news from kenya


Kenya is experiencing much famine and the government has announced a famine disaster. There is a lack of food and water and we need seeds badly, thus we need much help from anywhere, be it water or something to eat. I fell sick and I could not cope and am still weak and reading in my bed. The weather change, decline in crop output and decline in moral standards in the world are all signs of the last days when the Bible tells us that Christ, as our Saviour will come.

Bro Nelson Anyals


Receive my warm greetings in the Lion of Judah. We were displaced and only recently have I been able to resume my education and return back here. My spiritual life has benefited from what you have done for me; please continue to guide me. We have remained watchful for our Master and we fully understand that our endeavours will be revitalised by Him.

Bro. Wycliffe Wasike

I greet you in the Lord. Thank you for your letter, which I got recently. You said that you intend to delete me from the list of those who receive Gospel News. Perhaps as you have not heard from me for some time you may think that I don’t like the magazine. I like it very much and it is through me that you get many readers from this end. I therefore still need Gospel News to enable me to preach the Word of God to others.

Bro. Clement Fwamba

My family and I are enjoying life happily in our King, Jesus Christ. Many, many thanks for the books I have received. I am happy and looking forward to learning more about the Gospel. In our homeland of Kenya life is becoming harder, for example, the cost of 2 kg of maize flour is 100 khs. The government has tried to reduce this price but up to now this has not been possible. I hear that price increases have also occurred in many other countries. In America people voted for change and they know that they have succeeded but I know that things are still becoming harder and this shows that the coming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, is near. As we are expecting Him to come we need to learn more about the Bible so, brother, please help us.

Bro. Maina George Wabwile

Bro. Wabwile with his friend Moses.

Recently we had a Bible School where we learnt some wonderful lessons about the growth of ecclesias composed of brothers and sisters, young and old, who have been called and chosen to serve God. We read in 1 Cor.3:1-4, 16 &17 of the qualities we should be trying to demonstrate in our ecclesias such as the following:-

  1. After baptism we should endeavour to grow from being babes in Christ to become a holy temple of God and try to keep it pure in every way.

  2. We should have a strategic plan and vision for the ecclesia.

  3. Young and old, brothers and sisters should all make a faithful stand in our mission work and preach the gospel to bring people to the Kingdom of God.

Bro. Boniface Juma

In Kenya now, the harvest of food crops is good in my area and we thank God for that. Even though there are great reports of malaria in the country at present, I hope that with Christ’s help we can pull through all this; the sooner the better. I do not lose heart in the preaching field and exhort you also not to lose heart. I would particularly request some reference cards and cards on biblical topics and maybe some magazines and pamphlets relating to preaching sessions and conferences on biblical topics to guide us on our way to the coming Kingdom of our Heavenly Father. I now have trouble reading my Bible due to eyesight problems caused by typhoid fever last year so I would be grateful for some reading glasses.

Bro. Martin Situma

Bro. Martin Situma


We were so glad to receive your informative letter and really appreciate the help extended towards our group project, which will help us to build up some stores and also to sustain our project in future. We are praying to God always to give you good health and long life as you keep on helping us spiritually and materially while Christ tarries. His Kingdom shall be for ever and the righteous shall leap with joy when they see Him. We are courageously preaching the good news to many we are meeting every day and we have a good response and hope they will turn from darkness to light and so will receive the crown of life at His coming.

Sisters: - Jackline Wanjala, Doricus Manasseh and Emily Walwanda


The Devil and Satan are thorny subjects here in Africa, where the majority of people and even some so- called Christian sects are still not aware of the truth on this subject and believe it to be a very big force competing with God in all aspects. The book you sent me has reached me at the right time to help in correcting people’s beliefs on what the Bible actually teaches on this subject. 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

Bro. Raphael Joni Aimo


I am pleased to inform you that I have returned to the rural area, although I am homeless and still reside with a brother. The situation here is tense as there is unemployment, famine and drought of an unprecedented scale. Our weathermen predicted El Nino phenomenon rains all over Kenya but they are not accurate and many areas do not even see a day of rain.

The language of the Bible is often misinterpreted to mean different things and to ultimately alter the root meaning and its usage. However, the Greek word, which was the language of the times, for baptism, is ‘baptiso’, and plainly means to dip, immerse or sink. It is a symbolic act in itself whereby one is identified with death and resurrection. Under the water the sinful body is ‘buried’ or crucified with Christ, and ‘raised’ or resurrected with Christ when the believer comes forth to newness of life as God’s child. In this regard truly professed followers should teach and emulate what Christ and his followers taught. Changes of names had their significance in the past, e.g. Abraham (Gen.17:5), Jacob (Gen.35:10) etc. In this context we are very grateful to our Christadelphian pioneers for having studied the original language in which our Bible was copied i.e. Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek.

