Look at World Events and Ours

Every day, events in the world puzzle and confuse us as human beings who pursue their own agenda instead of God’s. See Greece’s huge debt and large deception, the Thailand unrest, the killings in Iraq, the Afghanistan suicide bombers, the Jos mass killings in Nigeria, the threat of Iran to Israel and to the whole world, the UK election fragmentation which was an electoral hurdle before the coalition government emerged, the plane crash in Libya, the Hamas threat, the ash cloud over some parts of Europe, the unification of gay marriage in Europe and parts of Africa, the kidnappings in the world, especially Nigeria, unemployment especially in Nigeria, sex trafficking, the disobedience of children to parents, the egotism of leaders and the marked differences between them and poor people, selfish and self-centred behaviour –even in the brotherhood.

There are many social evils that are rampant in human governments – even Obama does not have power to stamp them out. What our world will become in the next 10-20 years causes nightmares to those who read God’s world. The Hebrew Bible revealed these ugly happenings and more, but the world is not making any effort to redress these, or to make amends through the Bible; hence the need for Christ to come is now unquestionable for those who are lighting the candle.

If there is any good time to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, this is the right time, as peace in Jerusalem would change the political topography of the whole world and ultimately usher in the rule of righteousness. We are now living in the world, and what Christadelphians used to shun and speak out against, many are similar to Israel in the flesh in the wilderness, we are becoming eager and ready to copy the captivating and alluring Canaanites pattern of daily lives. We pray that God will be kind to us that we may be like Abraham, Noah, Lot and Paul who, in the face of plenty decided to follow the path of thorns. However, Paul was moved by the spirit to caution the Ephesian brethren, Acts 20:27-38.

Every era is faced with one problem or the other. Our own age is faced with materialism, and only prayer without ceasing will disengage us from the malady. So may the Kingdom of Christ come and find us vigilant.

Bro Ikechukwu Ugwu (Asaba, Nigeria)

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