I love the first book of Genesis as it is from here that we get the Truth, God’s promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. From Genesis ch.12 to ch.50 the God of our fathers has revealed to us that He is the Supreme Power, the Creator of heaven and earth, with a special purpose. If you take time to read the dealings step by step you will come to the conclusion that God has a purpose with us and the earth He has created. Remember the God of the Bible talked to our father of faith, Abraham and those promises were fulfilled by the seed of Abraham, Jesus Christ. But the plan of God is talking about the past, present and future so we are therefore looking forward to the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to fulfil the plan of the God of Israel, the God of our fathers – for this hope of Israel we are called and baptised into Christ. This hope of Israel, the hope of the resurrection is why we labour with all our heart’s, working with eagerness to be part of the people to witness that glory of God which will fill the earth.
I love the joy of the message; it provides me with the hope of divine nature and a great zeal to work every day with one purpose. The God of our fathers is revealed and talked about so much by the patriarchs of faith that we must remind ourselves that it is the heart of the Gospel message. Therefore let no one make you despair, lose hope, or feel discouraged. We must all endure, remain steadfast in the truth and be immovable. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has provided us with a basic Bible teaching that, if we do not strive to obey, we will miss the blessed promises He has made. Reading those chapters in the book of Genesis has impressed me so much. The Bible is God’s revelation to us - we must either obey and be blessed or disobey and be cursed.
When Jacob was welcomed by his son Joseph in Egypt, he was filled with a great joy that the God of Abraham and Isaac was the real God, and he died in faith, hoping to be one of the people in the Kingdom of God. Jacob blessed his sons and grandsons, with the strong desire that the God of Abraham and Isaac would visit and bless his descendants.
In conclusion, I appeal to my brothers and sisters: we must know that the journey is very tough and only those who endure will be saved. I have been in the Truth 35 years, but I am still on the journey towards the promises God made to our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Bro. John Onani, (Sindu, Kenya)