news from cameroon


You know Brother Marcus, whenever I think of all that God has done for me in Christ and how He has blessed me, too, in every other way, I really do lack words to tell Him how I am for all His undeserved kindness and love towards me.

Permit me tell you a brief story about my life. You saw in my photograph that was in the last Gospel News that I am handicapped with only one leg. I would tell you how all this happened . In the summer holidays of July 1999 when I was 9, I had a road accident that later culminated in the amputation of my right limb.

You read in my article of my early life in Catholisism. That summer just as I was barely feeling better from a chickenpox attack, I was convinced by my mother to attend Doctrine classes that Saturday(catholic doctrine). I did not want to go but finally listened to my mother for if I had absented from classes that day my name would have been cancelled from the list of candidates for Easter baptism in April, according to what my friends (catholics) told me. It was that day that I had this road accident that finally resulted in the amputation of my leg . I lost my leg for my love for God though at that time I was still astray from the WAY. But God knows why and I do not even bother about that, for it will be taken care of when our Saviour returns. In the Hospital when my parents were weeping it was me who was conforting them and telling them that it was better for me to lose my leg than to die, for the leg had rotted and Gangrene had affected it so much so that if I had stayed two more days without it being amputated I would have died. I had not been baptised (catholic baptism) then, and was so affraid to die and go to hell. In the operation room I prayed and aksed God to save me and He did.

I come from a poor family and am the last child and only son of my mother and father. Many years after those days my parents had to struggle terribly for my secondary education. Just about three years ago I was not able to further studies at the university because my parents could not afford the cost. So to give them time to do some small savings I took The GCE advanced levil a second time, though my grades were better my parents could still not see me through to taking studies at the university level but God did an amazing thing and turned my disappointment into a blessing. Today, all thanks to the amazing work and hand of God, I work in a company and with the pay I earn I'm even able to assist my parents with either the house rents or other things. Who could have believed all this? God is just so wonderful. I used to hear about Him but I am increasingly seeing Him display wonders in my everyday life. I don't think there is any reason whatsoever to turn away from such a wonderful merciful Saviour who is faithful all the time. To him be Glory, Power and Magesty for ever and ever Amen...

Just to inform you that i have found a christadelphian site with over 95% of all our christian literature and you do not know just how overjoyed I am. I have been reading WAYS OF PROVIDENCE online since I found this site and I'm on chapter 17 and amazed with the things I have been reading, for it is helping me to see a whole lot of things differently and has answered some of my very deep thoughts about how God works. The strange thing about the whole issue is that the more I'm getting closer to Him the more awesome He tends to be and the more I think I know about Him the very little I later realise I do know about him. Without ever reading ‘Ways of Providence’ my thougths were not far from the things Brother Roberts writes about in his book. I will be downloading the books bit by bit as I go through them and store them up in my computer at home.
God is really wonderful and I thank Him for making it possible for me to have this facility in my office so as to make the most of it in improving my knowledge and thougths about Him daily as I draw closer and closer to Him. Please Brother Marcus, I beseach you to always mention my name in your prayers that our God should guide me and open my eyes so that I can behold the wondrous things from His LAW. God's grace be with you.

Bro Cyril Zang


I was baptised in 1995 after I gave a good statement of faith, as Bro. Andrew Walker from the U.K. pronounced. Since then my life has never been the same again.

Faith is simply obedience to the Word of God. This means self denial and parting company with all our old manners, friends and family. It means a complete new person and new ways of life.

In Mark ch.9:33-37, the Master called the twelve apostles together after perceiving that they were questioning who should be the first after the Lord was away. Jesus told them that humility and servitude are among the qualities of an elder.

We have seen in all of the remote localities we have been to that health is among the pressing needs of these communities. In order to answer the Lord’s call of giving to the needy, I have trained as a nurse, receiving a diploma in nursing assistance. I volunteered to offer my services in a Presbyterian health centre for nine months but I left because of the ungodly attitude of the staff in this establishment. Money was the idol of the management. I identified “Kwashako” or malnutrition and poor sanitation as a problem in the communities.

We have started a C.B.M. Community Healthcare Centre here with books like ‘Where There is No Doctor’, thanks to CAT., and we are able to assist with basic health and nutritional advice and treatment.

We are even more grateful to CAT. for inspiring us with the help they are offering. We appeal to anyone who can afford, to send basic medications, mosquito nets or any other item not in use. Anything will help.

Our hope is to set up a clinic and to have the service of a periodic doctor’s visit to our poor community. Your prayers and appeals to the Master are needed for this aim while the Lord remains away. May his glorious appearance be soon as we wait patiently for all sorrow and tears to be wiped away.

Sis. Evelina Nanji

Sis Evelina Nanji

It is always my pleasure to read about you. The most important is to keep connection in the Spirit. Greetings to all the beloved.
Bro. Guy Solange

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