news from sierra leone

Greetings and regards from the Christadelphian Bible Mission, Wanjama. As our first year of communicating with you, please kindly help us with some Biblical materials for the Ecclesia’s use, like:

  • Bible Concordance
  • Bible Basics
  • Gospel magazines and journals – for Sunday School use
  • My Book of Bible Stories, etc.

Please, the above listed materials are greatly needed in this ecclesia. As you know, the coming of Christ Jesus is getting closer and everybody was charged with this responsibility of learning more about the Truth and preaching (Mark 16:15).

Bro. Lansona Foday

Comment: Whilst we send out as much literature as we can, the CBM also sends out secondhand Christadelphian books via Bro. Malcolm Cross, Grange Farm, East Cottingworth, York, YO42 4TB, U.K. Sunday School material is available from Christadelphian Sunday School Union, 1400 Warwick Road, Knowle, Solihull, B93 9LG, U.K. & Christadelphian Sunday School Association, P.O. Box 261, Enfield Plaza, SA 5085, Australia.

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