news from kazakhstan

I have had trial after trial in my life at the moment. I spent my last money buying new boots but they are leaking already, there has been so much snow and now when it melts there is water everywhere. I suppose life must be hard for us so that we reach God’s Kingdom but all the same it is difficult sometimes to live it.

Sis. Nina

I have come across a copy of the histories of Josephus. I am reading this with great interest. I never read anything like it. I really feel I can imagine the situation in which Jesus lived so much better, He has become more real for me.

Sis. Elvira

I wanted to write and say how often I think of how Duncan and our late sister Ludmila used to come here and teach us and baptize people, now I know I am with the Lord whereas before I knew so little about Him, and what I did know was so wrong, just supposition and assumption, or believing what others said. Ludmila has been dead a while now but truly we still remember her here.

Sis. Yulia

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