news from ukraine


We have now moved from Kharkov to Donetskaya Obl. Lena’s health continues very weak. And we still mourn the disappearance of our son Sasha. Only through our Bible readings do we keep ourselves sane, even if we have read some of the verses tens of times, they still only grow in wonder and power.

Bro. Vasilij & Sis. Lena


Thank you so much for your efforts in educating me and other people at the Bible School. Truly the Bible is the only way out of our problems in life.

Bro. Vladimir


I returned from my time in France all OK. I very much look forward to the Bible School!

Sis. Veronika


I am so sad that this year I couldn’t come to the Bible School. I was thinking of you there so much every day you were there. I had wanted to bring a relative of mine to the School but some things happened which meant I just couldn’t make the journey.

Bro. Misha

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