news from russia
We are delighted to report the baptisms of NADEZHDA, LARISA and NIKOLAJ. May the Lord keep them in the way to His Kingdom.
The loss of Brother Boris to us here cannot be explained in words. Still I remember him, every day, as I read the Bible, knowing he would also have been reading the same chapters according to our plan. Sister Alevtina has so many on-going problems with her sight, I am very, very grateful indeed for kind brothers and sisters abroad who are providing so much for her, without that she would be blind, and she wishes not to go blind simply so she can continue reading God’s word daily. I am awaiting with great impatience the next Bible School.
Bro. Oleg
I continue reading daily and breaking the bread. I am struck by how often we are told that Jesus is at the right hand of God in Heaven. He is truly there as our Mediator, I keep reminding myself of this.
Bro. Valerij
We have very exciting news from here, in that one man here wishes to be baptized, he came to us because his wife obtained a copy of Brother Andrej reading Bible Basics on CD from the local blind institute, and he as her husband also listened to the book being read. Now he wishes to be baptized, so we are so much encouraged.
Bro. Sergej
Thank you for the sympathy in the loss of Tanya’s father. We are longing for the next Bible School in Poltava, almost as much as we long for the coming of the Kingdom at this time.
Bro. Andrej
Photo: Brother Alexei Hodusov leading the outdoor baptism service for sister Nadezhda.