news from russia

We are delighted to announce the baptism of Sisters VERONIKA and ALEVTINA. Veronika is the daughter of our Brother Andrej and Sister Tanya and has been well raised in the Truth for many years. May the Lord be with them all the journey through, to His Kingdom.

Photo: Sister Veronika being greeted after her baptism by her parents


Brother Boris continues to decline in health, but we so love him and one of us goes in to see him each day. The sisters do all cooking for him. Now that Aleftina has been baptized, we have another helper. The example of Boris played a part, so it seems to me, in her conversion.

Bro. Oleg

Photo: Brother Boris puts a sign on his “Bible Reader’s Calendar” each day to show he’s read his Bible readings for that day; his health is failing and it is with great effort he attempts to read each day.


We in our ecclesia here are preparing with eagerness for the Winter Bible School. We talk about our plans to attend every time we meet, on Sundays and also during the week.

Bro. Alexei

Photo: Br Alexei and members of Kazan ecclesia at the Ukraine Bible School

Since the death of our dear Sister Ludmila Kuritsyna, I have been meeting at times with our deaf Brother, Andrej, and going for walks with him in the park near to his block. We have even broken bread there. I find I am often getting ill, when I used to have strong health. Anyway, I look forward to meeting at Bible School.

Bro. Viktor

I am planning on coming to the Bible School, and am preparing a presentation about how I came to the Truth. I am 72 years of age now and living by God’s grace.

Bro. Anatoly


My granddaughter is out of her coma after the car accident but very sick. All medicines are so expensive. I thank God that she is still alive even though she doesn’t go to school any more. Maybe God can still use her, and me.

Sis. Galina

PS Assistance has been sent to our Sister.


I am looking forward to meeting all brothers and sisters at the Bible School in Poltava. This is such a significant meeting for me, to be there with my true family in Christ.

Bro. Igor


Nastya and I have now returned here from Leningrad Oblast, we are so disappointed to have missed the Bible School in Ukraine. We remain with God and miss you all.

Bro. Kostya


I am nervous to travel far from here, but this means I am lonely here too. I am with you all.

Bro. Robert


As usual I am anticipating very much the long journey to Bible School. I am so looking forward to being with my sister [in the flesh] Nina again, Bible School is the only time we get to be together. I pray God gives us both the health to get there.

Sis. Raisa

Photo: Sisters Raisa and Nina together at Bible School


I am preparing for my Winter pilgrimage to the Bible School. Probably I will be the oldest person there, but it is a joy for me to travel to be with you all in Christ. Thank God I still have health enough to go for several days by train. It’s changing the train in Moscow which is my least favourite part of the journey.

Bro. Pavel

Photo: Bro. Pavel participating in the Bible School play as Philemon


I sometimes wonder why my life has ended up so bitter. I have tried to do good to others but there was so much evil that happened to me, and now I am old, sick, still not without problems. All I can say is that the ways of God are not searchable. I feel Him more and more in my life, I see He wants me. I have many conversations with myself, where I come to this same conclusion.

Sis. Tamara


I have now been relocated here. I took with me a copy of Beyond Bible Basics and am studying this carefully. My health is now better, for which I give glory to God.

Bro. Sergej

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