news from kenya


First, I want to thank you for your encouraging letter in these last days, as we patiently wait for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Secondly, I also thank you for some interesting books, ‘Questions on Daily Readings,’ which arrived safely and are very helpful to me and of members of the church. Probably the last time we were communicating we had 32 family groups, but now we thank God because our God is a working God and we have increased to 70 groups. We have gone to the extent of contributing some funds from the neighbouring communities for the purpose of constructing a church.

Bro. Sadique Joumer


Scriptural help when Angry:-

‘Wherefore my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.’ (James 1:19)

Help when Anxious:-

‘Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.’ (Phil.4:6-7)

Help when Sorrowful:-

‘As a Father pities his children, so the Lord pities those who fear Him.’ (Psalm 103:13)

Help when Tempted:-

‘Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts. Let him return to the Lord, that He may have mercy on him, and to our God for He will abundantly pardon.’ (Isaiah 55:7)

Help when Criticized:-

‘Bless them which persecute you, bless and curse not.’ (Rom.12:14) ‘Repay no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.’ (Rom.12:17)

Help when Disappointed:-

‘Cast not away therefore your confidence which hath great recompense of reward.’ (Heb.10:35) ‘Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.’ (Psa.103:2)

Help when Discouraged:-

‘Wait for the Lord, be strong, and let your heart take courage, yea, wait for the Lord.’ (Psa. 27:14)

Help when Frustrated:-

‘Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.’ (Psa. 34:19)

Help when Resentful:-

‘If thine enemy hunger, feed him, if he thirsts, give him drink; for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.’ (Rom.12:20)

Bro. Francis Mayende

Bro. Francis Mayende on a hired motor cycle and travelling to spread the Gospel.


As we read from our Bibles we realise that the time of Jesus’ return is near because of fulfillment of the promises.

In Kenya the food prices have shot up drastically and many are suffering from hunger due to lack of enough food. We wish to thank you very, very much because of the knowledge you supplied to us by sending us books to help us grow different crops in our small gardens: this has really helped us and for that we are grateful.

Bro. David and Sis. Jacklyne Wanjala

I am well and enjoying reading the continuous preaching of the Gospel News magazines you are sending me. I have gladly received the New Testament Bibles which you sent. The interpreted verses below the pages are helping me to understand the gospel preaching, so that whenever I am about to slide from the Truth I quickly remember what I have read and I pick up to stand firm in hope.

Even if I am far away from my fellow brothers and sisters, I feel we are gathered together and covered in the love of our God. So many times I have been thinking of a situation whereby there is a place where people haven’t got a chance of hearing or reading the Bible. This time the Gospel has been spread widely through CAT’s work of printing New Testament Bibles and Gospel News supplements. We pray that nothing will hinder the printing of the whole Bible.

Let’s pray and keep watching, looking forward to seeing our Lord Jesus and his coming kingdom soon to be on earth.

Bro. Jacob Waliaula


I hereby inform you that I am the Elder of Eldoret Ecclesia and although I have been receiving Gospel News from you, this has now stopped – I don’t know why. I would request that you please send them again, as we find them helpful.

May you please remember us and send us a new Bible, as it is good for our Sunday School.

Bro. Alex Waliaula


Thank you so much for sending me a Bible. Please continue to send me articles about the Signs of the Times and ongoing events in the Middle East, which are really encouraging. I would be pleased to have more spiritual materials that will help us grow in faith. Also do remember to send us a ‘Bible Planner’ and ‘Wrested Scriptures.’ So many people here are hungry for the Word.

Kambi Muranza Ecclesia is still young and we need your support materially. I am the Ecclesial Secretary.

Bro. Gibson Amesa Azere


Many thanks for your letter, the book ‘The Real Jesus,’ a very interesting expositor of the Truth; and the assortment of news from diverse places around the world. We see trouble all round the Middle East and wonder how long before Jesus returns, for these days are prophesied and it is interesting and exciting to know that it cannot be long before we see Jesus.

But we see in Japan what terrible destruction earthquakes and tsunamis can create, and the fear that nuclear fallout produces, and we begin to see how Luke 21:25-27 is coming to pass, especially if we take the “powers of the heavens” as meaning those in political high places. In Kenya we are experiencing the worst ever drought and famine in history, the fluctuating food prices and the hike in fuel prices causing the living standards to be unbearable to the common man, a good testimony to Luke 21:10,11.

We planted, and it rained on 23rd March, and since then the sky is cloudy and the rains are just hovering above and there is no single drop. The crops are shrivelling while we watch helpless.

