news from russia


I remain with the memories and impressions of the Summer Bible School, truly this is my real family, I have no other. To be together with true brothers and sisters is indeed the greatest blessing we can have as we walk in the wilderness of life toward the Kingdom. It was really wonderful to be with others of the same mind, the same beliefs, the same hope. I know that others with whom I spoke have the same feeling. Thank you to all who make these gatherings possible. I am encouraged by occasional phone calls from Brother Shurik in Ukraine, he is hoping in due course to relocate here, this will be such a great thing for our small ecclesia.

Bro. Oleg

Brother Oleg, centre, with brother Andrew Fotheringham (Adelaide, Australia) on the left, and Brother Viktor Paderin, from the Urals of Russia.


Thankyou for the Bibles sent to us. Sister Ludmila passes on her great greetings, although she is very sick. She has one woman with her there who is very interested in the Truth. They are also in need of Bibles there, especially as they are active in preparing people for baptism.

Bro. Mikhail


Thank you so much for the Bible School in Moscow, it was such a blessing, so many brothers and sisters to talk to, even by the end of the week I hadn’t talked to all I wanted to.

Bro. Andrej


I am in prayer for you all, knowing that the only thing worth anything is to live in peace with God in this life and then to enter His Kingdom when Christ returns. This is my prayer and wish for you all.

Sis. Lidija


I have been reading the book sent to me about Romans 1-8, it follows on I think from some talks about this subject we had in Poltava. I really am starting to understand about God’s grace.

Bro. Igor P.


We are now back in Murmansk and back at work. I feel every day how the Lord is supporting me, in things great and small, even in the things which don’t work out well. We wait eagerly for all your letters, as here we are very isolated.

Bro. Kostya & Sis. Nastya


Please pray for my father, he is very sick with cancer, we are trying to raise funds for his chemotherapy and I am sending funds back home whenever I get paid. Please pray for him and our family and please support as you can.

Sis. Angelika

All Summer and much of the autumn I have been away from home, helping to build a house in the countryside. Of course I take my Bible and Bible Companion with me, and there in the open air I have been reading, struggling to understand many things, especially 2 Corinthians was hard for me, maybe the translation is difficult in that book. I was so wishing to have a Bible commentary with me. I returned home to find the New Testament with commentary awaiting me and I was so grateful to God and to you for going to all the trouble to supply this.

Bro. Valerij


I had a visit from brother Timothy Whittaker recently. I can no longer travel anywhere really at my age, so it was special to have a visit from someone who came all the way out to our village here. I think often of you all, and of the one Bible School I did attend years ago now.

Sis. Tamara


I was so sorry to have missed the Summer Bible School. With my grandson so weak and having operations, and my daughter, son-in-law and other grandson and his wife all working, I have many things to do, so I decided not to go. Everyone has to work so hard for such small money. The temperature this Summer has been at 40 degrees, and my heart isn’t good. And I fear having to change trains in Moscow, to go on the metro there, everyone is so fast and rushing and I don’t feel able to do it alone any more. But if ever I was with you all in spirit it was at the time of the Bible School, wondering how it was going, who got baptized etc.

Sis. Raisa

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