news from haiti

We are delighted to report a number of baptisms at the Port au Prince ecclesia during the visit of Brother Charlie Klennert of the Tacoma, USA ecclesia: Sisters ROSE, ANGELA, ELYSEE, CLERISMA, DOANTIEN, MAUDELINE, WIDLINE and SAGINE; and Brothers FAVEUR, EMANUEL, NIXON, JAMESON and PIERRE; may God keep them in the path to His Kingdom.

My Salutation in the powerful name of our Lord. All the pleasure is mine the fact that I am sending you these lines in order to inform you that we have received the box of books. The majority of the people at the ecclesia have already had a Bible Basics but yesterday I distributed 45 of these books and saved the rest for other people who will be studying with us. I have sent some pictures but they are not good quality at all. I do not know what is happening with my camera, it does not take good pictures as it used to. Please share our gratitude to Bro Marcus, tell him that we really appreciated this gesture, these books are much more important than sending money, even if we need that also. As I explained to you in my previous email, on the 26th of April we will start a week of special preaching. We want to contrast the faithful woman of the true ecclesia, and the prostitute of false religion which surrounds us here.

Please pray just that our meeting place keeps out the rain enough so the visitors shall remain.

Bonne journée, et Que Dieu vous soit en aide !

Brother Esmath

Visitors to the meetings of the Port au Prince ecclesia.

Let us continue in God’s service, for He knows our cry, our needs, and our worries.

Bro. Fendy

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