The Coming of the End

We witness quite a number of public talks in an endeavour to bring people to Christ.  But many stay in fleshly thoughts, failing to understand the talks. I suggest the use of examples that the listeners are acquainted with will help.  We have “the coming of the end”.  As the disciples asked the Teacher: “What would the time and signs be of his coming?”  Jesus gave them a very satisfactory answer.  He said, “You will hear wars, rumours of wars, nation against nation, kingdoms against kingdom, famine everywhere, pestilence and earthquakes” Matt 24:6,7).  Let us compare these with Luke 21:25-28: “Signs in the sun and moon and stars, distress of nations, famines, wars and roaring of the sea and the waves.”  All these and hearts failing but Jesus assuredly tells his disciples to be happy because these signs show that ‘redemption is near.’  This is a lovely assurance of security against torments.  The listener will want to know how to get this security.

All these things are happening in our time: famine in Africa, earthquakes in some countries the dreadful tsunami wave in Asia. Hurricanes etc it is recorded that thousands of people have been killed.  Matt 24 and Luke 21 are confirmed.  Jesus gave a parable to illustrate his cool answer: “When you see a fig tree budding, then know that summer is near” (Luke 21:30).  Beware of worldly things; repent and be baptised.  Put Jesus in the innermost part of your heart.  Pray for the forgiveness of your sins.  Meet with each other for encouragement and preach fearlessly.

Bro Stevan Tedza (Karoi, Zimbabwe)

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