I have had many problems lately and also Br Maksim has been ill quite badly. My mobile phone and other things were stolen so it has been hard for me to be in contact as I like to be. We continue to preach here and some are deeply interested! Sis. Larisa
Photo: Sis. Larisa with a quilt sent from sisters in AustraliaAs I meet more and more Brothers and Sisters and see the impact the Truth has had upon their lives, I realize what a colossal labour you have done. For me and for others, for now we have hope, whereas we did not previously.Bro. LeonidORSHAI am having good discussions with my grandson about Jesus. Here as it is now Summer we are so busy in the fields, but always I am thinking of you and above all of God and the Kingdom.Sis. NinaPhoto: Sis. Nina milking her cow early one morningVITEBSK Obl.My brother and I have not been well recently, as you know we are invalids of Chernobyl. Now it is hard for us to change our shoes as our feet swell. We really appreciate the wheelchairs and all help given, but if it would at all be possible to get an electric wheelchair we would be simply so appreciative. We read the Bible each day, our only hope is the return of Jesus and we pray for this each day and look at the news on the TV always hoping to see signs of it.Bro. Valerij