news from mauritius

Our Lord will return the same way as He ascended to the heavens. The return will be a great event undreamed of by men. It may be in our time, but we have faith that we will meet Him when He comes to this earth, which is full of problems.

Thank you for the literature and the book entitled “The Real Christ”, written by Duncan. It is a book of reference like an encyclopaedia, like a pharmacy when we take the tablets for our daily life. The book is second to the Bible! Thank you for the new venture in publishing a new edition of the New European Testament. It is a lamp to guide us throughout our lives.

Thank you also for the encouragement. We, the elders, see the end fast approaching. We must prepare ourselves and keep our garments white and clean. The writer of “Present Day Events” is well known in the Christadelphian circle. Bro. Graham Bacon was present at my baptism years ago. He was a flight engineer for Qantas. He must be aged but his memory is alert and clear. I shall write to him for more information. (Saddly Bro. Graham fell asleep in Christ – we all miss his writings). Israel is always in the news. The Prime Minister Netanyahu is in having talks on Palestinian issues. The embargo to Gaza is again an operation under the supervision of Israelis for the smuggling of rockets!

We regret to announce the death of Bro. Mookram Sewsurn, aged 68, who died peacefully after a long illness. Death was a relief. He regularly attended the table of the Lord for many years at the Quatre Bornes Ecclesia and was beloved by his two sons (doctors) and a daughter. The family is not in the Truth. He sleeps awaiting the sound of the trumpet. Our brother was baptised in the seventies in a nearby river. The infant ecclesia had 4 members at that time. We maintain the lamp shining in this island.

We regret to hear of the bad weather in Australia, part of which is under water and some brethren and sisters have difficulty in surviving. Here, we are at present facing a drought and water is being rationed, due to lack of abundant rain!

May the Lord bless you for working in the vineyard. Your name is already in the Book of Life for the whole family in His service. I received the Logos as an unpaid member but it was stopped because of an economic problem!

Bro. Lilkan Ancharaz

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