news from cameroon

Many thanks for updating Gospel News web-site, I find it very easy now to read the articles and news from Brethren and Sisters worldwide. More so Carelinks web-site helps me to get articles to prepare exhortations. Special encouragement goes to our Brethren in the Arab world, despite persecution they still remain strong.
Bro Constantine Fonkem

You are welcome to read Gospel News online at And you can see our French literature at You are welcome to translate anything into your local language to be posted on this site.

There are so many religions in the world because after the death of Jesus and his apostles wrong teaching entered the Christian congregations and drew believers to follow them instead of Christ (Matt.7v15-20, Act 20 v29-30). How can we identify a true religion? True religion is where the Christians of that group have real love among themselves (John 13v34-35.1John, ch.4 v20.21).They have deep respect for the Bible and they believe what it says (Jn 17v17, 2 Tim.3vs16-17).They treat God’s words as being more important than human ideals or customs. They try to live by the Bible in their everyday life. They don't preach one thing and practice another (Titus ch.1v15-16).True religion must honour God’s name (Matt.6v.9). True religion must preach about God’s Kingdom (Luke .8v1). Jesus always talked about God’s Kingdom. True religion must believe that only God’s Kingdom will bring peace and security to this sinful world (Ps146).
Bro Nicolas Menjuah

The arrival of the parcel of books could not have been more timely. It arrived during the visit of the Brethren from the UK, Bre. Andrew Walker and Ian Fifield. They interviewed and found three people prepared for baptism in the remote village of Buweh where the books, Where There Is No Doctor and Where Women Have No Doctor are very valuable. We have three new babies there, by names Bro MUGEH and his wife Sis MONICA and Bro NGWA JOHN. Sadly we regret the falling asleep of Bro Nkeng Charles formerly of the CBM school for the Blind and Handicapped. He was a Brother indeed. May our Lord reunite us at his return.

We are delighted to thank the Brethren and Sisters of the Muyenge ecclesia who visited us for our end of year mini Bible School. Everything went well. We had some talks from Bro Kenneth Mbah with the piggery he has built, but alas he can not afford to buy a pig for it.

Bre George, Martin and Thomas of Muyenge and Muyuka ecclesias. This day is marked as one of the greatest witnessed by our ecclesia.
Bro Romanus Akamin

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