news from russia

We’re delighted to report the baptism of ALEXEI; may God bless him to His Kingdom.


Thank you for the magazine and for the invitation to the Bible school. Sorry to say we can't meet again, it's too far to go there, too much time from work. We are really sorry to receive the information about the death of Brothers Vladimir and Albinas, we loved them very much. We also hope to meet them in the Kingdom of God in the future. Send our love to brothers and sisters. Much love in Jesus,

The Belyaev family


I am suffering as we all are, but I really am learning the truth of the fact that blessed or happy is the believer who can endure tribulations.

Bro. Igor S.


Greetings to all from far northern Russia! As you know we were transferred here but we have found it not as cold as we had imagined it would be. We think of you so often.

Bro. Kostya & Sis. Nastya

Photo: Kostya and Nastya at Nastya’s baptism in 2008


I am surviving OK here despite the huge flu epidemic there has been. I read each day according to the Companion. I am currently under a very strong impression from the fact that what is written about Jesus personally is written about us too very often. His whole mission to forgive sins and save people He has put into our hands, we are in the world as representatives of Him. This makes me look at my life and witness very seriously.

Bro. Valerij


I returned with much joy from the Bible School, I am so grateful that I was enabled to come at the last minute. Our lives here continue to be dominated by the problem with my grandson who was hit by a falling high voltage cable; he is blessed to be alive but his arm and leg seem unusable, but they are suggesting an operation, the cost of which is huge for us. All our family are gathering what money they can from here and there so he can have it and so that he can have the after care which will be needed. I am praying for him many times each day. Please pray for him too.

Sis. Raisa

Sister Raisa [right] with other sisters at the recent Bible School in Poltava


Thank you all so much for your prayers for my health. I am slowly improving. I look back at the photos of my baptism and I know whom I have believed.

Bro. Sergej


I am now 75 years old and have many weaknesses in my health. I read and re-read Revelation 21 about the wonderful time which is to come upon the earth and, I hope and pray, for me personally. Thank you for sharing with me the hope of the Kingdom.

Sis. Tamara

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