba


Greetings in the Name of our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for sending me gospel books, all of them are an eye-opener to the Word of God and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, adding value to salvation. I have really come to understand the Holy Bible New European version with commentary and Bible Reading Companion. It is really very easy and simple to understand to us since English is our second language. "The Real Devil" is another wonderful book. Being surrounded by so many churches so to speak, it is made easy because I have a small English dictionary that I always refer to in case I am not familiar with any word. Please never give up doing this noble task, as this is the only way we can always be in touch with each other.

At the age of 63 years, although I am an asthmatic and at times develop high blood pressure, CBM. bought me a new bicycle to enable me to meet my brothers and sisters for the emblems once a month. It is 28kms away, meaning 56kms return. The only ones who cannot make it are Sister

Murangala and children when we do not have money for transport. I am praying hopefully, somehow, somewhere I will get the money to purchase a motorbike for easy movement.

--Bro. Austen Mwaka


We thank you very much for the interesting notes and literature which we received safely. The ecclesia is very happy and enjoying the New Testament Bibles and we are very grateful to you and God for them.

I enclose my photo standing on a rock heart of Maramba River which connects into the Victoria Falls. The river has plenty of fish and sometimes I go fishing there.

We are very sorry to report that Bro. Kenneth Mwenda fell asleep in the Lord a few months after his baptism and now awaits the day of resurrection. May the Lord continue to bless and care for you until Christ's return.

--Bro. Caphes Sikanyika

Bro. Caphes Sikanyika standing on a rock in the midst of the river.


I am very grateful for the endless support you have offered since the very day we knew each other. I appreciate it so very much and may God bless you today and always.

For the past two years I have been working as a watchman to raise money to enable me to go to a college, but it did not work out accordingly. However, I never hold my hands back and I then went to Mazabuka where I did Information Technology (I.T.) in computer short courses for two months and enclose the certificate I obtained. I would love somehow to advance to diploma level so that I can get a better job and contribute to my ecclesia and help my fellow youths to have knowledge in computers.

--Bro. Stephen Siamabi


Let us focus our attention on Israel and the Middle East. The land of Israel and their neighbours will be the beginning of the last troubles. It is our duty of course to warn people of what is coming into the world. We all know that the world is a bad place to live in because of so many horrible people who live in it. That is why we all long for Jesus' return. But before this happens there will be this destructive war with billions of people dying.

Before it is too late, let us stress how important it is to believe in Jesus and to be baptised in order to escape the terror that is awaiting the world. In my imperfect mind I often wonder why we have to wait so long. On Easter Day last month I prayed to Our Heavenly Father and asked why He delays His Son's return and then I realised that the Kingdom will come about the moment Israel turns to God. I must say that this all makes sense. Israel as a nation has not yet turned to God. As we know, Jews do not want to listen to Gentiles. This is why we have to wait for God alone to bring about the Kingdom.

While the Lord remains away let us encourage one another that God is the answer to world problems. I also look forward to this with a longing heart.

Although I think I do all I can, I am not sure if I do enough to spread the glad tidings to the people around me, to tell them about the Lord Jesus, the Saviour of this world and mankind, though the most important thing for us to do now is to remain faithful in the Lord. I wish you the Lord's blessings in all that you do, with enduring love in the Lord.

I am delighted you passed on the names of those wanting to do the correspondence course to Josie and Andrew Walker. I am sure they will soon respond as they are in charge of correspondence in Zambia. Thanks for all the signs of the times papers enclosed and a copy of Gospel News. It is always uplifting to hear of how others are doing in the truth.

Do not fear for the future. God cares for us because we love him. I know that in capitalist societies people don't want to listen and to know the Word of God, unlike in Africa. It is a different story here, people are always willing to listen to the Word of God. Keep on teaching and educating us!

--Bro. Gideon Hankomone.


Thank you for sending us books and also those for the school going children. We have received Bible views on the news published by the Gospel Publicity League, Present Day Events and many more. We

Mufulira Ecclesia ­Right: Sis. Loveness; Br. Musanda.M, Sis. Catherine (4th from right). Sis. Jane (6th from right) centre followed by Sis. Theresa.D; Sis. Stacy. M. Left: Sis.Grace.C; Bro. Kasongo (4th) followed by Bro. Jack.K plus Youths and Sunday School children

Bro. Gideon Hankomone. are still thinking and working out our future life so please may you help us with good books which may go on to help us prepare talks on the creation.

--Bro. Charles Daka


The readings of three books. Esther, Amos and Titus. In the book of Esther we have seen her good deeds led to the arrest of two of the King's officers who conspired to assassinate the King, see Esther 2:19-23.

In the book of Amos ­ This is the shepherd - the type of Jesus? We see this prophecy against Israel and it came to pass for not doing what was good.

The book of Titus makes this very clear. Read Titus v.1,2 ­ compare with Romans 13:1, 1 Pet. 2:13- 14, 2 Tim.2:21-26, Titus 2:14

Why the need to do good? See Titus 2:7. In all things showing thyself a pattern of good works in doctrine showing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity ­ Compare with the following books - Rom.3:24, Rom.8:17, Rom.8:24, Matt.25:46

Hence we must avoid: Read Titus 2:9 "Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters and to please them well in all things, not answering again." Compare with - 2 Tim.2:16, 2 Tim.2:14, Titus 1:10-16. Check over for ourselves, see v.3-6.

May the Lord be with you all as we await the coming of our Lord and Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ, as we journey in this evil world. Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.

--Bro. Harris Mulongesha


We are delighted to have received 17 Bibles which will be of help in the preaching of the gospel of our Lord.

Further, I and 8 students who have started the Bible Course at Peter Singogo Prison are praising God for this opportunity to learn and know God's purpose and love for mankind.

God is blessing me and I have received an offer of admission in the School of Law and Welfare to study Bachelor of Social

Work. Praise be to God, for this programme will enable me to pursue my vision ­

"To work for underprivileged in prison, orphanage widowers and street kids, through provision of access to justice and promotion of human rights, effectually and efficiently contributing to the gap that exists to the underprivileged, and calls for their needs."

Meanwhile I have applied to the Prison Counselling and Care Association for the Scholarship. It is my prayer that God will answer, for God does not fail and what he has opened no man can shut. Moreover I managed to pay for the first semester myself and I believe God will offer a way out to my sponsorship. I am glad I receive the world Gospel News which should be sent to the address I have given.

--Bruno Tembo

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