South West Cameroon Bible School 26 to 28 January 2007

Theme: Abraham Father of the Faithful.
Brethren and Sisters in Cameroon, attended a three days Bible school at Limbe. The school began with a word of prayer, praying God to forgive the seed of faithful Abraham who have repented of their sins, through Christ, and have chosen to follow the footprints Father Abraham. Over 135 of us were schooled about Abraham, father of the faithful.
The Sessions
1 Abraham called to faith 5 Walking in the steps of faithful
2 Abraham believed in the Lord Abraham
3 The promise of Isaac 6 Coming out of Ur
4 Sacrifice of Isaac 7 Remaining separate in the Lord
The UK brethren urged us to uphold the examples of Abraham and try to flee temptation, unfaithfulness, drunkenness, idolatry, adultery, discord amongst one another and much other sinful behaviour that will deprive us of a place in the Kingdom.

Ur was a civilised city and had a Ziggurat to the moon god and many idols which the family of Abraham worshiped. When God asked Abraham to leave the comfort of the city, it was going to be a journey of faith, and he trusted in God to be his leader, not knowing where he was to go. The most essential thing was to separate himself from his family since they worshiped false gods. Ziggurats are huge mountain - like buildings made of bricks which seemed to reach up to heaven, see Gen 11: 2-4

There was a question-and-answer session; health matters; Sunday School teaching skills; how to do Bible study and elders and Sisters workshop, all handled by the UK visitors, as well as a Bible quiz.

It is always said that when one has repented and is baptised, the Angels rejoice. All were encouraged by the fraternal meeting to remain faithful and give glory to the Lord.

Rejoicing after the six baptisms from the Cameroon Blind and Handicapped School at Mbengwi during the visit of Martyn,Muriel and Tracy East.

Bro Umarou M Samuel (Limbe Ecclesia)

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