news from latvia

We’re delighted to report the baptisms of the following deaf folk: DIANA, JANIS and MARYTE; and also ULDIS, OLGA and RUSLAN. May the Lord bless them in their somewhat isolated walk to His Kingdom.

Photo: Bro Marcus with Sisters at Riga tea party, Latvian Summer Bible School

This three-day residential Bible School enabled some fifty Brethren and Sisters to enjoy fellowship together and to study and discuss a wide range of topics at the Jurmala University. In order to keep costs down Sis Cindy undertook to organize the self-catering with a number of other helpers.

Photos: some of the brethren and Sisters.

Below; the lecture theatre and literature table.

Above; Preparing for breakfast.

Below; enjoying a meal at the Latvian Bible School.

Things are hard for me as my mother has died and I find myself constantly in tears. I am praying so much, God is my only refuge. I just believe more than ever that truly there is a God and that He has led me, through you, to the right understanding of Him.
Bro Andrej

I send greetings to all brothers and sisters. I am very depressed and suffering at this time, but I decided to make this effort to greet you all and say I love you all in Jesus Christ.
Bro. Ruslan

I see more and more that it is how we live our lives, rather than our understanding of theories within our brains, which is what God is especially eager to watch and reward. Also, I’ve been thinking that God loves it when we show initiative in loving and serving Him.
Bro. Janis

Here it is hard for me because my former friends from the JW organization are calling me an abomination and spreading such stories against me, as I am now telling more people about true doctrine. I miss you all, and feel lonely here.
Sis. Sarmite

My son Roman is now working in Cyprus and I am very worried for him, please pray for him.
Sis. Anna

As you know I can’t move anywhere beyond my room. I am still able to read my large print Bible, I read the chapters from the Companion three times each day, because I am so forgetful and it worries me that I can’t remember what I’ve read. I want to thank Sister Cindy for coming to see me so regularly and faithfully and caring for my health.
Sis. Aleksandra

I ask for your prayers as I am really not feeling well, and I need to be very fit to do my work as it involves heavy lifting. On one hand we must preserve our health, so we can serve God more, but on the other, we also have to provide for our families, so please pray for me.
Sis. Anita

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