news from cameroon
Brother, accept my loveing greetings in the faith and the hope we have in our Lord. We should stay fast for success in the hope we have in him. May we continue to stay fast prayerfully and patiently awaiting his coming. I wish to thank all for your prayers, and pray that all over there will continue to fight the good fight in the Lord.
Bro Kum Donatus
Before joining the Christadelphians I was a member of the Catholic Church where I learned that after death your soul goes to heaven or after purgatory. I learned so many things, which I did not understand. But when the Christadelphian Church came to Muyuka I attended for some time and came to learn that after death our soul goes no where but we remain resting waiting for the judgement day. This was my point of confusion but Bro Martin gave me a clue and some biblical quotations where one could find thefull truth. This made me very happy and interested in finding the truth, I then decided to continue to investigate the doctrines untill I became ripe for baptism. We are seven in number and we were baptised by Bro Moses from Tole; Bro Alain and Sis Glory from Kumba and Sis Grace from Muyenge on Sunday the 2nd of July 2006. After the baptism we had the Breaking of Bread meeting and we were given a right hand of fellowship. In fact this has been my favourite day when I became a true child of God.
Bro Azemanyi Tazoacha Ken
We are now printing the 40 lessons basic truth in NW Cameroon and we have about 40,000 copies in stock. We have distributed the first aid material in the remote area of Buweh where the book ‘Where There Is No Doctor’ is proving very valuable. This is the most valuable instrument as the Government has given the CBM air time for the wonderful assistance to the envy of other denominations. In Bamenda there are about 17 preparing for baptism, God Willing in November. during the visit of the UK brethren. Medical help is what we need and will welcome your help, if you can, to the greater community.
Bro Emmanul, Nanji
Hi young friends world wide. Do you go to Sunday School? In our Sunday School Bro. Oliver has gone through the Lord’s prayer with us many times. We are very happy. In our different schools, like primary or secondary, which are non-denominational. the leaders have noticed that we are Christadelphian children. Why? I was asked to give a morning prayer and I said the Lord’s prayer (Matt. 6:9-13). From that day other children learned not to end the Lord’s prayer at verse 13 (half way) without completing the whole to the word “Amen”. Let us all study the Bible as we have been blessed with parents who have their Bibles open daily.
John Atem Nkeng
I was at a funeral where I heard someone say, ‘Where do the dead go?’ His friend said that the dead go to heaven, hell or purgatory. I told them that the dead are buried and return to dust; some will be resurrected when Jesus returns to the earth. They asked, Will Jesus come back? I said, Yes, and told them to go to the Bible and look at Acts 1:11 and Rev. 22:12 etc. They asked, Why has Jesus not come? I told them that Jesus had not come yet because God wants all to repent (2 Peter 3:9). I asked them whether they know about the resurrection and they said, Yes. I asked them, If the dead go to heaven or hell or purgatory, (as they alleged), then who is the resurrection for. They could not answer and said their priest or pastor, who has studied the Bible for many years, told them the dead go to one of the places mentioned above. I told them that none of those places is mentioned in the Bible. I asked them, What is purgatory?. They said it is a place where the soul of the dead is purified before entering heaven.
Mutengene ecclesia is back in the home of Bro. Nicolas while we look for a cheaper hall. Members have dropped from nine to four as some have gone to other towns due to employment opportunities.
Bro. Nicolas Menjauh
Photo: Menji ecclesia Sunday School, Fontem, Cameroon: Acha, John, Nancy, Christy and Walter and Bro. Oliver Mbiaoh, teacher (sitting).

We were delighted to have the company of Bro Moses Bua of Tole Ecclesia Bro Alain Leke and Sis Glory from Kumba ecclesia and Sis Grace Tanyi from Muyenge ecclesia. They visited us and we had a very enjoyable and unforgettable time. They interviewed and baptised seven contacts from our Muyuka Ecclesia and we studied ecclesial unity.
Bro Martin Atabong & Bro Emmanul, Nanji
A Brother generally has only one opportunity to find a wife for himself and having done this we must stay with her always. If he makes a foolish choice he may have to pay for his mistake being unhappy for the rest of his life. The Bible often warns us of this; here are three passages, using the RSV: “It is better to live in a corner of the housetop than in a house shared with a contentious woman. It is better to live in a desert land than with a fretful woman” (Prov. 21:9,19). “Like a gold ring in a swine’s snout is a beautiful woman without discretion” (Prov. 11:22). “Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised” (Prov. 31:30). All over the world men admire beautiful women. In countries where bride price has to be paid, a woman’s beauty determines her price. After all, it is a very natural thing for a man to want a beautiful wife. Natural, yes, but also dangerous. If a man is concerned only with a woman’s beauty, he may find himself married to an unsuitable wife. Look back at the three Proverbs quoted above; the first tells us that life with the wrong sort of wife can be utterly miserable. The last two tell us that beauty alone is not enough. What really matters is that a woman should have “discretion and fear the Lord”.
Bro. Akamin Romanus
I am so glad that I have accepted baptism and I know that I have changed becoming a new person because of my new relationship with God. This has all been because of the help of my brothers and sisters in our ecclesia. I now read the Bible often and keep on striving to follow the commandments of Christ. We all know Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied”(Matt 5:6)
Sis Agatha
It is a wonderful thing to became a child of God. I have lived in the past in ignorance of God's words and in darkness. But when I came across the Christadelphians I was enlightened by Bro Martin and other brothers of my ecclesia until this great Day, Sunday the 2nd July 2006, I was baptised by Bre Moses and Alain. I have seen the truth and will never relent in my efforts.
Bro Thomas T. Njang
I understood that nothing is better than to be in Jesus Christ. I had never liked to hear about God's words until Bro Martin started visiting me and giving me some biblical pamphlets, I then became interested. - Baby baptism, heaven going after death, and sprinkling of water on somebody in the name of baptism were all wrong. I learned many other new things and I was always referred to the Bible. After being baptised on 2nd July 2006 I have became a moderate man and I feel peaceful when reading the Bible, in fact nothing is better than to be in Jesus Christ.
Bro Mathiew Zilefac
I am very happy and feel glorious having been baptised into Christ and becoming part of the Chritadelphian family world-wide.This is a free gift and we must admit that we are sinners."For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God"(Rom3:23). When my husband, Thomas Njang, who was another contact like myself, gave me encouragement, I joined Sis Lucy who gave me some clues and some Biblical quotations which made me change my lifestyle. for the Bible says," Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish"(Luke 13:3).
Sis Honorine Tazoache
I have always lived believing that Mary was the mother of God who went to heaven both body and soul - according to the Catholic doctrine. But when I came closer to Bro Romanus, another brother, He wiped away this idea and defended it using the Bible. This made me know the truth, then I became a Christadelphian.
Sis Theresia Anyi Njang
I used to be attracted by the Christadelphian Hymnals. When I came nearer them I found that they know a lot of Biblical realities which I have always failed to understand. When I knew enough, I became ripe for baptism and was baptised by Bre Alain and Moses.
Sis Juliana Fondong