news from zimbabwe


As I am writing this letter, people are busy running to and fro in the fields planting tobacco, maize, sorghum and soyas. The weather promises to be fine, while we are living in a changing world.

One year has passed and we are now well into 2011. As we read through reviews of the past year, we are reminded of events that have already receded into the forgotten past. They are history. It is not easy to let go of the things of the past, yet the Bible presents us with a God who not only creates, but is always recreating.

As we move on through the year, let us be glad for what is being left behind – much of it evil and all of it transitory. Let us be glad also for what is coming, for the new creation, for the new heavens and the new earth God is creating. Pray for the perfect heavens and perfect earth which Christ will bring soon, when he returns to rule.

Bro. David Yelulani


It shows the love of God when He continues to urge His people to spread the Gospel of truth. We now know the truth, and that is setting us free from problems and troubles. We also now know how to overcome the powers of evil (Ephesians 6:14).

I am OK – God is keeping me safe.

Bro. Calvin Chitano


I am delighted to report the good news of my baptism. I was baptised here at Ratelshoek Tea Estate in Chipudzana River in Chipinge District. I was baptised by Bro. Moses Dhlakama, with four other students. Though Bre. Patrick and Admire were unable to attend, things went well, in peace and harmony. May the Lord keep me in the way to His Kingdom. We all enjoyed the nice meal prepared by my wife Ronica Madhimba at my house. Ronica is taking some lessons with other students. I was given the right hand of fellowship at Rimbi Ecclesia by Bro. Rhobson Sithole of Bulawayo.

We are busy doing meetings on a rota for Breaking of Bread here in Chipinge North with Bre. Moses, Farai and Sis. Evelyn, either at Bro. Moses’ farm at Christine, or at my house here at Ratelshoek. Again, we normally have our monthly meetings at Rimbi, Tanganda Halt and Christine Farm.

Thank you very much for the books you have sent me. I have finished reading Bible Basics and ‘The Real Christ.’ May you keep on sending me others.

I am also looking forward to the baptism of my wife Ronica Madhimba. We are baptised into the saving Name of Jesus Christ and must be men and women of faith. Through baptism we are related to the hope of immortal life at the return of Jesus, when the Kingdom of God is established on David’s throne in Jerusalem, here on earth. In that day peace and righteousness will fill the earth and all nations will be blessed and subject to him, so let’s keep watching, for the time is near.

I am glad to announce to all that very soon I will be transferred, God willing, from Ratelshoek, my working place, to another Estate around Chipinge. I will soon inform you when transferred. Thank you, and may God bless you all.

Bro. Simon Madhimba

Bro. Simion Madhimba being given the right hand of fellowship by Bro. Rhobson at Rimbi Ecclesia.

Here at Ratelshoek we are fit and strong in the Word of God. I thank the Almighty God for His love in bringing us together as one family in Christ.

From our community Bro. Farai Makandeni is being transferred with his job from Ratelshoek Tea Estate to Jersey Tea Estate around Chipinge District. I am parting from this good brother with whom I spent time doing God’s work. Our preaching ranged from Ratelshoek areas to Mpengo and Dakata, part of Mozambique. However, we will keep up our regular meetings, meditating upon the great salvation we have been shown. Myself and Bro. Moses will always keep paying regular visits to Bro. Farai at Jersey, helping people there to grow in Christ.

I also remain here at Ratelshoek as a labourer in the Master’s vineyard. I have a good number of students who are doing the 40 lessons, including my wife Ronica.

Please will you keep supplying us with more information, books and pamphlets to guide us spiritually until the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Bro. Simon Madhimba

Bro. Simon and his wife (student) Ronica Madhimba, holding their newly born daughter, Needmore (Martha) Faith Madhimba.

In our efforts to have an ecclesia at our farm, very soon we will have two baptisms, and these two students learned the Truth through Bible Basics.

Bro. Moses Dhlakama


Guruve Brethren and Sisters were busy clearing the land where the Ecclesial Hall is to be built. All the members are well united, and the work is being done in an amicable way. Although we are a small Ecclesia, we are growing rapidly, as there are many students on the UK 40-lessons course and another group of students on the oral lessons under Brother Fawiel Mawookeka.

Many people nowadays are very keen and eager to learn more about the coming Kingdom of God on this earth. Here we give handouts and pamphlets to outsiders.

We are people who live in a drought-stricken, rural area which also receives poor rainfall each year. This year we had a severe drought, but we hope God will help us, as our only Heavenly Father (Psalm 34:10).

Bro. Nice Yotamu

Guruve Brethren and a Sister preparing the land for the Ecclesial Hall.


May I start by saying thank you so much, I received Bible Basics books and a second hand good bible from Durcan & Marcus May I say once again I appriciate everything you have done, You have blessed me so much. Thank you so much I am very greatful. Be blessed and continue to do good for the rest of people seeking your service.

Dennis Mudzinganyama


We can only know God through His revelation of Himself and His ways. This revelation is in the Bible, which clearly claims to have been inspired by God through faithful men (2 Tim.3:16). We can learn about God’s nature, His character, His mind and His purpose. Do we love Him and follow His commands? We should, because He created heaven and earth, and we too are being formed spiritually by Him. He gave His beloved Son Jesus to this world to teach us about His ways, so that we can enter the future Kingdom.

Jesus said, ‘I tell you the truth, if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my Name, there am I with them’ (Mat 18:19-20). 1 Corinthians 13:13 says, ‘These three remain, faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love.’ Let us follow His commandments to preach the Word of God, the Bible, to our fellow men in areas where we live, as God and His Son Jesus love us.

Bro. David Ngwenya


We had arranged to start some rotating meetings for Breaking of Bread here in Mt. Darwin with Sis. Esther Chigiji, who lives 80Km south of our place. This did not materialize as Sis. Esther cannot get to our place on a Sunday to Break Bread, as there are no buses in the morning, and her return journey would be in the dark, which would be difficult as her failing eyesight is worsening. Our prayer is that one day bus operators will bring in more buses to our place, which is still remote.

Bro. Sylvester Chakaipa

Bro. Sylvester Chakaipa


Thank you so much for sending us the book ‘The Real Christ,’ it is very interesting and explains much about our Lord Jesus Christ.

Please pray for visitors from overseas not to divide brothers in ecclesias: we expect them to make us come together and do effective preaching.

Bro. Gilbert Tevere


As we are now in isolation, we miss the brethren in Chegutu and around Zimbabwe, although we sometimes hook up during visits to Chegutu.

We read our Bibles every day as a family, a practice we have been able to maintain since 2004. I have not so far been able to get replacement Bibles, hence we have continued to use the old Bibles which have some missing pages.

Sanyati Growth Point has a problem of seasonal workers who rely mainly on the Cotton buying companies that go off season after the ginning is completed. That then makes contact difficult, as interested friends disappear to their rural homes for various farming activities. The place is also full of immoral vices and it is difficult to get serious contacts who keep in touch. But all the same, the Lord God has kept us and protected us as we strive to live under His commands. Our faith remains strong as we await the coming of our Master and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Bro. Itai Tembo


The idea of your thought is marvellous! It helps in preaching, making it much easier with these comments. I showed your letter to the Brethren and Sisters of our Ecclesia. They fully commend it and wish to have this New Testament with additional comments: the number they request is 12 to 15 books.

Bro. Svuure Faustino

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