news from ukraine

We are delighted to announce the baptisms of SHURIK, LENA, LUBA and SVETLANA may the Lord bless their walk to the Kingdom.

I am hoping to come to the next Bible School despite many problems, knowing that we must love Jesus more than family, or else we are not worthy of Him.
Bro Misha

We have big problems in that our house is falling down, other families live in it too, it is such a huge problem for us with such tiny pensions. We’re planning on going to the next Bible School.
Bro. Gennady

I am writing this from France, where I am temporarily working looking after an elderly Ukrainian woman who lives here. It is very nice here and I get time to read the Bible and feel really close to God. I am telling people here as best I can about the coming of the Kingdom.
Sis. Veronika

There are people writing to me from Western Ukraine, wanting Bible Basics in Ukrainian language, I hope they respond further.
Sis. Ludmila

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