Help With Sisters Health Problems.
It has been possible with the help of Bro David and Sis Jacklyne Wanjala to arrange a course at Makhonge, Kenya, to help Sisters with their health and general problems. A senior Midwife spent a day with them explaining how their body works and tips on healthy living, based upon the book “Where Women have No Doctor”
The course was of considerable benefit to them, some Sisters wrote, ‘It helped us to understand our reproductive health and discovered many important and interesting things, it was an eye opener to have answered the problems we have experienced, that have been hounding us for a very long time. —Since we got married we did not know most of the things and we relied very much upon what those around us said, some even using their traditional beliefs which are completely wrong, so we say thank you very much CAT for sponsoring this helpful programme’.

Photos:The Midwife giving a talk.

Above; The group of Sisters and below enjoying a meal during the Lunch break