news from tanzania


First of all I thank you for all the scripts you have been sending to me. My concern is that I used to pursue a correspondence course with Mrs. Liz Robinson, but I got some immigration cases, which caused me to be jailed for two years which interrupted my Bible studies. Now, I have lost all contact with Mrs. Liz. Could you please help me to get my tutor’s address as I lost many of my items including my papers about the Bible.

Ernest Shindano


Receive many greetings of love and peace from me personally, from my family of six people, from my neighbours and from over fifty who attend my evening Bible Class, which I conduct here in my home. I received your lovely mailbag with all the wonderful contents. What a surprise! I am particularly impressed by the most wonderful Study Bible, which is very rare in Tanzania and it is the only kind of book like it in this southern part of Tanzania; many people wonder how I got it. It is helping me a great deal in my Bible correspondence course.

I have learned of the death of Bro. Bernard’s wife and I am also sending him a letter to encourage him as he is going through a period of sorrow. We all have to face death, but so long as we die in Christ we are sure to be resurrected.

Ewaldi Mushi


Bro Joctor Rufano when he was at the Teacher’s College


We are all fine and are planning to have another branch in Buhemba in Musoma rural,This will be uplifting spiritually. May God bless you, and looking forward to hearing more from you soon.

The days are quickly flying - how much nearer we are to the reality of all our hopes and dreams. What glorious things are promised to those who love God! No more pain, sorrow, doubt or fear; no more hunger or thirst; freedom from the temptations of the flesh; knowing always the right thing to do and say; being able to help those in trouble; and can you imagine seeing the Creator’s Son face to face? Nothing that we worry about now will matter at all in that moment.

 Be brave and strong for He is with you always in every way.

Sis Monica Achieng

Sis Monica and her two children Kevin and Bev


Photo: Usagara Ecclesial members and children.

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