news from ukraine

We are delighted to report the baptism of VLADIMIR- may the Lord keep Him strong in the way to His Kingdom.


Thanks a lot for the baptism! I keep reading the literature you gave me.

Bro. Vladimir.

Photo: Bro. Vladimir just after his baptism beneath a bridge in central Kiev


The last month I have been working in the shop every day, with not a single day off. As soon as I can I will make arrangements for the January Bible School. The crisis has hit everyone here, very hard. If there is work, then one must work so hard; and if there is no work, then things are really impossible.

Sis. Ludmila


I have been out of contact because our internet and phone was cut off, but now I am working again, feeling better, and able again to have contact. My prayers are always with you and I hope if at all possible to come to the Poltava Bible School. Where I am, you are nobody and nothing if you have no job or income, so being unemployed was very hard period for me.

Bro. Valentin

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