Take a Stand for Christ: 2 Thess 2:16-17
It is not always easy to practise our Christian faith in our everyday lives, especially in these modern times. Doubtful morals and double standards are accepted as ‘the norm’ in many spheres and very often the person who takes a stand for those things that are just and right and good is regarded as the exception rather than the rule. In consequence of this, and to avoid ridicule and the possibility of rejection, many find it easier to go along with the crowd, instead of having the courage of their convictions and taking a positive stand for Christ as they identify with the Master.
In every aspect of life the Holy Spirit word of God is ready, willing and able to sustain and encourage you in your witness. It will help you overcome those feelings of inadequacy, fear or embarrassment when you find yourself in a situation that calls for you to show your allegiance to Jesus in a positive manner. When you are at a loss for words, He will give you the ability to speak out against that which you believe is wrong and He will enable you discern right from wrong. Keep company with the living Christ and open yourself to the influence of his Spirit, and when your testing time comes you will not be found wanting.
Bro David Yelulani (Banket, Zimbabwe)