Bro. Lawrence K’Owiti


Praise the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; blessed be his mighty Name for the love he has given to us. I am fine and doing well in Christ.

I thank God also for His grace that I found Bro. Martin Chemiati, who gave me a New Testament European Version, which has enabled me to reach a new level in my study of God’s word. I am blessed with a wife and three children: Lucy, Elvis and Enock. The eldest is 15 years, Elvis is 12 and Enock is 6 years – a born again family.

I therefore thank God that I have a chance to write to you, brother: I beseech you, in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to assist me with Bible books. It is my wish to study God’s word and teach people to know the Truth of the word. Due to the distance between me and Bro. Chemiati I am unable to reach him for assistance.

Bro. Mark Wanjala

Bro. Mark and Sis. Wanjala


I very much appreciate the box of New Testaments and the work CAT are doing, and many a time I cannot stop imagining how wonderful and joyful this is in the eyes of our Heavenly Father. This, to me, is true sacrifice (living sacrifice – Romans 12:1).

Bro. Geoffrey Chirchir


I am so grateful to have received a parcel of interesting letters and some spiritual literature from you. It was nice to hear about the changes in the Gospel News magazine: indeed it is a noble and commendable undertaking. We pray that God will be in the midst to bless everything and so we hope to receive more copies soon.

Inflation is shocking in our country at the moment: prices of commodities have shot up terribly, making life for the poor brethren harder and harder. Many are going hungry, children are not going to school, and they are not able to access good health services. This is probably one of the signs of the times.

Bro. Manasseh & Sis. Doricus Wamamili

Bro. David Wanyala, Sunday School teacher with the Sunday School.

Makhonge members fellowshipping with visitors from Mt. Eglon region in a newly bought plot, which has a cool and quiet environment.


I was baptised on 14th August, 1991, full immersion or ‘buried’ in water, believing in the Name of Jesus Christ, and in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, by Bro. David Cooke of Coventry Ecclesia, now fallen asleep in Christ.

Bro. Walter Wasike


We were delighted to welcome Walter Chakaipa into fellowship, as he was baptised by Bro. Steve from the U.K. at Harare Russell Hotel.

Bro. Sylvester Chakaipa

Baptism of Walter Chakaipa

Children are very much in God’s heart in these days, and we need to reach out to them as much as possible. Reach out to all the unsaved, for them to love the truth of the written word of God and walk in it. We need to pray for them, and particularly for those who have been sold short on a false gospel.

Bro. Sylvester Chakaipa

Sunday School children at Mt. Darwin with Bro. Sylvester Chakaipa


Photo: The Youth Camp held in Nairobi last year, with youths attending from all over Kenya and Uganda for the Fraternal. Bro. Nelson Sikolia attended as the representative of Tongaren Ecclesia, Kenya.


I am very grateful for CAT’s work and how I wish that you could extend your area of work to areas like the Middle East for people to know who Jesus Christ is. Although it takes time, we as Christians hope and believe that our those who do not know Christ today will come to know our God of the Bible and our Lord Jesus Christ

We are doing well at the Ecclesia, and succeeding in our mission to spread the gospel. Brothers, what we are lacking is literature concerning Sunday Schools, and if any is available I would be very grateful to receive some for our Sunday School to grow in the Lord and in the true teaching.

Brothers, it is through the Gospel News that we have received two new members to our church, which has raised our hopes to spread the gospel further. The new members say that the Gospel News of Oct.-Dec. 2010, where it talks about ‘Break it open and pour it on Jesus,’ on page 20 of the article by Bro. Reuben Kaambeu, from Kabombo, Zambia, has made them think twice about their previous faith and way of life, and so decided to join us – to have belief and to know who the real Christ is.

Bro. Nasongo Haron

Bro. Nasongo Haron reading a magazine


I am writing to thank you on behalf of myself and our Ecclesial members for the 12 copies of the New Testament. We shall put them to proper use for spreading the Gospel of God.

In Kenya we are experiencing a high cost of living – the prices of food, fuel, rent and the rest have gone up. But God is always on our side to help with these problems.

Bro. Samuel Wanga


First and foremost, I must thank you very much for the following books which I have received: 12 New Testaments, New European Version; 1 Bible Basics; 1 book, ‘The Real Devil’; 1 book, ‘The Real Christ’; 4 books, ‘Women in the Church’; 3 Gospel News.

The members of our Ecclesia also thank you for various books you supplied, although the print is too small as some of us have problems with eyesight without reading spectacles. In my case, my recommended lenses are 2.50 to enable me to read well. The reading glasses we get here do not last long. So, Brother Marcus, if there are any used or old ones available we shall very much appreciate them.

