news from cameroon


Thank you for the books you sent me Helps for the Christian Warfare, The Ways of Providence and Bible History’. As you told me, all welfare has to go through our linkman, and you sent a copy of my letter to Bro. Ian Fifield.

Bro. Anthony Mbiaoh


We are grateful indeed for the book you sent entitled The Death of the Cross. We pray that God will continue to give us strength and that His will may be done on earth as it is in heaven. The book is helpful to me for it reveals the sufferings and death of Jesus on the cross and its meaning in our lives whenever we come to remember him in the breaking of bread and drinking of the wine, as he commanded us. This really was the revelation of God’s love toward us, and we should love one another, for if we do not love one another, then the love of God is not in us.

I found the magazine interesting. We, too, have been patiently preparing for Christ’s return. It matters not how few in number we are. A city built on a hill cannot be hidden. Please extend our greetings to all the brothers and sisters in your ecclesia and nearby ecclesias and Sunday Schools.

We are few in number and often remind ourselves of Jesus’ promise, “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matt.18:20). To those of us who are isolated this should be a verse of comfort in our Christian life.

Our thanks go to all the brethren and sisters worldwide for their support of us, both spiritually and physically. So we say thank CIL and CAT for their spiritual feeding these past years and pray that God will continue to bless them in order that they may continue to strengthen His people.

Bro. Kum Donatus Cheghe

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