Bro. Lawrence K. Owiti


I have just come to realize that most of the people who want to join us in the service of the Lord don’t do so because they say that our church is too boring. The sermons are okay but there are no musical instruments to accompany our singing. There is a need to praise the Lord with songs accompanied by musical instruments. David, a young shepherd, praised the Lord using his harp. Anyway, this is one of the things we could rectify, in order to keep the church from losing some great people, and at the same time, make a service livelier. Typewriters are not in use currently because computers have been introduced in the world today. We should also change with the present current system of communication and version too. For this, I am requesting our brothers and sisters, wherever they are, if they are in a position to assist us in any way possible, to get musical instruments in our churches. I, myself, want to do an outreach of the Word of God but don’t have a microphone and other items needed in this work.

Bro. Samuel Maruta

Comment: There are a number of ecclesias who would like some musical instruments; if anyone has any surplus instruments, we would be delighted to have them. MH

Bro. Maruta with his three children, Ram, Liz and Tony


A slip of the tongue can be revealing and instructive. We were reading in Matthew ch. 7 for family devotions, when we came to verse 16, “Ye shall know them by their fruits.” The person reading accidentally substituted the word “faults” for “fruits”. It seemed funny at the time, but as I pondered the misstatement, I began to think that there might be more significance to it than it seemed at first.

Try this experiment: take a list of your ecclesial members and take a moment to think of each one in succession. Notice the first thought that comes to your mind for each one. Is it a fault or a fruit? If we emphasize each other’s fruits, it will foster appreciation for the brotherhood, it will make it easier to encourage each other and we will be more likely to follow their good example.

However, if we focus on each other’s faults, we will become cynical and eventually we will consider everyone a hypocrite. We will become discouraged as we become more and more disillusioned with the ecclesia. James writes, “confess your faults one to another”. While we do have a responsibility to be sensitive about sin in the ecclesia we must not become too critical about each other. All of us will have some faults as long as we are on this side of eternity. Let us know our brothers and sisters by their fruits, not by their faults, because it is more fruitful to be fruit finders than fault finders.

Bro. Peter and Sis Jane Omuny


If God hears prayers, why is it that many times we pray sincerely for help in a matter and do not get it? Paul earnestly besought the Lord thrice that he might be delivered from the thorn in the flesh inflicted upon him, but his prayer was not granted, (2 Cor.12:8). He was informed that the thorn was necessary, (2 Cor 12:9). His action was an example for us – that is why for Christ’s sake he delighted in weakness, insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties, for when he was weak, then he was strong. (2 Cor.12:10).

If therefore, our prayers are not granted, we should conclude that their denial is part of our needed preparation for a place in that glad morning when “sorrow and mourning will flee away” (Rev.21:4). “I reckon”, says Paul, “that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us”. (2 Cor.4:17).

Brethren and sisters, we must train ourselves to take this view completely; sufferings are needful (Heb.12:7-11). “And we have the word of the prophets made more certain and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts (2 Pet.1:19). This word of prophets states as follows, “The redeemed, without exception, will come out of great tribulations” (Rev.7:14, Acts 14:22). The tribulations will differ in different cases and different times, but tribulations are tribulations and are needful with moral objects in view. They may be “grievous”, as Paul allows, but if because they are grievous, we ask for them to be taken away, and they are not taken away, shall we dare conclude that our prayers are not answered? Not at all.

John gives us the answer to the question at hand – “This is the assurance we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will he hears us” (1 John 5:14). If we know that he hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have what we asked of him”, (1 John 5:15) for we could never wish God to give us anything that was not “according to His will”. Even our elder brother Jesus Christ has given us an example on the subject. He prayed earnestly to be spared of his terrible ordeal, “yet not what I will, but what you will” (Mark 14:36). Sufferings and prayers are to be answered by God. In this case they are part of the prayers of preparation, the necessity for which on that day we will see clearly. (2 Cor.13:12).

Bro Walter Wanyama Wasike


It has been a long time since I last communicated. I have many Bible questions, I will try to pass them to the next visiting brothers we have.

Bro. Zachary Oluoch


I have enjoyed the office work that I have been doing on a temporary basis since leaving school. I am looking for suitable employment, which uses my secretarial skills and gives me the opportunity of developing them as in bookkeeping or sales promotion.

Sis Angelo Chege


We met with the Kenya Committee and did the elections for the South Nyanza region and now we have a new committee. I was elected as welfare sister. This year has been the toughest year I have ever seen single-handedly. I am glad I received some colouring books from Bro. Walker, as I have 100 pupils who therefore need a lot of materials.

Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal. Having someone who understands is a great blessing for us. Each one of us is God’s special work of art; He works with whoever fears Him. Though our feelings come and go, God’s love for us does not. In time we can accept a great loss if we have somebody to bring us through it. God sends friends and companions to love and support us. Thus I believe that one day, with the struggle with the Acocks Green children, God will answer my prayers and the children will rejoice in Him.

For the joyful birds prolong the strain,
Their song with every Spring renewed
And the air we breathe and falling rain,
Each softly whispers God is good.

