news from trinidad

We have not commented upon our Bro. George Constantine’s position for some time. Now and then it looks as though the situation will be resolved and his sentence to death repealed; then things go the other way and look very gloomy. Under the Divine providence, Bro. Sam and Bro. & Sis. Colin Badger have negotiated for an experienced lawyer to defend our Brother in legal matters. For George, it is very much a ‘cat and mouse’ situation, but in spite of the difficulties and frustration, his faith is strong. He writes, “…so I will just have to be patient for a while longer, maybe a long while, keeping my trust in our Father above”.

The Authorities are faced with a high number of violent crime and murder cases and believe this could be reduced by the enforcement of the death penalty. The country also has severe economic problems resulting in lack of prison staff. George does not complain, indeed he speaks highly of the staff in their most difficult circumstances: “I have been keeping okay, thanks to our Heavenly Father. Our prison is somewhat tense; recently an officer (guard) discovered some bathroom vent bars cut in one death-row division, showing that an escape had been planned. Subsequent searches found a length of rope in another division, knives in a third and then a prisoner in the general population section slashed an officer in his face with a razor blade. These incidents have caused life to be somewhat uncomfortable for the rest of us, as they have been carrying out daily searches of the cells, sometimes twice daily. Some inmates have been shifted around, and we are not being let outside in the yard. Also, many times one officer worked alone instead of the required two in each death-row division, to facilitate us, due to the prison being short-staffed. But realising that an officer would very likely have been assaulted if an escape had been attempted, they are no longer taking chances working alone, so our bathing time has been reduced”.

As well as remembering George in our prayers, let us not forget to pray for the prison staff that they will handle him gently in spite of their difficult and potentially hazardous duties. MH

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