news from ghana

It has been a long time since you heard from me. I have only received Gospel News occasionally. Since I left Subri for Koforidua, in the Eastern Region of Ghana, little did I contemplate on the consequences of my action, but after two unfruitful years it has not been possible to start another Ecclesia in that region. I have returned to Subri , where after struggling in vain for 16 years in Lord finally granted my request and an ecclesia was formed.  Many brethren from the UK helped in all ways to see to the spiritual growth and the CBM built a meeting hall for the Subri ecclesia. As it is in all establishments, there are always teething problems My only success in Koforidua station was teaching a Sister who was baptised into the Accra ecclesia. “I have embarked on many preaching tours in the Western Region of Ghana; this has paid off and last year there were five baptisms in Moseaso and four in Subri, the four in Subri being products of our Youth classes, they are: Bro. Duncan Okai Kotei (son of Bro. Odiko), Bro. Dacosta Larbi Amo (son of Bro. Amo), Sis. Justina Ansah (daughter of Bro. Ansah) and Bro. David Cobbinah. May brethren and sisters write to encourage them in their journey to the Kingdom. We have revived the Western fraternal, the first being in Adjuom from May 25th-28th 2006.  It was successful, as it has created awareness in the village. Our second, God willing, is to be August 31st to Sept. 3, and the third, God willing, from 30th Nov.-3rd. Dec. Our Post Office at Ateiku has been closed down, so we travel to Tarkwah for our letters which are sometimes tampered with, some, we think, never reach their destination..  I therefore decided to have a new Post Box, which by God’s grace I now have at Twifo Praso where a Sister attends market twice a week Please notify Brethren and Sisters about this change of address in our medium.  My new address, which is also the ecclesial, one is: The Christadelphians, Subri-Wasa, P.O. Box TW 194, Twifo Praso, Central Region, Ghana.Last Easter while I was away to Moseaso on a preaching tour at the request of Bro. Sykes, I returned only to see the entire roof of my house ripped off by a rain storm. As a result all our belongings, including my precious books, were soaked.
Bro Francis Odiko

Photo: Brethren and Sisters of Subri ecclesia after the baptisms of the four new members (Dec. 20th 2005).

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