Bro. John Muyala

The New Testament Bibles which you sent us have now enabled us to open 3 new Sunday Schools, namely Sitila, Nalondo and Khasule respectively.

The Nalondo Ecclesia, brothers and sisters join with me in sending greetings to you, with our thanks for your help.

Bro. John Muyala

Brothers and Sisters of Nalondo Ecclesia outside their meeting hall.


Ndalu Ecclesia has 76 Sunday School children, 10 Sisters and 12 Brothers, we recently baptised Brothers Eric Sifuna and Edwin Wefule, and Sister Conjefte. We are longing to baptise ten more friends. Following that report, I am sorry to say we missed ordering pocket New Testaments, so if you have any remaining, please post us 25 copies.

Often I realise that there are Brothers and Sisters across this world who share an understanding of the love of God shown through His Son Jesus Christ. What is even better, they want this understanding to make a difference to themselves and to those around them. Mark 12:30,31. Each of these areas (of keeping God’s commandments) is like a battle ground. Every day we have to fight with our hearts, with our lives, with our minds and with our physical strength to conquer our human ways, so that we can follow this command. It does not always come easily, and has to be a conscious effort.

However, God knows us and understands us. We know, Bro. Marcus, God has seen your work and your concerns for Ndalu Ecclesia.

Bro. Johnstone Kaliwanga


I received the New Testament Bibles, thank you. What made me happier than ever before, was that I have been in need of a good, big Bible for my Bible studies, but up to now I have not been able to get one. The Bibles in fact have simplified my work, for I have offered one to the Sunday School, 2 of them to the Bible students, and they are very happy doing their Bible study.

Now we have started receiving rain and it is the planting season, so we are rather busy. We grow English potatoes, cabbages, carrots and peas. It has been so very dry, and even we were struggling to fetch water. We don’t have piped water, we were getting it from dams which were almost empty, but God is good, now that the rains have started.

Again I am pleased with the Newsletters concerning how life is in Israel and Palestine, which makes us as disciples aware that the time for the return of Jesus to this earth is very near. I happened to see my friend who had a paper showing clearly sequences of events prior to the return of the Master. Please, if I could have one I would be happy.

Again I have Carelinks to thank for connecting me to Brother Anderson for email Bible lessons, which I have received up to now. We hope that, God willing, you will visit Kenya and find a good Church eagerly waiting for the return of the Master.

Bro. Peter Njuguna


In Nyange Ecclesia we are all OK, and both brothers and sisters are very thankful for the supportive means you are sending to us in the form of Gospel News letters, New Testament Bibles, Bible Basics, the books ‘The Real Christ,’ and ‘The Real Devil,’ together with the literature about world events in conjunction with prophecy in the Bible. This has enabled our Ecclesia to be well equipped with resources that help us to find the true gospel.

We are a growing Ecclesia, increasing in numbers from adults to juniors. This has increased the workload of teaching, especially the Sunday School team, which has promise in their learning of the true gospel to be ambassadors for Christ. So far I don’t have any literature to help with the Sunday School. Most of my Sunday School scholars are aged between 4 and 13, and there are 9 in number.

Bro. Nasong’o Haron

We wish to send our sincere thanks for what you did for us. Many members of the ecclesia were really suffering from a lack of Bibles, but now are very happy enjoying the use of the New European Version Bibles. Many people are now also getting to know the Truth by use of Bible Basics which is found at the back of the Bible: also the Bible reading plan has made people who lacked their personal copies now to be comfortable.

Many friends have asked to be baptised after realising the plain truth about the gospel. Many, too, are supporting your project and are asking that through the Almighty God you should be able to give a full Bible, including both Old and New Testaments: this will equip every member fully with the Word of God. A copy of Bible Basics has made my work easier, trying to sow the Gospel seed to people.

Bro. Adrian Wanjala


I would like to inform you that I saw the hand of the Lord from you, when I received the New Testament Bibles, which I have distributed to our members.

I remain strong in the arms of the Lord. Recently, those who claim to be staunch Christians were shaken, but I stood firm by faith, knowing that only the Almighty knows the time when this order of things shall come to an end.

