news from south africa

Soweto ecclesia

Fraternal Gathering. Bro. Anthony Oosthuizen gave a seminar in Soweto. His topic was ‘Baptism: our choice or God’s command?’ He included several case studies covering issues people raise to avoid baptism and rebaptism. This was very informative, interesting and challenging to our friends. More than 40 people attended, over half of whom were visitors. Brethren and Sisters from Yeoville ecclesia also gave their support. Bro. Anthony also gave an exhortation and Bible Study.

Our Bro. Zaccy managed to arrange a 1-hour slot on Radio Jozi for 4-consecutive Thursday evenings from 9 – 10pm to explain in Zulu who the Christadelphians are and the Bible literacy programmes they are committed to in Soweto. Bro. Daniel has agreed to go on as our representative. Let us all pray for him that this may bring glory to our Father and the Lord Jesus. And tune in to 105.8 fm on 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd June.

Joburg ecclesia

We really appreciated Bro. David White coming to exhort us and we again enjoyed him leading the Bible Class last Wednesday.

Sis. Deirdre was not well enough to join us some Sundays but is now much better.. She celebrated her 91st birthday on July 19th and we all send our hearty congratulations to a faithful, dedicated Sister who still keeps on speaking of the things of God to all who come to her.

On July 10th, Bro. David and Sis. Pam Pankhurst from the Riverton, Invercargill, NZ ecclesia joined us for the Memorial meeting. It was great to have the added volume to our singing, and David doing a reading and prayer, while Emmanuel was in Bloemfontein and Sandy in Pinetown.

Soweto ecclesia

We are very pleased to welcome Sis. Paddy Campbell as a member. She has transferred from K/P ecclesia with her daughter Dida who has already been assisting us with our singing on her guitar. Sis Paddy, as an experienced Sunday School teacher, is keen to start a Sunday School. This will be a blessing.

Our ‘Exploring Basic Bible Teachings’ seminars are into their third Saturday and it has been encouraging to see that, of the 30 attending, some were the result of our Brethren Daniel and Obed’s broadcasts on Radio Jozi. The broadcasts seem to have given ‘credibility’ to Christadelphians in the area and we pray we may be afforded more time. Last Thursday the topics of the ‘Devil and Satan’, with specific requests from listeners for explanations of Revelation 12. Job 1, and the temptations of Jesus, were addressed by Bro. Obed. Also 4 students have been attending the Tuesday Bible Class which is encouraging.

It was a pleasure to have Bro. Tebogo Chauke from isolation with us for a weekend .

Yeoville ecclesia

Big disappointment!! Our Bro. Solomon Onwordi from Lagos, Nigeria, had booked to go to the UK to the Inter-Ecclesial Youth Gathering at the end of this month. He (and all of us in Yeoville) was very disappointed to be refused a visa to enter the UK. As a consequence he has had to withdraw from the Youth Gathering.

The food we collect from Woolworths at the present sometimes provides us with packs of ‘Vegetables for Soup’. Sisters and Brethren make them into a big pots of soup, supplemented with rolls, to give children, friends, brethren and sisters, something warming and nourishing during the morning break. This is very welcome in the cold winter mornings.

All I can say today is thanks for sending me the New Testament (New European Version), which is very nice to me as a Christadelphian. I wish you all the best while we are waiting for the whole Bible with the explanations like this. May Yaweh Elohim keep on protecting all of you.

Bro. Lasmme Asende

“Women at the Well” (W@W) 2011.

W@W was lovely. Sis. Sonya Szabo from the US dealt with speaking wisdom with compassion. It was attended by 49 Sisters and friends of which my daughter Dida and I made up the Gauteng contingent. We were given seven packed sessions interspersed with workshops - one on one and in groups. The weather was lovely and mild. Hebron Haven was as usual wonderful in hospitality. The Australian and English P2P Sisters made up the musical department, and we took our guitars and helped a bit

Sis. Paddy Campbell.

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