news from russia

We’re delighted to announce the baptism of NINA, wife of Br Viktor, in Ulyanovskaya obl., and also VERA, wife of Br Alexei in Kazan. May they all come to God’s Kingdom together.

I went to Kazan recently to meet with the ecclesia. I am enjoying reading Beyond Bible Basics and resolve to try with all my strength to serve God in the time remaining.
Bro Andrej

I have had some contact with Brother Frolov in a village far from here, he is doing well in his faith. I try to keep in touch with various Brothers and sisters around here. One of the problems is that some of the visitors from the West are giving money in an unwise manner. It’s better to check these things with Brother Duncan or Marcus. Otherwise we are well here and think lovingly of you all.
Sis. Ludmila

I am happy to report I baptized my wife VERA. We are trying hard to preach but few are interested! We are reading the Scriptures all the time, and I have a lot of contact with Sister Ludmila from Ukraine, as editor of Zvezda magazine, which we so much enjoy.
Bro. Aleksej

I am sorry to tell you that Brother Valerij, his wife and two children were all taken to intensive care after eating poisonous mushrooms. It was even on Kazan TV. I made an announcement for blood donors for them and I was amazed how many calls I got. We here are really praying for them at the moment.
Sis. Svetlana

We are well here, but work keeps me so busy. I shall always be grateful to Brother Vladimir of Latvia who helped me to see the truth. It has changed me so much.
Bro. Andrej

Sis Vika and I are planning a journey to Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, we hope to place more advertisements there in the newspapers. Please pray for us!
Bro. Alexei

I was recently in Kazan and stayed with dear Sister Ludmila for a night. I had a very spiritually strengthening time just being with her. Although you passed me to the CBM to baptize, I am so grateful for your teaching of me and always consider you my spiritual teachers.
Bro. Mikhail

I am sorry to report that I received the news here that my mother passed away. I am here still doing my alternative service in the factory so I don’t have to go to the army. I was very sad. Then the next day some drunk youths attacked me at night and took my mobile phone away from me. I know that God gives and God takes away and that He loves us, but I am more sad because my mother was not a believer. I share a room now with 2 Jehovah’s Witnesses and we have many discussions.
Bro. Leonid

I enjoy very much the letters I get from old Sister Ludmila in Kazan, and I am eagerly looking forward to Zvezda magazine.
Bro. Sasha

I was very pleased to receive some books, especially Miracles by Brother Billelo. It inspired me to write an article for our Zvezda magazine.
Bro. Valerij

I was able to go to two Bible Schools this Summer and I was glad about that, I just want to keep on thanking you that you baptized me and also my children, and now grandchildren. Truly we have the one hope and it makes me so happy it moves me to tears that this hope transforms my family.
Sis. Raisa

My health is still very bad, little things seem very big for me. I felt blessed by God to be able to celebrate another birthday, my daughter came to see me for it. I read the Bible more than ever before and the words all seem written just for me.
Sis. Tamara

I enjoy working on producing the Zvezda magazine. Always there are some things to work on, type or edit.
Bro. Andrej

I returned from my visit to Ukraine with our new Brother Shurik, who stayed with me a week. We had a wonderful time reading the Bible and discussing spiritual matters for a week, we also had good fellowship with Brother Oleg, it was a true spiritual Summer holiday for me.
Bro. Boris

We here in our ecclesia really enjoy the exhortations we are emailed from Brother Duncan, we discuss them here each week and try to remain strong in faith.
Sis. Vera

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