Bro. Mike Juma


The God of Israel works 24 hours a day. Paul says in Acts 17:28: “For in Him we live and move and have our being”. The power of God worked when Moses and the Israelites crossed the Red Sea and the Egyptian army perished. (Exodus 14:29-31) The power of God was at work for the birth of Jesus Christ – Mary conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:35). The God of Israel used His power to raise Jesus from the grave (Acts 10:39-40). In Exodus 19:16-20

Peter, during the transfiguration of Jesus, witnessed God’s power in the mountain and confirmed the Bible was written through God’s power, the Holy Spirit. (2 Peter 1:16-21) Paul confirms in 2 Tim.3:16: “All Scripture has come through God’s power”. We also believe if we die in the Truth, Jesus Christ has been given the keys of death and will raise us back to life (Rev.1:18).

I have read through the Gospel News magazines and find they represent the testimony and witness of many brothers and sisters throughout the world. We must give our support to the magazine. I do appreciate C.A.T’s aim to preach the true Gospel, to encourage brothers and sisters to grow spiritually and maintain a high standard of doctrine and practice, to the end that they may attain the Kingdom. I was able to get more spiritual help from them.

We have experienced drought and have to get food-shortage stock. We need help from brothers and sisters to save us from hunger. We planted but lacked rain; as a result some plants died and we had to feed our cattle and start again.

‘If the Lord is for us, who can be against us?’ (Rom.8:31) All this comes to fulfil the Bible message, but one thing I pray for after 35 years since 1976-2011, I want the God of Israel to provide someone to carry on God’s service at Sindo, Kenya, as I am getting old – like Moses asked for the God of Israel to provide, and he gave Joshua, son of Nun to carry on God’s work. So I need someone to carry on the work at Sindo, Kenya. I pray that one of my sons, Colins will accept the call of the Gospel. He is interested in the Truth, and has attended three times the Kenya Youth Conference in Nairobi city. He is in form two and his education has been stopped due to lack of payment of school fees for him

My heart is in the service of the Lord God of Israel. He will listen, and knows my problem better than anyone else, all that I need is strong faith and hope – with God all is possible. I have made known to you my problems; please put them in your prayers. (1Kings 9:3-9).

Bro. John Owalo Onani


It’s such good news that you are in the process of printing a full Bible, as you did the New Testament. This is what we have been praying for, and God can always answer the prayers of those who seek Him.

When the Bible is complete, Tongaren Ecclesia would be pleased to have 60 copies for Sunday worship for members of the Ecclesia and friends, with contacts and Sunday School children. These will transform the Ecclesia from Bukusu and Swahili preaching to English preaching.

Psalm 131 is one of my favourite psalms. In the past I viewed it as an encouragement to understand that mystery is one of the hallmarks of God’s character. It challenged me to put my mind at rest. Since then I have been unable to understand all that God is doing in His universe. But then I saw another part of David’s calm spirit: I am unable to understand all that God is doing in me, and it is impossible to try.

David draws a comparison between a weaned child that no longer frets for what it once demanded, and a soul that has learned the same lesson. It is a call to learn humility, patient endurance and contentment in all my circumstances – whenever they occur, though I do not understand God’s reasons. Divine logic is beyond the grasp of my mind; I ask, ‘Why this affliction? Why this anguish?’ The Father answers, ‘Hush child, you wouldn’t understand if I explained it to you – just trust me.’

So I am contemplating David’s example to ask myself, ‘Can I in my circumstances, “hope in the Lord”?’ (verse 3). Can I wait in faith and patience without fretting and without questioning God’s wisdom? Can I trust Him while He works in me His good, acceptable and perfect will? In a world of mystery, it is a comfort to know the God who knows all things.

Bro. Isaac Kapa

Left is our friend Mitungi Saba; centre is Bro. Moses Sikolia, and Right is Bro. Lucas Sikolia. They earn their living through water supply to local people’s homes. All are sons of Brother Isaac Kapa. Bro. Saul stays in Mbakalo and is now a member of Makunga Ecclesia. Bro. Lucas Sikolia is a member of Tongaren Ecclesia.


I received with thanks the parcel of 24 New Testaments which you sent me. Thank you so much for your work in the vineyard.

Also, thank you for the book you sent to me, ‘The Real Devil,’ and the literature on the nearness of Jesus’ coming. I send my greetings to all my brothers and sisters who are working to expand the Word of the Lord.

Bro. Emmanuel Milimo


On behalf of Yatta Ecclesia and other Ecclesias in Central, I wish to say we do appreciate the New Testament small Bibles you have sent to us.

The Bibles are very nice, a good shape and in easy English, with the right illustrations at the bottom, which are Biblically based. This great work should be supported by all. It will help to spread the gospel, for the new Bibles are good for young people and interested friends. We do request more copies for the field work of preaching.

Bro. Lazarus Kingoo

Yatta Ecclesia with New Testaments

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