news from south africa

Photo: Candu Ecclesia S.A. 

Photo: Candu hall nearing completion

We are happy to announce the baptism of Sis NOKUTULA MLIBALI who lives in a district with the unlikely name of Collywobbles. There is another Sister nearby, Andiswa Menge, who introduced her to us. They have been talking to others in the area and classes have been held there. She will officially be a member of the Candu meeting. One can see the Candu village from Collywobbles, but a round trip by road is more than 60km.

Work on our meeting room has progressed well and we hope to start meeting there in the near future. The Sisters in the ecclesia have also started a pre-school creche with 23 attending.
Bro Norman Durk

My holiday ended last Sunday when I left the Eastern Cape Province of the Republic of South Africa where I went soon after attending the Summer Bible School in Kwazulu, Natal Province. The work there is so encouraging seeing the response of the people. We visited three areas and signed up about 180 new contacts for the correspondence course. We visited three other areas where we have contacts and conducted a series of seminars. I left Bro Norman Durk there until April when he returns to the UK for his trip to Georgia. I am very much moved by his work. God willing I am planning to go to Malawi very soon for a series of Seminars. I will feed you back upon my return.
Bro Emmanuel Mphambo.

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