Reports From Eastern Europe
Brother Norman Durk has just visited the brothers and sisters in the Baltics and gave a dynamic series of classes on Romans at the Bible weekend. It was a great thrill to see around 45 brothers and sisters attend, and to witness two baptisms: AIJA, who has been studying the Bible Basics course for 2 years with Sister Cindy Heaster; and JEKATERINA, who has been attending the Riga ecclesia for some time.
Norman did a great job at conveying through translation his great love for the brotherhood. He also shared with us pictures of his lifetime's mission work in southern Africa, including news of the centre being developed at Candu.
We're delighted to report that our outreach to hearing impaired people in the Russian speaking world is continuing. On Saturday, many hours were spent discussing the Bible readings with four deaf brothers and sisters; and on Sunday we were delighted to baptize NADEZDA, who is hearing impaired and unable to speak very much. We're so encouraged by the response to this outreach, and by how much our deaf brothers and sisters read and study and try to share with others. Please pray for these initiatives and for those deaf brothers and sisters, as they are often deceived of their wages, and work for about 2 US$ / hour. In the photo you can see Sis Nadezda [2nd from left] giving her confession of faith to brothers and sisters of the Riga ecclesia

Photos: Scarves from Australian sisters being distributed to Latvian sisters