news from uganda


Thank you so much for Gospel News and Bible Basics, they are improving my spiritual growth in Christ Jesus which is helping me to teach other fellow students. I will work very hard with my tutor, Sis. Mavis Carroll, who is also helping me. I have been elected in our ecclesia as youth representative and to preach the gospel of God. I would like to thank Bro. Richard Alleyne, Sis. Esther and her husband Joni Mannell, Bre. James Coldwell and John Hatfield for the good work they did at our Youth Camp in Jinja, because they preached the good news about exciting Bible principles, which I still remember. I would like to request some guidelines on how to grow spiritually to enable me to lead other young people to the Kingdom of God.

Bro. Mangeni Rogers

Photo: Bro. Mangeni Rogers

In Uganda we are quite okay, but we have a very serious problem of famine. I very much wish to continue to be supplied with Gospel News magazine and pamphlets.

Bro. Ojara Dennis


Greetings to all brethren and sisters in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus. Well done to respond to the command of our Lord in Matt. 28:19-20.

Do you have the peace, which Jesus Christ promised – the peace which is desired? Psalm 119:165, “Great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them.” Isaiah 32:17, “The work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance for ever.” Whoever consents to renounce sin and opens his heart to the love of Christ becomes a partaker of this heavenly peace. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you”, Christ said. This peace is not the peace that comes from conformity to the world. Christ never purchased peace by compromise with evil. The peace that Christ left his disciples is internal rather than external and was to remain with His witness through strife and contention. Isaiah 26:3.

I am a Bible student who is a learner and spending much of my time searching, studying and discovering through the spirit of prophecy. Rev. 19:10. Without prophecy we are like someone walking in darkness at night. I love to witness and preach because this is the rule of the Kingdom, as grace, self denial and self sacrifice is the teaching of Christ, so I would like these three books to help me, which I saw when I visited someone, Bible Basics, The Last Days and “Bible Studies with The Giant KJV Bible”. Please also send me some books and tracts for free distribution. Moving in different areas of Uganda giving out these materials requires someone who can support me in the work of sustaining life.

Note also this point. It says that character is the only treasure, which can be taken from this world to the coming Kingdom. Do you believe that character formed in this life co-operating with God will determine our eternal destiny? 1 Cor. 3:9-10.

Bro. Lawrence Mugimba


Here in Uganda life is very hard; 52 districts are without rain and many older men and pregnant women have died because they have nothing to eat. Jesus speaks in Matt. 24:6-7 about famine, earthquakes and wars and the signs of the end of the age, so we must watch out that we are not deceived by wrong teaching and doctrine. Thank you for Gospel News from around the world, which is helpful to us. Please remember us in your daily prayers so that God can send rain to us, as he said in Zech 10:1 that we should ask for rain, as many of us in Uganda live by our farming. The government is trying to provide food, but it is not enough.

Bro. Opio Bosco


I would like to thank God for your commitment in helping to spread the good news of hope through Gospel News. May Almighty God bless the management of the Christadelphian Advancement Trust for the good work that they are doing. I wonder whether it would be possible for you to send to us three copies of Bible Basics, one for me and two for the ecclesia.

Bro. Stephen Ogenga


What has our God told us to do in this world? God created man in His likeness and gave him dominion over animals. God is our Father so we must follow what the Bible told us to do as we are expecting Jesus for judgement, Dan. 12:2-3, 1 Cor. 15:22-23. The return of our Lord will bring durable peace in this world. Keep praying for him to come soon.

Bro. Mathias Buguzi.


I hope you and your families are fine and keeping well. It has been a long time since I last received the Gospel News magazine from you; maybe it has got lost on the way. I would humbly request that you re-start sending them because I enjoy reading them, as it develops my mind spiritually in not allowing temptation to disturb my mind.

Bro. Luke Ofwono

Photo: Bro. Samuel Onyango


People have received the Bible Basics books as containing life-giving facts. They have told me to thank you and have promised to pray for you to continue supplying more copies to them in English and Swahili. I would also like to request, God Willing, for more copies of Bible Basics as currently I have eight existing contacts to whom I preach this gospel of truth. Work in Butiru Ecclesia is going on well and currently we have 36 baptised members. Please pray for us that evil thoughts will not corrupt the minds of brothers and sisters, and pray for the whole of Uganda at this time of famine.

Bro. Boniface Masakala

Photo captions:

Bro. Boniface Masakala

Members at Butiru Ecclesia meeting at the home of our Sis. Tesila Nabalayo, who is an aged widow staying in an old grass thatched house.

A building at Butiru which was completed recently. We request for prayers of all well-wishers of Butiru Ecclesia that God will open a way to meet the needs.

Bro. Housan Matsatsa and Bro. Francis Maweli baptising in River Lutuaso in Butiru Ecclesia.

Flobia Kilande, Sylivia Milan Masike and Louis Namasmba are very good younger choir members of Butiru Ecclesia who are really interested in meeting every Saturday, with others, to learn hymns from the books.

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