news from south africa


I have now packed a copy of Bible Basics to send to a Jewish leader here, Joel Rosenberg, also two copies in Hebrew. I am sending him a note today telling him to expect the package. I have cut the "compilers" information off the top of the back cover of the latest Gospel News and will enclose it with the note.

Sis. Deirdre Elliot


Michael Furstenburg has been interviewed and, after giving a good confession of faith, was baptised at the home of Bro. Mickey & Sis. Karen. Michael has shown his commitment to the Truth by his involvement in all the Kempton Park ecclesial activities during the past four months. We rejoice that yet one more has put on the saving name of Jesus and pray His richest blessing on you, Brother Michael.

Henri Viljoen, friend of Sis. Liezl, has given a good confession of faith and was baptised at Bro. Lucas and Sis. Leona’s home.

At Soweto: Derek Banda, a Malawian contact of Bro. Mphambo, has been baptised.

We rejoice at the baptisms of our new brethren and pray that they will go on their way rejoicing, richly blessed by our Father on their walk to His Kingdom.

We thank our Heavenly Father for guiding us on our journey to Hebron Haven in the Natal midlands where this year’s ‘Women @ Well’ was held. 12 Sisters from Gauteng drove down with Sisters Leonie and Leona.

We were again blessed with the privilege of listening to Sis Robyn Henry’s practical down-to-earth talks.

Our introduction was a “sharing” of personal ‘God Moments’ in our lives which led to Saturday’s look at “the Shunamite woman”, “Judah and Tamar” and “Balaam” and the ‘God Moments’ in their lives.

Sister Robyn reminded us of why we are constantly being pruned by God as our ‘gardener’ and that we are given choices in life, and that we should always consider the motivation behind the choices we make.

This was such a special weekend for us to “fill up our cups” and enjoy the fellowship and love of our Sisters, both far and near.

A big “Thank You” to all the Durban sisters who went to so much trouble to arrange this special time. We came home truly nourished both physically and spiritually.

Waiting for Sis. Robyn to begin

Sis. Robyn explaining


Last year we were coming from Middle Sabi, , Bro. Paul, Sis. Leonie and Sis. Evelyn and myself, with Bro. Paul driving, when some goats crossed the road in front of our vehicle. You asked me a question about the Lord Jesus talking about the goats and the sheep. I don’t remember my answer to you but now I think I have the better answer. One thing that we should bear in mind is that Jesus was like us; he grew up in a subsistence community who rely mostly on keeping animals and tilling the land.

Your question was about Matt.25:33, which says, “He will put the sheep on his right hand and the goats on his left.” Goats and sheep are all animals created by God but their characters are so different. At our plot we have ten goats and my neighbour has over 100 sheep. I have had five years farming with goats and you cannot leave the door of your house open because once a goat gets inside it will help itself to anything that it finds. I left my door open and three goats got into the bedroom and I found them sleeping in my bed. Previously I had read a story in a magazine about a farmer who left 2000 euros on a kitchen table before taking it to the bank. A goat got into the kitchen and ate the notes. The farmer quickly phoned the veterinary service who operated on the goat to take the money out.

So when Jesus talked about the sheep and the goats he was referring to character since goats cannot be trusted. To me, Jesus was saying that those who humble themselves and follow in his footsteps will be taken to his right hand and those who are unfaithful and untrustworthy, like the goats, will be put to his left and rejected.

Bro. Moses Dhlakama

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