When faith is strong, troubles become trifles. There can be comfort in sorrow because in the midst of mourning, God gives a song, so I believe that God will give a song and joy.

Taken separately, the experiences of life can work harm and not good. Taken together, they make a pattern of blessing and strength, the like of which the world does not know. So I call on you, O God, for you will answer me, keep me in the shadow of your wings.

Finally love-

Where there is love the heart is light,
Where there is love the day is bright
And where there is love there is a rejoicing song
To help where the things are going wrong.

Sis. Emmy Aseyo

We thank you for the books you have continued to send through Sis. Millicent and we do need some copies of the Kiswahili Bible Basics. We are always pleased to receive one ecclesial copy of Gospel News and wish to request an extra copy. Please send us leaflets, newsletters and books that will strengthen the brothers and sisters of Ndisi Ecclesia.

Bro. Ukiru Jacktone


I have enjoyed your service since 1999 and I do appreciate and pray for the Gospel News magazine to continue doing the work of God’s message until the coming of Our Saviour, Jesus Christ, to establish the Kingdom and award us eternal life. The Bible promises us eternal life so we must therefore continue to live with Christ till we die in Him. We must follow the patriarchs of faith in Hebrews ch.11. They died in the Truth so that we, the Gentiles, can be glorified together, Heb.11:13,39,40, Romans 2:7. Mark 16:15,16, Titus 1:2, John 20:31. Unless we acknowledge the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ,there is no eternal life, salvation or immortality, John 17:3.

I will talk about example as the best teacher. Our Saviour, Jesus Christ, is the head of Christianity and he won victory over sin and death. He is the author of our salvation, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. He is our mediator and advocate. Rev.1:18. He died and was raised to life, given immortality and power over the earth and heaven. We were baptized into His Name with a hope of being like him when he comes to rule and reign on earth.

The book “The Real Christ” teaches us to test whether we follow the right Gospel or we worship God or Baal. When you are baptised in the water you come out of false or fake Jesus and come to the real Jesus, the Truth – John 14:6. Acts 10:38. “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.” V.42, “And he commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one appointed by God to be Judge of the living and the dead.” We must follow the real Jesus who put away sin by the sacrifice of himself – I believe in the Real Jesus who destroyed the works of the devil, human nature. He fulfilled and made the impossible possible by doing the will of the Father. Jesus is the founder and perfecter of our faith.

Bro. John Owalo Onani


I am taking this opportunity to thank you so much for the magazines I received indicating the signs of the times and also the cards, which are of much importance to me. I wanted to know from you if I can answer the questions and send to the address shown, or to you, or if I just read them for my biblical strength?

Bro. Samuel Masara

Oh! Brothers and sister, be aware of sin, because if we look back at the Israelites’ lives we see that the Lord had a reason for letting enemies stay in Canaan. The Israelites needed to learn how to fight in war, just as their ancestors had done. Each new generation would have to learn by fighting the Philistines and their fine rulers, as well as the Canaanites, the Sidonians and the Hivites, who lived in Lebanon. As in the present world God has left bad people to tempt us, because although God has the power to destroy bad people, they are left so that we may know that the first followers of God were trained to overcome temptation. So my brother, be glad, even if you have a lot of trouble. You know that you learn to endure by having your faith tested.

Bro. Nicholas Odhiambo

Bro. Nicholas Odhiambo

I am doing fine preaching the gospel to the needy. I have moved to a nearby hospital, where the work is a bit much but I am settling down slowly. Thank you for your supportive prayer together with my brethren who had heard what had happened to me during the past violence in Kenya. Finally, I was very happy to read my article in Gospel News together with those from other brethren all over the world. Pray for me to gain more strength to overcome the devilish waves of this perishing world.

Bro. Benjamin M. Mwatu


I always thank God for what He does in our lives. It is good that Tongaren ecclesia is now a lightstand for God’s truths and I pray that God may continue to guide us in his truths so that we may attain that coming Kingdom. My letter is only to notify you that Box 259 now no longer exists so all letters etc. should be addressed to me at Box 83 Tongaren.

Bro. Isaac Kapa


I am very thankful for all your godly efforts of enriching me with spiritual food and I will be happy to receive more selected books and also some more copies of Bible Basics and some Bibles both in English and Swahili. We have had the opportunity to learn about the following subjects with Brothers Peter, Trevor and David at the Kanukuywa Ecclesia- The Signs in John’s Gospel, Who are the Christadelphians? and The Unity of the Brethren. These teachings changed my mind and the whole of our Ecclesia. Therefore, our brothers and sisters at Turbo Ecclesia hereby urge the brothers who taught these subjects to send us copies of the whole lectures, notably on “The Signs of John’s Gospel, “Who are the Christadelphians?” and “The Unity of the Brethren”. Also we require, if possible, “Wrested Scriptures”, and books on Timothy and Titus, for our ecclesia.

Bro. Emmanuel Milimo

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