A Young Sisters Real Life Experiences

This is a true account of a young Sister who came into the Truth in her late teens, and through considerable difficulties has established an Ecclesia. On purpose we have just called her ‘M’ to save her blushes but this testimony will give encouragement to others who are undergoing difficulties and to have confidence that things will work out all right in the end.

Dear Sister Robin,

I know you wanted to hear about how my life has been since, as I told you I became involved with the Christadelphians via Gospel News. I am a Luo lady born in southern Kenya about 350 km from Kisumu city. I am 29 and my hisband died when I was 23, six years ago. I was left with three children, Kevin, Cherlingstone and Beverly. They are 12, 9 and 5. Kevin is finishing his class 8 this year, God willing, he will be in secondary school next year, there will be school fees for him as students in Kenya do board in Secondary level so the fee is very expensive. Cherlingstone is in class 5 and Bev in nursery class (beginner).

In my family we were four and I’m the last born. Two died and also my father. I remained with my elder brother who cannot help my mum or me at all. My parents were Catholics and I was also a Catholic when I did not know the truth, I was on my mum’s footsteps, followed her in her denomination, as I thought that it was the only church in the world. I attended this mission for 15 good years and then I came to realize that it is not the way to the truth, I decided to read the Bible alone and realized that what the Bible is telling me is different to the things I am seeing and believing in the Catholic church.

When I reached 17 I came across somebody with Gospel News, I asked him to lend it to me, which he agreed to, the man was busy looking at the pictures but I was very keen reading and eager to know more about the Gospel.

After having the booklet, I read its cover and found some addresses and was pinched with all the news I got from the book. I asked the man to give me some more details about the book and he wrote for me the address and I immediately wrote. After one month they replied me and asked me if I’m interested in the lessons. I repled again as they attached their letter together with the stamps. I was shocked to see the stamps were from Kenya while they were in UK. I did not mind this as I wanted to know more about the Gospel. During these days I was not attending Catholic church as it was out of my mind. During all those days I wrote to Marcus Heaster as I had his address already with me because I took it from the cover of the Gospel News. He sent me a copy of Bible Basics and after my baptism he sent again to me the Beyond Bible Basic.

Waited for two months and felt that may be they forgotten to reply the letter I wrote, the P O BOX I was using was not mine so I was depending on somebody, so this person delivered my envelope full of questions very late as he was thinking that may be there was something like money inside. So he took some time with the envelope.

The day he got me my lessons I started to do them as they sent me four lessons together. Immediately I had my tutor from UK. The lessons took me one year to finish, then in April 1996 some brethren from UK came for the interview, when I was being interviewed I got all the questions as I had read Bible Basics. So I did not have any problems. I was afraid to be interviewed by a white man as I was not used to them and I feared the English, because how they are calling things differently to how we call things here. The tongue is not the same. But when something is planned by God things become very easy and possible.

I was really interviewed for three good hours without translator but in the end I was successful and the Brother who came announce that I was ready for baptism. I could not believe my ears as I was really so wanting to be baptized. We walked down to the small swamp whereby I became baptized by Bro Trevor Hughes from UK.

Since then I started to walk and imitate Jesus Christ as he told me that, ‘M’ now you started anew walk in Christ. Because you died and rose as Jesus did. I was very happy to be called Jesus’ follower. After that I started working as a teacher to students who did not understand English and I persuaded some and they later also got baptized. I ordered some Bible Basics for them. They are so strong in the word up to date and some do keep writing for Gospel News.

In the same year I persuaded my husband to became a student, and he was also intending to be baptized the following year. I was very happy because we were in the same faith even though we did not have worldly things but believe that what we have is worth more than these worldly things. Now you see how it helps me?

To my surprise in the year 2000 my husband got very bad malaria and within a short week he pasted away. I could not do anything as I know that one day I will follow. After the falling asleep of my husband I realized that the only people around or close to me were my Brethren and Sisters in Christ. Well I had two children at that time and was expecting my little daughter. My step father and mother and my in-laws rejected me as they said if joined them in their denomination, Catholic, they would help me. I told them NO. They said so many things until they said that I am the one who killed my husband because of my denomination which is satanic as they never had heard a church called Christadelphian. I told them if that is the case then leave me alone, my God He will take care of me and my children.

I walked away from that family and went very far and stayed there without anybody helping me or my children. When I was about to give birth to my little daughter I went home to stay with my mum who stays with my children up to date. I gave birth to a baby girl who is now five. After that I went again back home my marital status and the in- laws chased me away from home as they wanted me to get inherited, but I did not agree to them (some tribes still insist that a dead man’s brother should raise up children from the dead brother’s wife). After that they took all my things and left me with my poor children and at that time they were so young. It is now six years I did not yet go there at my marital status same to my children. They have been to my mother’s place up to now. This is why I’m trying to tie myself even in this little salary to keep my children going, and life to continue. I am not planning to go there again as am praying to get a land and build a home, a small house for me and my children.

I came to Tanzania where I am now, in 2003.As I came here I found that there is no ecclesia here and the nearest brethren were very far somewhere about 350 km from where I was. I wrote a letter to them and they came and look for me. They surprise to see that I had some students who were ready for interview. Then they sent a letter to UK for further confirmation. The Linkman sent a Brother to come and interview them. After being interviewed they were ready for baptism and so got baptized. This is how my ecclesia started in the year 2003. This happened as I used the Bible Basics as my shield wherever I go, that it is my foundation.

The whole of my life is, I like to be with my Bible part and parcel, as it is the only spear that can guard me. Always when the life becomes tougher then I ask God to help. And He has been helping most of the time.

My hobbies are writing letters, reading the Bible and playing Volleyball if there is spare time. Most of my free time I use in teaching the Bible to those who are in need.

Am very happy as this year also we are blessed with three newly baptised brethren who are helping us walking to the Promised Land. Because in Tanzania many people don’t understand English I ordered some of the Msingi ya Bibilia (Bible Basics in Kiswahili) and some have already arrived and they are making good use of then. Recently Bro Marcus sent me a book Speaking about Jesus I know it will be a big help to me. Bro Duncan has really simplified the book and it is very easy to understand.

Am teacher at the moment in one of the Vocational Schools, but it is under the Catholics, but there is no alternative. Even though I am working under difficult circumstances I am because I can preach the Gospel as well.

All workers here go to church, as they call it chapel, to pray every Thursday but I do not go and they think that I oppose their denomination. So they trying to accuse me of some useless things. I believe that one day I will get my freedom and will not fear anybody again. Am teaching computer, book-keeping and English as my part-time work where the salary is very little but can manage to squeeze it to write to my friend and other brethren and sisters.

Your loving Sister, ‘M’.

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