news from cameroon

An especial welcome to our newly baptised Brethren and Sisters. I would like to tell them that it is the best road that they have chosen, which will bring them happiness at the end through the key, which is prayer. I would also like to thank God for taking care of us and for those that have finished their work, that they may rest in peace. Thanks also to any person who in one way or another helps the Word of God to go round the world; we should keep on with this work. Let us not forget to put into practice prayer and studying the Word of God in daily life. I beg for prayers for my family as some of them are not well at this hard time. Thank you for the book on miracles and the leaflets. I will be very grateful to receive anything as a help on behaviour as my family are not well.
Bro. Bernard Mbouna

The Characteristics of love in Christ are:-
1.Love is patient; I can wait for others to grow in their relationship with Christ without getting impatient with them.
2.Love is kind; I try to help people rather than hurting them.
3.Love is not jealous; I do not get jealous of other people's possessions, physical attributes or successes.
4.Love not boast; I do not feel the need to remind people of my own gifts or successes.
5.Love is not arrogant; I do not insult those who do not have as much as i do.
6.Love is not rude; I am courteous.
7.Love is not quick tempered; I do not get angry or get my feelings hurt quickly.
8.Love does not rejoice when others suffer; I do not enjoy seeing things go wrong for others.
9.Love is faithful under pressure; I continue to support friends even when others desert me.
10.Love believers the best; I refuse to believe rumours about others.
11.Love hopes in others; I see the potential in others, not their failures.
12.Love never ends; I continue to love people. They can count on me.
Bro. Ebong Brain

The Bible is the word of God but it is not read as expected. People like reading novels, magazines and daily news-papers which contain the activities of the world. Some people attend church service but you can't see them reading the Bible. They depend on their pastor who will read and explain any chapter of the Bible for them. Most of who try to read only read the New Testament. Every word of the Bible is important, no word should be left out. People hold the view that you can't understand the Bible unless you go to a theological school or seminary. I don't think this is true, God does not make only a certain class of people understand His word. When somebody is reading the Bible to you, listen to what they say, but let us be like the Bereans who, when Paul preached to them, the Bible for themselves to see what Paul preached to them was true (Act.17-verse 11). There is a prayer in Psalm 119:18 which says "Open thou mine eyes that i may see wonderous things out of thy law". Let us read with our whole heart regularly. If we must get a degree before we understand the Bible it means the word of God is only for the rich, because getting a degree entails money.
Bro Nicolas Menjuah

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